Nearly one year after Iceland resumed commercial whaling, the country has decided to not issue new whale hunting quotas until market demand increases and gets an export license from Japan.
“Iceland’s fisheries minister, Einar K. Guofinnsson, told Reuters this week it made no sense to issue new quotas when the present quota period expires on August 31 if the market for whale meat was not strong enough.
“The whaling industry, like any other industry, has to obey the market. If there is no profitability there is no foundation for resuming with the killing of whales,” he said.”
Iceland has only killed 7 minke whales and 7 fin whales in the commercial hunt out of a quota of 30 minkes and 9 fin whales due to low market demand.
Stefan Asmundsson, an official at the Ministry of Fisheries , stated that negotiations with Japan were ongoing.
“We are talking to the Japanese government but so far we have not reached a conclusion on how best to secure the health and quality of the products,” he said. “Hopefully this will clear up soon as the uncertainty is not good for anybody.”
According to Icelandic authorities much is about food safety and Greenpeace stated on its website “ that whalers have not made the whale test results public.”
Whalers are very unhappy with the Governments decision to not issue out new whaling quotas and the Icelancic Minke Whalers Association’s Head made the comment : “ How are we supposed to find markets if we don’t have a product? “.
It must also be pointed out that Iceland will continue with its scientific whaling program.
This unwillingness from Japan’s side to not buy North Atlanic whales , probably due to contamination, makes one wonder if this is one of the reasons why Japan , according to a recent statement from officials in the African state, San Tome, wants to open up commercial whaling there?
“Japan has presented proposals to Sao Tome’s fisheries authorities aimed to open the archipelago’s territorial waters to Japanese commercial whaling,” officials said.
Sao Tome’s fisheries’ minister, Cristina Dias, said Wednesday that she considered the Japanese proposals “interesting”, noting that before Sao Tome gives approval for this type of fishing it would carry out economic and environmental studies and also sign up to an international convention on whaling.”
“Besides discussing financial compensation for whale fishing in its waters, Sao Tome would also discuss job creation prospects related to the whaling proposals with the Japanese authorities,” added the minister
“Japan made US$ 6.9 million available to Sao Tome less than a month ago for fisheries development as part of Tokyo’s bilateral cooperation with the islands.”
Anti whaling nations often accuse Japan of “vote-buying” and taking advantage of the vulnerability of small developing states to consolidate its position within the International Whaling Commission ( IWC).
Ann Novek
Unfortunately , the whale eaters , David and George are unable to reach for a comment on this issue as they are travelling right now.
For some people it might be strange that Japan doesn’t buy whale meat from Iceland , as this would probably help the international whaling lobby.
The main reasons seem to be as mentioned previously:
1) Japanese whalers don’t want any competition from other whalers
2) The North Atlantic whales might be too contaminated. Have no clues about contaminated African whales, but probably they are less toxic as the toxins bioaccumulate in the northern hemisphere.
Article in Iceland Review on the issue:
Things are more complicated than at the first glance.
Problems seem to be about the Japanese market .
The Minister of Fisheries stated as well ” that the meat from the 7 minkes caught sold well on the local market”.
Iceland also resumed whaling for so called scientific reasons in 2003 setting a quota of 200 minke whales.
Only six more minkes can be harpooned under this self-allocated quota.
I read as well that another 2 minkes were killed and landed yesterday in Iceland.
” Still demand for whale meat in Japan” – Glenn Inwood, ICR
“However, whilst we are cautiously optimistic that this may be the beginning of the end for Icelandic whaling, WDCS believes that the fight is far from over. Iceland is keen to reopen trade in whale meat with Japan. This announcement from the Fisheries Minister may be a move to pressure Japan into reopening international trade in order to keep both the whaling industry alive and diplomatic relations on whaling between the two countries buoyant” – WDCS
Hi Ann,
Thanks for the summary. Looking forward to further developments 🙂
“If I was Chris Carter, I wouldn’t get too excited.” — Glenn Inwood
Wild speculations among whalers in Northern Norway.
According to paper Fiskeribladet, locals and whalers are seriously speculating that extreme anti whalers have sunk the whaling boat ” William Senior” docked in Svalvaer harbour.
They say this incident is similar to the ” Nybraene” case back in 1992 , when Sea Shepherd sank the whaling ship.
The whaling ship was docked without any problems but started to leak very fast and sank to the bottom of the harbour. It is leaking oil.
The whalers seem quite convinced that anti whalers are in action but hope that a Coast Guard investigation will make everything clear.
It will be interesting to see if Sea Shepherd writes anything about this case on its website!
A quicky as I´m on a turnaround ..
Got the numbers wrong but the gist right :O)
“Here´s a bet for you Patrick .. a 50 UK pounds donation to Amnesty international ( or local branch of AI ) that Iceland will take 30 minke whales and 9 Fin whales under the current commercial Licence and that no further commercial License will be Issued to take any further Fin whales by Iceland … ( reciept from the eventual bet loser to be scanned and mailed as a Jpg to Jennifer, to be posted in a new thread in either August or September 2007 )”
Was the initial bet –
“Here´s a 50 UK pounds bet for you George ..
