TEN years ago, scientists specialising in climate change counted themselves lucky to find a job.
Now employers are beating paths to their doors. From the federal Government down, Australia’s corporations and institutions, public and private, are falling over themselves to appoint people with the knowledge and skills to advise on what is becoming a central public policy debate.
Read more in The Australian: Rush to climate science
Pity it is all a fiction – AGW that is, not the debate.
“Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) climate change services division has grown from 10 people two years ago to 40 today, and further growth is projected. The division advises businesses on a range of climate change considerations, including strategy developments, regulatory changes and emissions management.
“In the last 18 months there’s been an incredible growth in the depth of our capability and the range of businesses who want to talk about this issue, from NGOs to federal and state governments and from ASX200 companies to start-up businesses,” Lucy says. “There wouldn’t be one level of the Australian economy where we haven’t got some level of interest (in our climate change services).”
“PwC environment law partner Andrew Petersen forecasts ongoing growth. “Over time we’re going to see new specialisations needed,” he says. “They’re not climate change experts as such, but they’re experts in the field of the economics of embedding a carbon price into the value of your business, experts on developing carbon reduction strategies, or monetising carbon reduction projects.
“You’re going to see both an expansion in terms of numbers and types of service offerings out there that are related to climate change.”
from the link provided by Paul
These guys from PwC are complete frauds and charlatans. One of the guys from our place went along to listen to their snake oil last week. One of these PwC speakers promotes himself as having been “trained by Al Gore”, so no-one can say they weren’t warned. Apparently, he kept referring to “when I was in the Arctic” (i.e. last summer). Never once mentioned the fact that all the ice (and more) had returned during the winter, and deflected any questions that may have wound up going there.
Yet more parasites – we are now witnessing the growth of a multi-layered parasite business model.
The Greens have just given more justification for the oil cartels to increase prices.There is no shortage of energy.China and India have just increased demand and the slow reponse to refine more oil is justified by our guilt about the environment,which India and China are raping gleefully.They will double the world’s pollution and the Greens won’t bat an eye lid,since their power base/money exists in the West.
The Greens have become more concerned with their own survival rather than that of the planet,hence their narrow field of vision.They are no different from the Multi-nationals whom they profess to abhorr.Well almost.At least the corporates are honest in declaring their objectives.
The other difference is that the corporates actually produce goods and services that people want or need.
The good news about the PwC parasites and others like them is that when the hysteria fades they’ll be out of jobs. Pity there’s social security so they won’t starve.
I can’t believe this topic. How low can you go, Jennifer?
“The good news about the PwC parasites and others like them is that when the hysteria fades they’ll be out of jobs.”
If only this were true.
These lot are professional parasites of the first order. They will simply find another disease-ridden, fly-blown rotting carcase to infest now that AGW is washed up.
The ones that will suffer are the productive organisations that they (and their watermelon accomplices) have sucked the life’s blood out of.
Why am I not surprised
This comes on the heels of this weeks announcement that the World Greatest Scientist is the Chairman of an investment fund that has raised $680m for investment in GW releated deals.
Pity about the “Prospectus” being tested in the UK courts and found to false and misleading in 9 major areas. But then what would a pommy beak know about science, any more than Big Al.
All Gore has to do is to keep on wandering around the world in his private jet beating the drum and he and his investors have got it made.
There is no point being sceptical anymore anyway,one might just as well join in. In any case a noted professor said in the same week basically that reading and being sceptical has no part in the scientific method, and that we who do know should make more noise.
The barbarians have had a good week.
Put your money where you mouth is folks … let the market decide where the BS is! The reality is resource constraints (yes that includes oil) should dominate any threads on this site. And to think we humans have the ability to politic through the maze of shortages ahead. Nitrogen fertilizers up 50% last week … oh and no futures markets there, thats just the raw demand that exists for a fossil fuel intensive commodity, relative to supply but of course …
The first 3 months of 2008 have been a profit bonanza for the brave.
Given SJT’s post above, might we be witnessing a Titanic-like jumping from this blog now that scientific reality is finally making its presence felt?