Destruction of mangrove forests in Burma left coastal areas exposed to the devastating force of the weekend’s cyclone, a top politician suggests.
ASEAN secretary-general Surin Pitsuwan said coastal developments had resulted in mangroves, which act as a natural defence against storms, being lost.
BBC News website: Mangrove loss ‘left Burma exposed’
Former vice president tells NPR’s ‘Fresh Air’ cyclone is example of ‘consequences that scientists have long predicted might be associated with continued global warming.’
Business and Media Institute: Al Gore Calls Myanmar Cyclone a ‘Consequence’ of Global Warming
Can we perhaps leave the blame for now and concentrate on the tens of thousands of victims? It is somewhat vulgar to be mudslinging when the true tragedy is still unfolding and people are suffering.
The sooner the AGW true believers dump Gore from their bandwaggon the better it will be for their cred.
The fact that they don’t, just displays their desperation.
Junk science and disaster! The opportunity’s too good to miss!
This is just more rampant Gore bashing as an agenda in its own right. So Gore makes one comment in the context of a much wider interview – has anyone even listened?
The Insitute article itself even reports him as saying “It’s also important to note that the emerging consensus among the climate scientists is although any individual storm can’t be linked singularly to global warming – we’ve always had hurricanes,” Gore said. “Nevertheless, the trend toward more Category 5 storms – the larger ones and trend toward stronger and more destructive storms appears to be linked to global warming and specifically to the impact of global warming on higher ocean temperatures in the top couple of hundred feet of the ocean, which drives convection energy and moisture into these storms and makes them more powerful.”
So Paul has decided that “a” comment by Al Gore is more important than the hurricane impact itself? And as usual we expect context to be totally left out.
Any excuse to lay one on eh?
So mangroves are now the answer to preventing storm surge and hurricane force winds.
The answer is not just mangroves, but also appropriate infrastructure:
March 20, 2006
Technologically Advanced, Modern Economy, Survives Category 5 Cyclone With Out Single Fatality
Posted by jennifer, at 09:48 PM
A category 5 cyclone, more severe than Cyclone Tracy or Hurricane Katrina, lashes Far North Queensland and there is not a single fatality.
It perhaps says something about Australia, modern economies and democracies and their potential capacity to adapt and to survive?
Congratulations Far North Queensland!
When we were less technologically advance, that is on 10th March 1918 and a severe cyclone hit Innisfail, over 80 people died…
read more here:
Gore said. “Nevertheless, the trend toward more Category 5 storms … blah … blah … blah”
So – where are they?
Atlantic: 4 in 2005, 0 in 2006, 2 in 2007 (getting less, not more)
Pacific: 3 in 2002, 0 in 2003, 0 in 2004, 0 in 2005, 1 in 2006 (also getting less, not more).
As ususal – where no facts exist, just make some up. Welcome to the Church of Climate Scientology.
It was a high level public servant, using a claimed future consequence of global warming, to wrongfoot and browbeat a roomful of rural people, that prompted me to find out more about this global warming thingy.
He was justifying a land grab (no compensation) along the boundaries of coastal farms. The farmers to pay all survey costs. He claimed that coming rising sea levels caused by global warming justified this land grab, because his department had to ensure that the public always had access to the coast. The piece of coast specifically in question was comprised of 30 meter (100 ft) cliffs. Flooding not likely.
Common sense told me he was a bullying snake oil salesman. That raised the question that his justification might also be snake oil. The rest, for me, is history.
The credibility of even the most worthy of causes can be undermined by the conduct of their proponents. Al Gore’s conduct here is an example.
Increasing destructiveness of tropical cyclones over
the past 30 years
NATURE|Vol 436|4 August 2005
Cyclone Tracy – Christmas Eve to Christmas Day, 1974
Death Toll 65 people
Injuries 145 serious injuries, over 500 with minor injuries
Luke, look out the window occasionally.
The east coast of Aust. has not had a cyclone cross the coast below the tropics since 1976 but before this had up to 6 a year.
This correlates a lot more with PDO than AGW.
“Cyclone Tracy – Christmas Eve to Christmas Day, 1974”
Here’s indisputable proof that Category 5 storms are getting worse — Darwin got flattened 33 years ago!
Apparently the secret to success in the Church of Climate Scientology is being able to accurately predict the past.
If you don’t believe mangroves prevent cyclone damage, you’ve never been there.
Jennifer. The Queensland cyclones are occurring over raised land. Far North Queensland doesn’t have millions of people living on “inappropriate” River delta swamps
This Myanmar death toll is likely to rise up to the 100’s of thousands. Most of the fatalities will be in the low lying delta area just above sea level. There was a 4 metre tide surge that pushed across the low lying delta during the storm. This tide surge will have caused most of the loss of life.
Doesn’t matter about the infrastructure in a low lying delta area with no reef protection.
Bangladesh is another country where there a millions of people living in an inappropriate location – low lying river delta. The same scenario which has just happened in Myanmar has happened in Bangladesh before.
Al Gore is a snake oil salesman and is enriching himself on his salesmanship. To open his mouth about this unfolding tragedy at this time is down right unethical and morally bankrupt. Especially as there could be a death toll up near 2004 tsunami levels.