25 UK pounds donation to Greenpeace International and 25 UK pounds donation to The Shark Trust, that Iceland will take up to 30 minke whales and 9 Fin whales under the current commercial licence and that a further commercial license will be issued to take Fin and minke whales by Iceland … ( receipts from the eventual bet loser to be scanned and mailed as Jpgs to Jennifer, to be posted in a new thread in either August or September 2007 ”
Was the reply :o)
Guess you lost then Patrick huh?
Darth McDisingenuous,
You really are an incorrigible old rogue… you know perfectly well that you refused to take my bet and that I did not accept yours –
‘A quick comment before I hit the sack Patrick :
So I take it that you Do not want to make the bet?
I made the original bet – Amnesty international .. take it or leave it ..’
Posted by: George McC at October 24, 2006 08:12 AM
Iceland only took 7 Fin whales, which as you admit means you got the numbers wrong… so you did not win even if I had taken the bet, blathering on about the ‘gist’ does not impress the bookies… :o)
Nevertheless holding to the spirit of the challenge, if you send a confirmed Jpg/pdf of your £25 donation to Amnesty International to Jen, I will match it with a £25 donation to the Shark Trust Jpg/pdf.
Unless of course you have waited until this thread was off the ‘front page’ in order to weasel out of a contribution to Amnesty?….. :o)
You were wrong Patrick :O)
so in the words of a famous old codger pfffffffft ;op
Weasel!… although that is a slur on mustelids.
” Weasel!… although that is a slur on mustelids.”
Pot.Kettle.Black ….. and you were still wrong ;op
‘Fess up Scrooge boy, your wallet still contains bank notes with King George VI’s face on them…. :o)
” ‘Fess up Scrooge boy, your wallet still contains bank notes with King George VI’s face on them…. :o)”
Common ailments with folk like Patrick Batty readers :
1.Inabilty to ackknowledge they were wrong.
2.Continual Ad hominem behaviour to try and disguise the fact that they were wrong.
and you were still wrong ;op
Common ailments with folk like Darth McDisingenuous readers :
1.Inabilty to ackknowledge they were wrong.
2.Continual Ad hominem behaviour to try and disguise the fact that they were wrong.
3. Attempting to rejig a bet as having got the ‘gist’ right in order to weasel out of paying the humanitarian NGO they thought made them look good to namecheck when they first offered the bet.
4. Not supplying all the information from an old thread in a vain attempt to mislead readers that a bet had been accepted when it hadn’t.
Georgie since the first part of our offered bets were identical… if you got the ‘gist’ right then so did I…. and since it is Iceland’s stated intent to resume issuing licences for Fin whales as soon as the terms of the Japanese market can be agreed and to continue whaling Minkes anyway, then I got the date wrong but the ‘gist’ right, which means even if I had accepted your original bet, according to your new ‘gist’ rules you still lose… ;op
Pay up McScrooge….. :o)
You forgot
5. Attempts to ignore that you said the licence would be renewed – it was not renewed, citing lack of a market … remember Pat? the ( FILL IN ALARMIST FACTOID )market?
and you are still wrong ;p
Just in case you forgot, here´s some questions from the distant past :
“Lets see .. according to the NGO´s the markets for whale meat are saturated in Norway, Iceland and Japan with stockpiles piling up in warehouses… So according to the NGO´s – the market is saturated and nobody wants to buy whale meat …
SO where is your alledged market? where are they going to sell your alledged smuggled products? In Japan? where the market is already saturated according to the NGO´s? ”
Feel free to answer them anytime Patrick :op
Regarding the bet patrick, did you accept it?
you never answered this :
” So I take it that you Do not want to make the bet? I made the original bet – Amnesty international .. take it or leave it ..”
So no bet Patrick – your choice back then – so you saved your self 50 quid boyo … miserable attempt to portray yourself otherwise though…
Regarding 4.
“4. Not supplying all the information from an old thread in a vain attempt to mislead readers that a bet had been accepted when it hadn’t.”
Here´s the thread ( all 131 comments )
Very illuminating Pat – I noticed that you still have´nt answered many questions boyo … what was the word you used? Weasel was it?
Regarding 3.
” 3. Attempting to rejig a bet as having got the ‘gist’ right in order to weasel out of paying the humanitarian NGO they thought made them look good to namecheck when they first offered the bet.”
The “Gist” Patrick was that I said Iceland would not issue another licence – you said they would – readers can of course read the complete other thread and decide who´s the weasel here boyo
and you were wrong ;op
I´m off to sea :)cya in October folks 😉
Georgie finally admits that I never took the bet after a transparent opening gambit of deliberate selective quoting from an old thread in a vain attempt to imply I did:
‘So no bet Patrick – your choice back then’ – George
Since you specifically agree I never accepted the bet, the question readers will be asking was why did you initially attempt to suggest I had?…
Especially when you already knew you had incorrectly forecast the number of Fin whales taken in your initial bet offer, thereby immediately losing the bet anyway….
You had declined my bet, so whether I had correctly forecast the date of when the next Icelandic fin whale quota will be issued was irrelevant, re-enforced by your very own ‘gist’ gambit…. and you completely forgot to fulminate against Sea Shepherd… you are getting slapdash boyo… :o)
‘SO where is your alledged market?’ – George
‘Stefan Asmundsson, an official at the Ministry of Fisheries , stated that negotiations with Japan were ongoing.’ – Reuters, Fri Aug 24, 2007.
