As a result of the recent budget, the Rudd government will be spending $2.3 billion over five years to “tackle climate change by reducing emissions, adapting to change and helping Australia play a leadership role.”
An Australian climate realist recently remarked, “This represents a huge pitch by Kevin Rudd for the youth and environmental vote, and helps explain why our new government has determinedly resisted listening to any alternative, wiser voices on the issue of global warming.
Penny Wong’s new ministry (of Climate) is reputed to already have 124 staff, and that’s on top of an already established federal dept. of the environment, a national greenhouse office that gets a few hundred million dollars a year, eight states and territories with both DOEs and GOs, and several major university-CSIRO research centres. The cost of maintaining such an army of bureaucrats and (by Australian standards) regiment of scientists must be in the region of $2 billion, to which treasurer Swan is now adding another couple of billion.
The resulting Australian figure of $4 billion annually is similar to what USA is estimated to spend on greenhouse R&D each year (though the US figure probably doesn’t include all their climate bureaucracy). On a per capita basis, as for sport, Australia now appears to be ‘punching above our weight’.”
I think it’s worth posting the graphic below again:
Borrowing the phrase often attributed to UK Aussie Rolf Harris, ” Can you tell what it is yet!?”
It is very dangerous being a climate sceptic when government is committed to climate alarmism.
The budget is a big Venn diagram read it and stop politics, look at the numbers and not headlines.
You see global warming discussed, where. They will continue a couple of dumb programs for a while. The evironment is small numbers
Get out of cloisters. 1/3 of f all on warming and burying CO2, water and a lot of stuff that needs to be done.
Use a Venn diagram on the whole budget and keep some perspective, pretty usefull scientific analysis, you think they dont talk to each other the whole team.
Wiser? No, the CSIRO scientists are wiser.
CSIRO scientists wiser?
No. Survivalists. Up until a few years ago successive governments were slashing the CSIRO’s funding. Even thought about outsourcing much of the work that is done by them. Along comes AGW – the life line. CSIRO will now survive for years. Self preservation seems to be more important than real science when push comes to shove.
Proof. Zilch ! pure speculation
Spot on, Beano. That GCM predicting machine of theirs must have a heat exchanger bigger than a desal plant, it runs that hot.
They’ve gone from making us a clever country to making us a laughing stock.
But the govt and the ABC think its wonderful.
This quote seem appropriate:-
“Oh I get it now – Water ministers get to use more water… Those who fulminate about carbon get to use more carbon flying planes around the world fulminating… Those concerrned about the environment chop down trees to print books about the environment….
It’s becoming clear now ….Pinocchio stand aside….
Posted by: Skye of Sydney 10:15am today
Comment 56 of 79”
Spangled Drongo: “…making us the laughing stock.” How could it be that the Wudd government is Rong?
Also remember they just couldn’t find it in themselves to give pensioners $2.00 a week to maybe buy a loaf of housebrand bread that Wudd himself has said has gone up 18% in the last 12 months.
Hmmm…. 1.06m. households x $2.00 = yeah we could cut that from Rong’s budget, who’d notice. You could call it “tackling hunger in a street near you.”