The investment vehicle headed by Al Gore has closed a new $683m fund to invest in early-stage environmental companies and has mounted a robust defence of green investing.
The Climate Solutions Fund will be one of the biggest in the growing market for investment funds with an environmental slant.
The fund will be focused on equity investments in small companies in four sectors: renewable energy; energy efficiency technologies; energy from biofuels and biomass; and the carbon trading markets.
The Financial Times: Gore investment body closes $683m fund
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My super fund asked me if I wished to invest in this wonderful opportunity but I politely declined.
They’ll probably make a fortune out of this new religion.
I know Al has.
I keep asking myself why I doubt his sincerity.
Can someone exlain to me why this scam isnt against all the investment regulatory rules.
Here is Al Gore the front man for the AGW alarmists, and worlds greatest scientist spending the last 4+ years engaged in gross exagerration and mis-representation, has been caught out by a UK court,wins a Nobel peace prize (as selected by a bunch of left wing Norwegian politicians),and is now the Chairman of an investment fund that is going to invest in solving problems, he beat-up to a frenzy in the first place.
To add insult to injury, he gets around in a private jet and has numerous SUV’s and properties etc.
Why is he allowed to benefit from the promotion exercise,( which itself has involved many outright lies), by now duping others to put their money into a fund he now Chairs, to correct the problems he help create.
I must be missing something.
Malcolm, when these investors lose their savings people will ask why it was allowed when “everyone” knew it was a scam.
The more things change…..
So where are you geniuses putting your hard earned? This will be a laugh … if some of you ‘sceptics’ actually forgot about global warming and focussed on the issue of fossil fuel finiteness you might stand a hope in hell of turning over a dollar or more importantly in this investment cliate protecting your wealth.
As it stands I am guessing you likely own bank shares that have halved in value and reside in a house that is declining in value, with interest rate heading back to 18%. All thanks to the mother of all inflation and bubble deflators – expensive energy.
The irony being it has never been easier to make money if you simply accept one fact – there is no more cheap energy out there!
Aaron Edmunds
My issue is with Gore making the big money,and the way he has been allowed to do it. Nothing else
That as a concept should’nt be too difficult to comprehend.
But then in a country that cant even manage a mortgage industry without it falling over, I guess anything goes.
Money talks in this world. I wonder how many folk on this forum actually put dollars behind their ideology? Even more interestingly I wonder how many actually achieve profitable outcomes from investing in the future they see? I tire from rhetoric … lets get on with the job of preparing for a world without cheap oil. Are you ready? Massive inflation ahead … we ain’t seen nothing yet. That’s where my money is … can’t argue with markets. Either you are right and in the money or you are wrong and effectively a loser … good luck to those raising money to prepare for expensive energy. I don’t give a rats who they are …