If you were planning a pulp mill there could hardly be a better spot [than the Tamar Valley in Tasmania]. What’s more, the area is so settled that only an idiot, or someone who hadn’t even bothered with the minimum of research, could call it “pristine”…
Read the full blog post here which shows that the proposed site for the pulp mill in Tasmania is next to an established aluminium smelter in the supposedly pristine Tamar valley: http://ambit-gambit.nationalforum.com.au/archives/002259.html
And BHPB’s big manganese industrial plant is there as well. I guess when you are a multi-millionaire from the top side of Bass Straight, you don’t have to know any geography, just how to write cheques to advertise ones name in the newspaper.
You forget, to a bombed out drop kick from Glebe, the Tamar valley IS pristine. Pristine to an urban green is any piece of pavement without a vomit or spent condom on it.
Ambit Gambit: “My cue that the Tamar Valley is not “pristine” came when Fran Kelly put the proposition to Premier Paul Lennon. He snorted, told her to do her homework, and pointed out that the proposed pulp mill would be built next to Rio Tinto’s aluminium smelter”
Graham Young: Thanks for the Google Earth link as it kept me busy for an hour or so mentally updating the river survey in my 1976 1/100k Tamar topographical map.
A curious anomaly stands out. The actual pulp mill site is designated as a SANTUARY
Liberal party trying to wedge Labor on Forestry.
That’s how I see it, outsider of the Libs making the running as far as I can see.
Turnbull should have approved it instead of playing polliwaffle.
Looks like a dieing government on another wedge to me.
Sorry for not responding sooner, been checking out a good bloke at on line opinion site that has been accused of in-breeding due to a Moustache and the exposure of a few home truths.
These pictures of the Tamar just keep on appearing, the Age had a misty shot at http://www.theage.com.au/news/business/pulp-friction-over-gunns-15bn-mill-proposal/2007/08/28/1188067111228.html , so too the ABC 730 report with its 28 August report you can check the video at http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2007/s2017845.htm and then there was Sixty minutes and its claim the mill will be built in classic Tassie wilderness.
Motty has a real way with words, but I hoped it’s not copied and pasted by a certain fiction writer (see yet another spot on this blog).
I wonder if the self appointed crusader for media standards “Media Watch” will spot the pattern!
Perhaps you should “out” yourself cinders.
Everything you ever wanted to know about Cinders/Alan Ashbarry: http://www.jennifermarohasy.com/blog/archives/001252.html