THE World Wide Fund for Nature’s ‘Save the Reef’ Campaign was launched on 6th June 2001, which was World Environment Day that year. There was no forewarning. I woke-up that morning to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation explaining how many … [Read more...] about The Prince and His Dump Trucks
No Mud on My Barnacles
I lived for three years, from 2009 to 2012, in a delightful house just up from Lammermoor Beach with a view across to Great Keppel Island. Lammermoor Beach is part of the Mackay/Capricorn Management Area of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. … [Read more...] about No Mud on My Barnacles
Peter Ridd Versus the Clowns of Reef Science
THERE is science, and then there is activism in the name of science. How can we tell them apart: the activism versus the real science – and does it matter? Some would argue that activism is more important than science, to ensure the protection of … [Read more...] about Peter Ridd Versus the Clowns of Reef Science
Can Universities Lawfully Bully Academics into Silence?
Dr Peter Ridd has taken James Cook University to court protesting his sacking for what he says is, primarily, speaking-out about the lack of quality assurance in Great Barrier Reef science. Dr Ridd spoke out initially about there being no … [Read more...] about Can Universities Lawfully Bully Academics into Silence?
University Professor Sacked for Telling-the-Truth
BACK in 2016, when I asked Peter Ridd if he would write a chapter for the book I was editing I could not possibly have envisaged it could contribute to the end of his thirty-year career as a university professor. Considering that Peter enrolled at … [Read more...] about University Professor Sacked for Telling-the-Truth
Guilty of Agreeing to Meet with Scott Pruitt
SCOTT Pruitt heads the US Environmental Protection Agency. Last year he was planning to visit Australia, and the proposed agenda did include a two-hour roundtable with me and colleagues from three Australian universities. Some of this is … [Read more...] about Guilty of Agreeing to Meet with Scott Pruitt