Cya boyo… :o)
It seems Patty now favours the assertions of the Icelanders over those of the anti-whaling NGOs and Chris Carter 🙂
D@T and Georgie are just upset that no-one has leapt on this thread to say what wonderful news that Iceland currently does not intend issuing a fin whale quota (a new quota will be issued immediately if a deal can be struck with Japan, so not that much of a surprise really), thereby depriving them of an extended rant about how its only suspended, it doesn’t really mean anything, greenies don’t understand economics, etc, etc etc… naturally the Sith Lords are now feeling rather deflated… still its nice to know they have both been missing me… :o)
Muddy waters here re the Icelandic commercial whale hunting.
It’s NOT only about Fin whales , they don’t issue permits for both Fin whales and minkes.
We will look forward how the whale hunting will continue.
The scientific hunt closed 4th September, and as far as I have understod now all 200 minkes have been killed.
” “If I was Chris Carter, I wouldn’t get too excited.” — Glenn Inwood ” – David
The ” analysis” I personally would make on the whole ” Icelandic whale exporting market to Japan” is that there will be no business with Japan.
Methinks it’s a deja vu as in Norway. Whalers are talking and hoping for an export market, but as Rune has stated in an interview , the Japanese whalers don’t want any competition and price dumping.
‘SO where is your alledged market?’ – George
Statement from Greenpeace Norway:
“Whalers have been stopped by economic interest because there is no market for whale meat in Norway or elsewhere. Even if they could catch more … they chose not to,” said Truls Gulowsen, manager of Greenpeace Norway”
Lamna is just a troll that must argue about everything even if proved wrong on countless occasions…
Now heading out to sea On a ship called G.O. Sars on an ecosystem survey of the Barents sea – but have a slow internet hookup 🙂
” D@T and Georgie are just upset that no-one has leapt on this thread to say what wonderful news that Iceland currently does not intend issuing a fin whale quota ”
Duh .. What did I write in 2006?
“that Iceland will take 30 minke whales and 9 Fin whales under the current commercial Licence and that no further commercial License will be Issued to take any further Fin whales by Iceland …”
Dble duh ..
PB :
“thereby depriving them of an extended rant about how its only suspended, it doesn’t really mean anything, greenies don’t understand economics, etc, etc etc… ”
Only one ranting here as usual is yourself Patty … but hey be my guest. Though It would be amusing for you to explain to readers how that; when i predicted no further licences for 2007-8 back in 2006, I should rant about anything … No Patty, as usual, it´s just another pathetic attempt from you to attribute thoughts and statements as to what YOU think to myself or david … typical smear tactic from scum like yourself but hey, what else is new?
“still its nice to know they have both been missing me… :o)”
Don´t flatter yourself, I would´nt pee on you if you were on fire :O)
Hi George,
So you missed the blue whales that were sighted by your colleagues south of Svalbard…
Check pics:
According to the article there are about 3000 blue whales in northern waters and even if Svalbard/ Spitsbergen is an old whaling site , people who have been sailing for over 30 years have never encountered blue whales…
This whale on the pic , swam around the research vessel for about one hour.
Hei anne…
Actually we spotted them at the start of last week – same area … I was toddling around east / west svalbard waters for a couple of weeks – I have a few hundred shots of them 🙂
“We will look forward how the whale hunting will continue.”
Lovely sentiment. I’m sure the whales will be too.
My Lamna you seem to be copping lovely sentiments too! There’s a song by The Jam that may be apt.
An ecosystem survey George? Lethal or non?
” “We will look forward how the whale hunting will continue.” – Ann
Libby, methinks you have really misinterpreted my statement as my English is quite poor…
What I meant with this statement was that I have no clue if whaling , both commercial and scientific whaling will continue…
Don’t read to much into my statements in English 😉 !
Hey Libs..
In Norwegian
These are multi-ship surveys of the barents sea with 3 norwegian and 2-3 russian boats…. they´ve been running every year for a few years now .
Ecosystem survey as they look at bottom sediments ( grab samples ), plankton sampling via MOCNESS & HOV, fish populations via sample trawls, acoustic fish monitoring etc, water column sampling, radiation monitoring, genetics via samples, current studies etc etc etc etc. There are also MMO and bird observers onboard – hence yours truly
“An ecosystem survey George? Lethal or non? ”
For whales? Non-lethal.. I have´nt been on any lethal whale surveys – or been involved with lethal sampling of marine mammals – ever – fish and plankton caught on via MOCNESS/ HOV – Trawls don´t survive tho..
Here´s the ship here ( in english )
“Don’t read to much into my statements in English 😉 !”
That’s a worry Ann, they’re all I’ve got to go on! You’re English is pretty good, and given you can speak a number of languages, who am I to pass comment?
“There are also MMO and bird observers onboard – hence yours truly”
How are your sea bird ID skills George? BTW, my lethal question was tongue in cheek.
“How are your sea bird ID skills George?”
Fair to middling fo the Arctic on this side of the pond 🙂 – the observer we have onboard is a specialist from NINA ..( who was actually in Oz for 3 months recently on a wren project funnily enough )
“BTW, my lethal question was tongue in cheek.”
