BOFFINS fear Arctic ice melting could see the rise of a polar bear and grizzly bear hybrid – dubbed the ‘grolar bear.’ The effects of climate change means the hybrid bears could become more common as their habitats increasingly overlap due to global warning. …And he delivered a stark warning of what the future holds. He believes that by THIS summer there could be no ice at the North Pole. …And Dr Divoky had a message for climate change sceptics, saying: “Having a polar bear show up in your front yard is one of the more compelling pieces of evidence that climate change is real.”
The Sun: Grolar bears are global warning
Koalas are threatened by the rising level of carbon dioxide pollution in the atmosphere because it saps nutrients from the eucalyptus leaves they feed on, a researcher said Wednesday.
Chicken Littles.
Polar bears are brown bears who went to the artic regions for a holiday. While they were there they adapted to the area and went white.
Interesting story about the koalas — it bears all the hallmarks of Climate Scientology:
“but IF you drop the nutritional value…”
“it MIGHT become”
“If” and “might” — the two key supporting actors in the ongoing fly-blown AGW saga.
Interesting also that the AGW Alarmist strategy seems to be focusing on beating up tragic survival scenarios around iconic species: first the polar bear and now the koala – the animal that was hunted almost to extinction in the 1920s, and now we’re agonising over the fact that they may have to sleep for 21 hours a day instead of just 20?
Where’s my bucket?
denialilst Scum also reads lie another Luke clone, not Bi Polar is he?
Apart from that, if AGW is true, that does not mean their habits overlap.
If warming occurs, then the habitats must move latitudinally to smaller ones, so the polar bear zone, now at the arctic, moves down, and the Grizzly zone, then further down.
But this is a simplistic scenario, for if the polar region warms, that implies that the equatorial regions must be even more warmer, so the grizzly habitat must move upwards to higher latitudes, and the hence the polar bears to where?
Another fallacy in Greenie reasoning.
Real endangered animals here.
When the Boreal Forests grew right up to the Arctic Ocean, did the polar bears care? Life was soft, lush and sweet for them back then. Now not so good now with all that ice blocking their way.
On the good side, maybe rattlesnakes and mosquitos will mover northward and leave us alone.
From the article:
“Some of the starkest evidence Dr Doviky has seen of the changing Arctic is more polar bears foraging for food on his island, where he sleeps in a hut when he is carrying out research.”
Maybe that is because there are more polar bears. If he saw 20 in three days on his little island, I would say that there is no shortage of polar bears.
Maybe there are more open trash cans on Dr Doviky’s island. I notice more ants when I go on a picnic, but that only proves that they are drawn to easy food.
It is also clear that poor old Divoky has a little problem with his grasp of reality. It is he who is occupying a hut in the Polar Bears “front yard”, not the other way round. So we have this clown trying to imply that their presence in their own front yard is evidence of catastrophic climate change? Give us a f@#$g break.
And on the Koalas, this scam has been a long time comming. The decline in leaf nutrient values is a direct consequence of entire forests being allowed to decline into “lock-up” as the spacing of growing trees is not adjusted as they all grow and require more space.
More than 800,000 hectares of former state forest is undergoing this process in SE Qld alone due to the ignorant whimsies of Aila Keto et al. There is another million hectares of private forest in this same region that is also mostly young regrowth that has grown between widely spaced paddock trees and is now wrongly (and fraudulently) classed as “Remnant” on the basis of the height of the original paddock trees and the canopy coverage of the young regrowth.
The point is that all these trees are growing, and as long as they continue to grow they will each need more space. And the only way to provide more space is for the forest custodian to selectively cull trees on a continual basis until 10 to 20 large old trees remain as was the case in the original climax forest.
This is being actively discouraged by legislation and regulations that have not been subject to sound regulatory impact assessment and it is the forest dependent species that will all eventually foot the bill.
Welcome to the brave new green utopia, folks. You are getting the environment you deserve, courtesy of the government you elected. So eat $hit and spare us the bull$hit climate excuses.
“”If” and “might” — the two key supporting actors in the ongoing fly-blown AGW saga.
Interesting also that the AGW Alarmist strategy seems to be focusing on beating up tragic survival scenarios around iconic species: first the polar bear and now the koala – the animal that was hunted almost to extinction in the 1920s, and now we’re agonising over the fact that they may have to sleep for 21 hours a day instead of just 20? ”
you seem to have misunderstood his use of “if”. In this context, it is interchangable with “when”. He’s just talking like a scientist working his way through the variables that can change.
As for AGW, the “G” is for “Global”, and it is changing the environment. All animals, including Polar Bears and Koalas, depend on the environment. You can’t blame the greenies for that.
“As for AGW, the “G” is for “Global”, and it is changing the environment. All animals, including Polar Bears and Koalas, depend on the environment. You can’t blame the greenies for that.”
I blame the greenie’s for their distortions and lies.
The Polar Bears are in no danger.Except in the virtual modeling world and of fevered AGW minds.
All based on supposed continued decline of the artic ice pack.A trend that can change very quickly back in the other direction.
The science on the drop in nutritional value of eucalypts due to excess competition has also been well documented for many decades. But once again, we have climate spivs trying to take over sound science and invest it with climate voodoo. It is their standard MO.