Steve Fielding, in just one trip to Washington, has discovered what he does not know about global warming … Fielding’s finding is of historic proportion. He has returned with a series of serious questions about the Rudd Government’s agenda that go to the heart of the most important piece of legislation… Read more here.
Now I suppose we will be treated to another standard Australian Tall Poppy decapitation of Steve Fielding by the usual suspects here.
The EU elections have proven that the AGW vote is a bummer at best with labour forced into third place behind an AGW sceptics party.
If Fielding holds out he will guarantee his senate seat after the next election, I live in Victoria and will make sure he gets my vote providing he keeps his nerve.
At least 40% of the populace are sceptical of this AGW nonsense and when jobs are threatened and energy costs start to bite that figure will only rise further.
This must be directed at the journalists, like Piers Akerman, who have never investigated it and have swallowed AGW hook line and sinker. Yes Piers – you are one of the spinmeisters you mention.
Piers Akerman swallowed the AGW hook line and sinker? I thought Piers was a sceptic.
All politicians should look at renewable power sources, we are in a great position in a country such as Australia to be able to provide extremely accessible cheap power, without creating unemployment. We do not have to be tied to fossil fuels to employ Australians in other cleaner occupations. Let’s hear some commonsense and stop sniping about whether global warming is happening, get on with the issue and rid ourselves of our dependence on fuels that have a finite life, we all understand the implications of peak oil. Arguing about climate change is just muddying the waters, and giving governments the chance to ‘ramp up’ a new tax while allowing industries to continue to pollute . . . in exactly the same manner as they are allowed to pollute under so-called ‘environmental protection’ legislation.
Steve Fielding is the only politicion we have with guts,he checks both sides of a debate and makes his mind up on the facts. Climate change legislation is only the tip of the iceburg, Kevin Rudd must be stopped from signing the treaty at copenhagen as it stripps soverign nations of their rights and hands our rights and freedoms to an unelected U.N. one world government which will have control over our industries, our lifestyles and our finances with no chance of getting out. Look up Lord Monckton on youtube, there he has also posted a link to the 200 page un-fccc-copenhagen-2009 treaty document so you can read it yourself. Thank God we have Steve fielding.