Thought it might be :O) but then again, there´s so much Sh*t smearing from a certain pissant that i´d make it perfectly clear.. no reflection on you Libs of course 😉
As I’m quite keen on birds I found George comment interesting.
Swedish ornithologist are often arranging trips to watch sea birds around the world.
As they do this they sight whales very often and have composed a site on their bird watching website on which whales they have encountered on their tours.
For example they have spotted Southern bottlenose whales that are not sighted very often.
BTW, the Norwegian Ornithologist site describes killer whales preying on gulls and long tailed ducks….or is it eiders?
Do you know what aerefugler are? Anyway , killer whales have been observed to attack them…
What did George write in 2006? –
“that Iceland will take 30 minke whales and 9 Fin whales under the current commercial Licence and that no further commercial License will be Issued to take any further Fin whales by Iceland …”
No matter how many times George repeats his bet details, the facts do not change.. he got the figures wrong…
How many Minke whales were actually taken –
7 (Reuters)
Duh ..
How many Fin whales were actually taken –
7 (Reuters)
Dble duh ..
And of course there is the small problem that as George admits, I didnt accept the bet –
‘So no bet Patrick – your choice back then’ – George
Duh and double duh ..
‘My Lamna you seem to be copping lovely sentiments too!’ – Libby
Hi Libby, fear not, if I spotted Georgie aflame in the street, I would of course put personal differences aside and render immediate humanitarian aid by unzipping to put out the conflagration….. :o)
Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwn ..
“What did George write in 2006? –
“that Iceland will take 30 minke whales and 9 Fin whales under the current commercial Licence and that no further commercial License will be Issued to take any further Fin whales by Iceland …”
No matter how many times George repeats his bet details, the facts do not change.. he got the figures wrong… ”
Yup, I got the figures wrong – 7 fins out of a possible nine and 7 minkies out of a possible 30 … pffft and I got the fact that no further commercial licence would be issued right..
So, I bet 50 pounds to be donated to a humanitarian Organisation ( Amnesty Intenational ) with patty here that those figures would be right and that no further commercial license would be issued – that was what I believed and predicted..
Patty refused the bet ( BAwk Bawk Bawk ) came back with a weasely UP TO 30 minkies and 9 fins ( to CYA ) and said the commercial license would be re-issued -( it was´nt ) ho hum…
” Hi Libby, fear not, if I spotted Georgie aflame in the street, I would of course put personal differences aside and render immediate humanitarian aid by unzipping to put out the conflagration….. :o)”
I would´nt pee on ANY burning Sea shepherd supporter.. .. Humanitarian? Ummm did´nt you refuse a bet which would have benifited a humanitarian organisation if you won?
.. very humanitarian Patty … yeah right…
Hei Anne 🙂
Norwegain Killer whales have been known to take a variety of birds, from gulls to auks and ducks – I´ve observed it myself – whether they are eating them or its hunting / play behaviour is another story though….
Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwn ..
‘that was what I believed and predicted..’ – George
What George ‘believed and predicted’ is irrelevant, it was a bet he offered, not a tarot card reading and he got it wrong which means even if I had accepted the bet… Georgie lost.
Despite the fact that neither of us accepted the other’s bet, I still offered to pay 50% of the suggested pot to one of my proposed NGOs.. all George had to do was pay the other 50% to Amnesty:
“Nevertheless holding to the spirit of the challenge, if you send a confirmed Jpg/pdf of your £25 donation to Amnesty International to Jen, I will match it with a £25 donation to the Shark Trust Jpg/pdf.’ – Lamna
George clearly never had any intention of paying out if he lost, as vividly demonstrated by the fact that he has refused to pay on the 50% differential to Amnesty International… . very humanitarian Georgie…… yeah right…
Ann and George,
We have sea birdos here too who go on regular day trips past the continental shelf and have recorded interesting cetacean sightings. I find I have to keep up my bird watching otherwise I forget all the subtle details between species. It has always amazed me how quickly bored the birdos get of marine mammal sightings and the same with mm observers and birds. A good birdo is something to behold and respect.
At least Lamna could put aside differences long enough to douse your flames George, regardless of how it’s done 🙂 Perhaps you could both do the donation thing and get a warm fuzzy feeling from having helped others out as a result of extreme dislike for each other and whale death statistics? Then again…!
Libby, I really like the word “BIRDOS”! LOL! Never heard it before…
Btw, it’s not always the easiest thing to identify sea birds, especially different kinds of gulls on a distance….
Maybe instead of a whaling thread , we could discuss sea birds? Albatrosses, long lines in the Southern Hemisphere and the danger of oil spills/ oil transfer in the Northern Hemisphere???
Keep it up Patty – Your avoidance of the oringinal Bet of 50 Quid to Amnesty international is becoming infamous – no matter how you try to twist and dodge you little weasel …
Libby, lets put it this way, if you believe a word that muppet writes on this blog then I have a bridge for sale – going cheep ;op
Not as infamous as McScrooge’s whining, twisting and dodging to weasel out of paying Amnesty…. :o)
Keep it up dipstick you´re doing just fine – if you were not such a chickensh*t Amnesty would be 50 quid better off now … but oh no, as usual Patrick Batty weasels around – a simple yes/no to the bet would have beeen fine – but an AR pissant like Patrick can´t simply accept a bet without trying to weasel … UP TO my ass
Here you go Patty – I´ll donate 50 Pounds to amnesty international ( they get more than that from me yearly anyway but wtf ) if you match it to Amnesty International UK .. no weaseling -Amnesty international or nothing
Pay up or shut up
Hej George,
Hope you’re well!
