This reminds me of a satirical headline that I saw regarding the bridge over the Mississippi River that collapsed recently.
“Bridge falls…Women and Minorities Hit Hardest”
When the United Nations concluded a two-day debate Thursday on the potential devastation from climate change, it covered a lot of territory: deforestation, desertification, greenhouse gases, renewable energy sources, biofuels and sustainable development.
But one thing the debate lacked, June Zeitlin executive director of the New York-based Women’s Environment and Development Organisation (WEDO) told IPS, was a gender perspective.
“Women and children are 14 times more likely to die than men are during a disaster,” she said.
It has been established that women have a core temperature 0.4 degrees higher than mens’.
It follows that women will suffer more from the effects of catastrophic global warming.
This fact, it itself, may be confirmation of global warming, as it is well known that women are far more sensitive to their environment than men.
Was that actually “satirical” media coverage?
Some people take themselves and their causes so seriously that it looks like satire, but isn’t.
And some journalists are gullible (or biased) enough to make the freaky seem normal.