More than seven in 10 voters insist that they would not be willing to pay higher taxes in order to fund projects to combat climate change, according to a new poll released to coincide with the local elections.
The survey also reveals that most Britons believe “green” taxes on 4x4s, plastic bags and other consumer goods have been imposed to raise cash rather than change our behaviour, while two-thirds of Britons think the entire green agenda has been hijacked as a ploy to increase taxes.
The Independent: The green tax revolt: Britons will not foot bill to save planet, poll shows
Clearly more brainwashing and propaganda is required.
Those Brits are practical. They know that everything will be more expensive in addition to having to pay the “green” tax. They don’t want their employers to direct deposit their paychecks into the treasury for no benefit at all.
The ACF is demanding three major taxes to be included in this year’s Australian budget.
Firstly the removal of the fringe benefits tax concession for personal use of company cars. The green group claims that the original intention of the tax concession – support for the Australian car industry is no longer needed.
Secondly remove fuel tax credits that rebate for non road use in farming, mining and forestry and fuel credits that support those export industries.
And thirdly to impact on any one who travels or buys goods that are air freighted, increase the tax on aviation fuel to 38 cents per litre from the current 3 cents per litre of aviation fuel.
These are billion dollar proposals that could have major impact on the economy and the hip pocket of the average voter, but will they stop climate change?
In short,NO!!China and India will soon double the world’s pollution and even if we all slash our wrists and reduce our pollution to zero,nothing will change.
He who propergates the fastest,with the most aggression,shall inherit the earth.The meek shall inherit poverty and oblivion.
cinders – “Firstly the removal of the fringe benefits tax concession for personal use of company cars.”
No as far as I know they are demanding that the way it is taxed is changed. At the moment the more kilometers you drive the bigger tax concession you get. I have personally seen examples where people with company cars will deliberately go on long unnecessary trips just to get the kays up to 25000 so that they pay the lesser tax. People should be rewarded for driving less kilometers not more. The fact that it is the wrong way round does not sell any more cars that if it was the right way round.
“Secondly remove fuel tax credits that rebate for non road use in farming, mining and forestry and fuel credits that support those export industries.”
Its funny that people that would not support socialist welfare to poor people can countenance corporate welfare for companies that really can afford it. As you keep saying the market should decide what industries survive not government subsidies. In the spirit of good capitalism you should be demanding that these market distorting taxes concessions be removed. BTW they cost 2 billion dollars a year which dwarfs all the subsidies ever paid to renewables or alternative transport. They also make diesel generators more competitive over renewable power plants so that is more difficult to convince remote settlements to install renewable power.
“And thirdly to impact on any one who travels or buys goods that are air freighted, increase the tax on aviation fuel to 38 cents per litre from the current 3 cents per litre of aviation fuel.”
I have no idea what to do with the aviation industry. Fuel costs may ground them all anyway one day as there is no easy substitute for aviation.
The punishment will continue until the morale and correct thinking of the proles improves.
When you’re taxed at 100%, you’re a slave. When you’re taxed at 50% you’re half a slave!
It looks, judging by the UK local government elections, that they have not only rejected the radical ratbag left, they have also rejected their fellow travelers, the labor party, too.
The ACF tax plan is well advertised and is available on their web site. It was also part of their leader’s speech to the Press club, but not many in the media have reported their demands to add billions to the cost of air travel, agricultural produce (Eg FOOD) and the products from forestry and mining that we use every day.
Like Ender the ACF think the fuel credit is corporate welfare, but its history is from two sources, firstly as a rebate of the on road tax originally designed to maintain roads, as the deisel used in a mine or on a farm or in a forestry was deemed to be off road. These industries still pay the tax for on road use. The second idea behind the tax was to encourage the use of renewable fuels; an action advocated by many green groups at the time!
Think of it as a tax on ignorance … UK you are completely up the stream without a paddle as your North Sea oil and gas fields deplete and the Russians exert their God given right to teach you about a world where energy security should not be taken for granted, certainly not at the ridiculously cheap price you have grown used to.
UK voters your opinions are irrelevant because your predicament is untenable. Read you have to obey the laws of resource finiteness and all the unpleasantries that will follow this reality.
I still have cousins there unfortunately …
Ah democracy … the assumption the majority was informed and valuable in determining the allocation of resources was always flawed.
Aaron – the UK population are bombarded with global warming propaganda by the government and media on a daily basis. No sane, thinking person should believe that we can predictably control or influence the weather/climate by trying to manipulate CO2 emissions, particularly unilaterally.
A tax is a way of raising revenue for the government, nothing more, nothing less.
The important issue is energy security – so let’s concentrate our efforts and economies on that, rather than the dangerous diversion of futile climate control policies.
Are your fellow UK compatriots ready for the truth on fossil fuel supplies? Its a scary reality out there … I think that is the issue … better to achieve the hard economic changes necessary to transcend the fossil fuel economy under the guise of environmental concern rather than the much more scary truths that exist should nothing be done … I vote the average bloke isn’t ready to hear about oil shortages. There’s a fine line between civilisation and anarchy. If you want to see a fantastic documentary, I highly recommend ‘Century of Self’. Just brilliant …