“an AR pissant like Patrick ” -George
Hmmm, personally I doubt that Patrick is an AR person …his comments on the narwhal thread showed that…he didn’t show any compassion at all with wounded animals.
I doubt that he cares about farm animals as well.
Many Greenpeace supporters are not AR people…however don’t know if he donates many to Greenpeace????
I know many AR people, they are strict vegetarians and are not always too keen on organisations as Greenpeace and WWF.
Oops ! Read : ” Don’t know if he donates MONEY to Greenpeace? ”
Georgie got the original bet wrong so he is in no position to dictate terms however his desperate last ditch attempt to hang on to his cash is duly noted….
If George sends a confirmed Jpg/pdf of £50 donation to Amnesty International to Jen, I will match it with a £50 donation to the Shark Trust Jpg/pdf.
Pay up and stop whining, twisting and dodging….if Georgie was not such a miserly weasel, Amnesty would be 50 quid better off.
And there we have it again
Patrick Batty – sleazeball and self proclaimed humanitarian – weaseling and squirming his way out of a simple bet … and then weaseling and squirming his way out of a simple 50 quid donation
ROFLMAO … I bet someone else a beer that this piece of dung would not match the 50 quid to amnesty … I even said he would use this phrase ” he is in no position to dictate terms ”
What a low life piece of dung you are Patrick Batty… humanitarian extraordinaire – denying a very good humanitarian organisation for the sake of an arguement … pay up to Amnesty you weasely sh*t or shut up
George, humanitarian extraordinaire – denying a very good humanitarian organisation for the sake of an arguement…
Georgie is all mouth and no trousers.. take the Amnesty / Shark Trust deal and stop weaseling and squirming miser boy…. :o)
Hi Libby, love that pic! :o)
Hey dipstick
“Georgie got the original bet wrong so he is in no position to dictate terms ”
Newsflash – Earth to Batty … He who makes the bet dictates the terms …
Simple one word answer Batty – Amnesty international – yes or no?
( in the interest of openess, I must admit that I´ve another bet with someone that Patty is incapable of a one word non weasel answer – he´s squirming around so much that I believe he´s trying to dissapear up his own butt )
Final chance …
Bawk Bawk Bawk 🙂
Georgie’s ridiculously overinflated ego will not let him accept any deal that suggests I win… so weasel boy:
If George sends a confirmed Jpg/pdf of £50 donation to Amnesty International to Jen, I will top it with a £75 donation to the Shark Trust Jpg/pdf.
Final chance for McScrooge to prove that he isn’t merely grandstanding and be able to boast to his mates that he ‘won’….rather than continuing to post endless weasely excuses on this thread, with absolutely NO intention of ever paying out to Amnesty…
Bawk Bawk Bawk….. pay up to Amnesty you weasel or take the shame! :o)
“Georgie’s ridiculously overinflated ego will not let him accept any deal that suggests I win… so weasel boy:”
You finally admit it – with Patty, its all about who wins or loses … I wondered if this was what he was on about and now we know 🙂
Sure Libby, putting aside differences for the sake of helping others out huh?
Newsflash -Neither of us won idiot – We both lost as neither was 100% correct… but it´s facinating and telling that you say this ” and be able to boast to his mates that he ‘won’….”
You still dont get it do you dipsh*t – it was never about “winning” it was about finding a mutual neutral organisation that would benefit from whoever had to pay up on our “bet “…
Its been facinating to watch you weasel throughout this Batty ..
My original idea was to suggest a neutral charity – Amnesty International,
I offer the bet, Patty refuses and comes back with another bet, knowing full well that I´d never donate to The yahoos at Greenpeace the shark trust ..
Fast forward one year later ..
” Here you go Patty – I´ll donate 50 Pounds to amnesty international ( they get more than that from me yearly anyway but wtf ) if you match it to Amnesty International UK .. no weaseling -Amnesty international or nothing ”
Posted by: George McC at September 8, 2007 05:54 PM
Patty´s reply .. Shark trust!
I´ve gone the extra mile Patty to suggest we both donate to Amnesty international – it being a neutral organisation that BOTH of us could support … your reply?.. no, Shark trust
Maybe you could put money in to help the Greeks after the fires, the Indians after the floods, the Peruvians after the earthquake? Those are more specific and you can supposedly see that your money goes towards these emergencies. In helping these people, you are helping their animals too, by providing food for livestock etc. What about homeless people?
I have to admit, I’m not really following who did what here, but gee I hate to see people fighting 🙂
George is being thoroughly disingenuous as usual, he did not offer Amnesty as a ‘neutral’ choice, he offered it because he knew I wouldn’t take the bet.. allowing him the opportunity to grandstand at no financial risk to himself…
RAOTFLMAO!…Georgie is now actually trying to suggest that his bet was not about winning?!… Fast forward from 2006 to 2007 –
‘Guess you lost then Patrick huh?’ – George
So McScrooge resurrected a 2006 bet he would have lost..disengenuosly tried to state that I had accepted and lost the bet and now having been comprehensively shown up as a weasely tight wad, he has been forced to fall back on his original failsafe of knowing that I would not accept paying out to a humanitarian NGO –
6,617,123,317 – World Population Clock, US Census Bureau. 09/09/07 at 08:14 GMT.
If its not about winning Georgie, why are you presenting endless disingenuous excuses in a pathetic attempt to disguise the fact that YOU are NOT currently being asked to donate to the Shark Trust, YOU are being asked to donate to Amnesty….
Congratulations for hanging on to your money McWeasel!
Hi Libby, I’m afraid it appears George has no intention of donating to anyone and I’m done with giving him the opportunity to practice endless circular sophistry on this thread.
See what I mean Libby? ..
My first choice for the bet was the highNorth Alliance – but I knew chickesh*t here would never accept the bet – hence Amnesty…
but…. interesting comment below…
“he did not offer Amnesty as a ‘neutral’ choice, he offered it because he knew I wouldn’t take the bet..”
Why would´nt you take a bet to the benefit of Amnesty Int Patty? … Tell us please – we´re ALL ears ..
How would I know that you would not accept a bet to a neutral NGO? Have you ever indicated anything remotely in the past as to your dislike of Amnesty international? Where? link to it if you ever have ´cos I´ve never seen it … on the other hand, was it in reality that you´re maybe paranoid and see ” reds ” behind every bed ? Is that why you suggest that ” I knew you would´nt take the bet ” ?
Patrick Batty, I don´t “know ” you in the slightest other from your sh*t smearing ramblings on a couple of blogs – ( and I don´t want to ” know” you either dipsh*t )
“6,617,123,317 – World Population Clock, US Census Bureau. 09/09/07 at 08:14 GMT.
huh? Do you even know what Amnesty International does dipsh*t? .. or is it that you care more about sharks than people? …
” If its not about winning Georgie, why are you presenting endless disingenuous excuses in a pathetic attempt to disguise the fact that YOU are NOT currently being asked to donate to the Shark Trust, YOU are being asked to donate to Amnesty…. ”
I suggested Amnesty all along Idiot – in addition :
” ” Here you go Patty – I´ll donate 50 Pounds to amnesty international ( they get more than that from me yearly anyway but wtf ) if you match it to Amnesty International UK .. no weaseling -Amnesty international or nothing ”
Posted by: George McC at September 8, 2007 05:54 PM ”
You have´nt asked me Jacksh*t – I´ve volunteered to donate to Amnesty all along you moron …
” circular sophistry ” ROFLMFAO … you wriggling around so much you´re in danger of dissapearing up your own ass … what a usless specimen of Dung you are Batty ..
“RAOTFLMAO!…Georgie is now actually trying to suggest that his bet was not about winning?!… Fast forward from 2006 to 2007 –
‘Guess you lost then Patrick huh?’ – George ”
Newsflash chickensh*t –
We both lost idiot – i did´nt think I needed to spell it out to such a smart ( cough ) cookie like you but hey -I was wrong !! If it was about “winning” I´d have asked you for the cash idiot .. a two year old could see that we both lost .. but no, Patty here wants it spelled out word for word .. it seems I may have overestimated his intelligence after all ( by a large amount seemingly )
“George clearly never had any intention of paying out if he lost, as vividly demonstrated by the fact that he has refused to pay on the 50% differential to Amnesty International… . very humanitarian Georgie…… yeah right…
Posted by: Lamna nasus at September 8, 2007 05:28 AM ”
” Not as infamous as McScrooge’s whining, twisting and dodging to weasel out of paying Amnesty…. :o)
Posted by: Lamna nasus at September 8, 2007 05:30 PM ”
“Pay up and stop whining, twisting and dodging….if Georgie was not such a miserly weasel, Amnesty would be 50 quid better off.
Posted by: Lamna nasus at September 8, 2007 07:19 PM”
” Final chance for McScrooge to prove that he isn’t merely grandstanding and be able to boast to his mates that he ‘won’….rather than continuing to post endless weasely excuses on this thread, with absolutely NO intention of ever paying out to Amnesty…
Bawk Bawk Bawk….. pay up to Amnesty you weasel or take the shame! :o)
Posted by: Lamna nasus at September 8, 2007 10:47 PM ”
Hey Patty you lowlife scum – you finished smearing sh*t yet? :op
See what I mean Libby? ..
My first choice for the bet was the highNorth Alliance – but I knew chickesh*t here would never accept the bet – hence Amnesty…
but…. interesting comment below…
“he did not offer Amnesty as a ‘neutral’ choice, he offered it because he knew I wouldn’t take the bet..”
Why would´nt you take a bet to the benefit of Amnesty Int Patty? … Tell us please – we´re ALL ears ..
How would I know that you would not accept a bet to a neutral NGO? Have you ever indicated anything remotely in the past as to your dislike of Amnesty international? Where? link to it if you ever have ´cos I´ve never seen it … on the other hand, was it in reality that you´re maybe paranoid and see ” reds ” behind every bed ? Is that why you suggest that ” I knew you would´nt take the bet ” ?
Patrick Batty, I don´t “know ” you in the slightest other from your sh*t smearing ramblings on a couple of blogs – ( and I don´t want to ” know” you either dipsh*t )
“6,617,123,317 – World Population Clock, US Census Bureau. 09/09/07 at 08:14 GMT.
huh? Do you even know what Amnesty International does dipsh*t? .. or is it that you care more about sharks than people? …
” If its not about winning Georgie, why are you presenting endless disingenuous excuses in a pathetic attempt to disguise the fact that YOU are NOT currently being asked to donate to the Shark Trust, YOU are being asked to donate to Amnesty…. ”
I suggested Amnesty all along Idiot – in addition :
” ” Here you go Patty – I´ll donate 50 Pounds to amnesty international ( they get more than that from me yearly anyway but wtf ) if you match it to Amnesty International UK .. no weaseling -Amnesty international or nothing ”
Posted by: George McC at September 8, 2007 05:54 PM ”
You have´nt asked me Jacksh*t – I´ve volunteered to donate to Amnesty all along you moron …
” circular sophistry ” ROFLMFAO … you wriggling around so much you´re in danger of dissapearing up your own ass … what a usless specimen of Dung you are Batty ..
“RAOTFLMAO!…Georgie is now actually trying to suggest that his bet was not about winning?!… Fast forward from 2006 to 2007 –
‘Guess you lost then Patrick huh?’ – George ”
Newsflash chickensh*t –
We both lost idiot – i did´nt think I needed to spell it out to such a smart ( cough ) cookie like you but hey -I was wrong !! If it was about “winning” I´d have asked you for the cash idiot .. a two year old could see that we both lost .. but no, Patty here wants it spelled out word for word .. it seems I may have overestimated his intelligence after all ( by a large amount seemingly )
“George clearly never had any intention of paying out if he lost, as vividly demonstrated by the fact that he has refused to pay on the 50% differential to Amnesty International… . very humanitarian Georgie…… yeah right…
Posted by: Lamna nasus at September 8, 2007 05:28 AM ”
” Not as infamous as McScrooge’s whining, twisting and dodging to weasel out of paying Amnesty…. :o)
Posted by: Lamna nasus at September 8, 2007 05:30 PM ”
“Pay up and stop whining, twisting and dodging….if Georgie was not such a miserly weasel, Amnesty would be 50 quid better off.
Posted by: Lamna nasus at September 8, 2007 07:19 PM”
” Final chance for McScrooge to prove that he isn’t merely grandstanding and be able to boast to his mates that he ‘won’….rather than continuing to post endless weasely excuses on this thread, with absolutely NO intention of ever paying out to Amnesty…
Bawk Bawk Bawk….. pay up to Amnesty you weasel or take the shame! :o)
Posted by: Lamna nasus at September 8, 2007 10:47 PM ”
Hey Patty you lowlife scum – you finished smearing sh*t yet? :op
See what I mean Libby? ..
My first choice for the bet was the highNorth Alliance – but I knew chickesh*t here would never accept the bet – hence Amnesty…
but…. interesting comment below…
“he did not offer Amnesty as a ‘neutral’ choice, he offered it because he knew I wouldn’t take the bet..”
Why would´nt you take a bet to the benefit of Amnesty Int Patty? … Tell us please – we´re ALL ears ..
How would I know that you would not accept a bet to a neutral NGO? Have you ever indicated anything remotely in the past as to your dislike of Amnesty international? Where? link to it if you ever have ´cos I´ve never seen it … on the other hand, was it in reality that you´re maybe paranoid and see ” reds ” behind every bed ? Is that why you suggest that ” I knew you would´nt take the bet ” ?
Patrick Batty, I don´t “know ” you in the slightest other from your sh*t smearing ramblings on a couple of blogs – ( and I don´t want to ” know” you either dipsh*t )
“6,617,123,317 – World Population Clock, US Census Bureau. 09/09/07 at 08:14 GMT.
huh? Do you even know what Amnesty International does dipsh*t? .. or is it that you care more about sharks than people? …
” If its not about winning Georgie, why are you presenting endless disingenuous excuses in a pathetic attempt to disguise the fact that YOU are NOT currently being asked to donate to the Shark Trust, YOU are being asked to donate to Amnesty…. ”
I suggested Amnesty all along Idiot – in addition :
” ” Here you go Patty – I´ll donate 50 Pounds to amnesty international ( they get more than that from me yearly anyway but wtf ) if you match it to Amnesty International UK .. no weaseling -Amnesty international or nothing ”
Posted by: George McC at September 8, 2007 05:54 PM ”
You have´nt asked me Jacksh*t – I´ve volunteered to donate to Amnesty all along you moron …
” circular sophistry ” ROFLMFAO … you wriggling around so much you´re in danger of dissapearing up your own ass … what a usless specimen of Dung you are Batty ..
“RAOTFLMAO!…Georgie is now actually trying to suggest that his bet was not about winning?!… Fast forward from 2006 to 2007 –
‘Guess you lost then Patrick huh?’ – George ”
Newsflash chickensh*t –
We both lost idiot – i did´nt think I needed to spell it out to such a smart ( cough ) cookie like you but hey -I was wrong !! If it was about “winning” I´d have asked you for the cash idiot .. a two year old could see that we both lost .. but no, Patty here wants it spelled out word for word .. it seems I may have overestimated his intelligence after all ( by a large amount seemingly )
“George clearly never had any intention of paying out if he lost, as vividly demonstrated by the fact that he has refused to pay on the 50% differential to Amnesty International… . very humanitarian Georgie…… yeah right…
Posted by: Lamna nasus at September 8, 2007 05:28 AM ”
” Not as infamous as McScrooge’s whining, twisting and dodging to weasel out of paying Amnesty…. :o)
Posted by: Lamna nasus at September 8, 2007 05:30 PM ”
“Pay up and stop whining, twisting and dodging….if Georgie was not such a miserly weasel, Amnesty would be 50 quid better off.
Posted by: Lamna nasus at September 8, 2007 07:19 PM”
” Final chance for McScrooge to prove that he isn’t merely grandstanding and be able to boast to his mates that he ‘won’….rather than continuing to post endless weasely excuses on this thread, with absolutely NO intention of ever paying out to Amnesty…
Bawk Bawk Bawk….. pay up to Amnesty you weasel or take the shame! :o)
Posted by: Lamna nasus at September 8, 2007 10:47 PM ”
Hey Patty you lowlife scum – you finished smearing sh*t yet? :op
See what I mean Libby? ..
My first choice for the bet was the highNorth Alliance – but I knew chickesh*t here would never accept the bet – hence Amnesty…
but…. interesting comment below…
“he did not offer Amnesty as a ‘neutral’ choice, he offered it because he knew I wouldn’t take the bet..”
Why would´nt you take a bet to the benefit of Amnesty Int Patty? … Tell us please – we´re ALL ears ..
How would I know that you would not accept a bet to a neutral NGO? Have you ever indicated anything remotely in the past as to your dislike of Amnesty international? Where? link to it if you ever have ´cos I´ve never seen it … on the other hand, was it in reality that you´re maybe paranoid and see ” reds ” behind every bed ? Is that why you suggest that ” I knew you would´nt take the bet ” ?
Patrick Batty, I don´t “know ” you in the slightest other from your sh*t smearing ramblings on a couple of blogs – ( and I don´t want to ” know” you either dipsh*t )
“6,617,123,317 – World Population Clock, US Census Bureau. 09/09/07 at 08:14 GMT.
huh? Do you even know what Amnesty International does dipsh*t? .. or is it that you care more about sharks than people? …
” If its not about winning Georgie, why are you presenting endless disingenuous excuses in a pathetic attempt to disguise the fact that YOU are NOT currently being asked to donate to the Shark Trust, YOU are being asked to donate to Amnesty…. ”
I suggested Amnesty all along Idiot – in addition :
” ” Here you go Patty – I´ll donate 50 Pounds to amnesty international ( they get more than that from me yearly anyway but wtf ) if you match it to Amnesty International UK .. no weaseling -Amnesty international or nothing ”
Posted by: George McC at September 8, 2007 05:54 PM ”
You have´nt asked me Jacksh*t – I´ve volunteered to donate to Amnesty all along you moron …
” circular sophistry ” ROFLMFAO … you wriggling around so much you´re in danger of dissapearing up your own ass … what a usless specimen of Dung you are Batty ..
“RAOTFLMAO!…Georgie is now actually trying to suggest that his bet was not about winning?!… Fast forward from 2006 to 2007 –
‘Guess you lost then Patrick huh?’ – George ”
Newsflash chickensh*t –
We both lost idiot – i did´nt think I needed to spell it out to such a smart ( cough ) cookie like you but hey -I was wrong !! If it was about “winning” I´d have asked you for the cash idiot .. a two year old could see that we both lost .. but no, Patty here wants it spelled out word for word .. it seems I may have overestimated his intelligence after all ( by a large amount seemingly )
“George clearly never had any intention of paying out if he lost, as vividly demonstrated by the fact that he has refused to pay on the 50% differential to Amnesty International… . very humanitarian Georgie…… yeah right…
Posted by: Lamna nasus at September 8, 2007 05:28 AM ”
” Not as infamous as McScrooge’s whining, twisting and dodging to weasel out of paying Amnesty…. :o)
Posted by: Lamna nasus at September 8, 2007 05:30 PM ”
“Pay up and stop whining, twisting and dodging….if Georgie was not such a miserly weasel, Amnesty would be 50 quid better off.
Posted by: Lamna nasus at September 8, 2007 07:19 PM”
” Final chance for McScrooge to prove that he isn’t merely grandstanding and be able to boast to his mates that he ‘won’….rather than continuing to post endless weasely excuses on this thread, with absolutely NO intention of ever paying out to Amnesty…
Bawk Bawk Bawk….. pay up to Amnesty you weasel or take the shame! :o)
Posted by: Lamna nasus at September 8, 2007 10:47 PM ”
Hey Patty you lowlife scum – you finished smearing sh*t yet? :op
Oops …
Multiple post – please delete the copies jen i´m on a sat line and it keeps timing out when posting
A compromise solution for George and Lamna:
As Lamna doesn’t want to donate money to any humanitarian NGO and George not to any animal organisation , the best solution is :
Donate money and support teddy bear hospital !
In Norway medical studebts dedicated one day to aid children’s teddy bears !!!!Check out images…