Cyclone Tracy merely illustrates that advanced societies don’t often come off unscathed. Lessons learned from these events now reflect in buidling design, location of infrastructure and evacuation. Options probably not easily available to the Burmese.
Check the speed of Vance, Ingrid, Zoe, Nancy. Not everything is about Qld coast traversing systems.
“Atlantic: 4 in 2005, 0 in 2006, 2 in 2007 (getting less, not more)”
Always good for a laugh. Great sample size.
It seems rather uncivilized to use a holocaust of 15,000 hapless human beings as an ideological hammer even before their bodies have gone cold.
Yet, that is exactly what Albert Gore has done. It offers insight into the soul of not only the man himself, but the transcendental nature of the belief system for which he is the foremost spokesperson.
It reminds me of a 2007 Radio National lecture given by a famous prehistoric kangaroo scientist whose hobby is climate fear mongering. After the lecture, which could be summed up “as a clarion call to change our ways before we reach the point of no return.”—a creepily lighthearted question and answer period followed.
A noted environmentalist rose to ask the ancient roo specialist something or other and he prefaced his question with the stunning remark that he hoped that the drought would NOT come to a swift conclusion in spite of the human suffering it was causing. A quick end, he reasoned, would fail to alert the public of the impending AGW doomsday ahead. Australians would simply continue along with life rather than be forced into desperate poverty. I didn’t grasp the logic of how turning Australia into a dust bowl in 2008 instead of 2030 would help matters any, but that’s not the point.
No one in the Radio National audience thought this environmentalist’s wish for a mega-drought in order to prove the worse case scenario for global warming was shocking or inhuman, not to mention stunningly callous toward the eco-systems which would also perish forever in his hoped for mother-of-all-drought.
Everyone approvingly, if mindlessly, applauded, unaware that they, along with the roo specialist and the slightly mad environmentalist had taken a first step towards a kind of sinister gestalt that must have existed in Wiemar Germany. A kind of rising insensitivity to the human condition, powered by a vilely envious zeitgeist and combined with a sense of self-righteousness made all the more morbid by the cognitive dissonance of their own corpulent existence versus their impossibly specious ideals. They amorphously wished for their own ontological destruction, but the thought was too dark to rise to a conscious level and so the hatred was projected outward.
There is something deeply unhealthy in wishing for death and destruction to others (and to plants and animals as well) to assuage your own rodomontade, that surpasses run of the mill schadenfreude. The prophecies of a coming AGW apocalypse are just that, prophecy, if dressed up in a secular, scientific style. To wish your prophecies of death and destruction down upon innocents to create an epistemology for your faith is pretty bloody pre-Enlightenment.
Perhaps it is related to the kind of bitterness and barely concealed hatred one finds in the works of Carl Marx. It’s an ancient vileness. The tenth commandment of the bible forbids it. Interesting that an ancient desert people would think coveting your neighbours house and goats was a mortal sin. Well, it isn’t today. People’s lives and homes can be coveted merely to score a momentary rhetorical sound-bite and no one gasps in horror.
Perhaps, Gore never hoped for mega-cyclones to wipe impoverished city states off the map, but I can’t help believe that he and members of his church feel the same ancient, if secretly horrible glee, that the unnamed environmentalist expressed in his hope for mega-drought.
A key part of Gore’s quote:
“And as we’re talking today, Terry, the death count in Myanmar from the cyclone that hit there yesterday has been rising from 15,000 to way on up there to much higher numbers now being speculated,” Gore said. “And last year a catastrophic storm from last fall hit Bangladesh. The year before, the strongest cyclone in more than 50 years hit China – and we’re seeing consequences that scientists have long predicted might be associated with continued global warming.”
This is absolute crap to try and tie in the Myanmar cyclone. If you look at current SSTs, the area anywhere near the cyclone track has temperature anomalies below average.
Wes old boy, are you hanging too much on the mere rhetoric of mortals?
Have some faith in society as a whole even though we can’t read the daily temperature. Given enough support a few individuals will work it out then they can put their heads together on behalf of the rest of us.
Patience is the key to all wisdom.
Btw, have you never thought that disaster always happens to some other guy? We are only above it when we are not in it.
Wes George commented, “It seems rather uncivilized to use a holocaust of 15,000 hapless human beings as an ideological hammer even before their bodies have gone cold.”
An excellent post Wes. Climate Scientology, like other fundamentalist sects, affords believers a delicious sense of righteousness with the promise of doom, destruction and despair for disbelief. Although they profess a love of the natural world and concern for its well being, the eco-catastrophists revel in news of natural disasters and fiercely reject any suggestion that a threat may not be as severe as they claim to fear. If it can be construed as supporting evidence for their faith, 25,000 deaths are only a welcome confirmation of their faith.
Let’s cut the crap and start looking at the consequences of elevated SST
“Atlantic: 4 in 2005, 0 in 2006, 2 in 2007 (getting less, not more)”
Maybe insurance companies would know something about the subject:
“Premiums fall off with second quiet US hurricane season.
Two years of unexpectedly quiet hurricane activity in the US have caused a dramatic drop in insurance premiums that, experts say, could spark consolidation amongst brokers and underwriters.”
Unless Lloyds are delusional scumbags as well?
Excellent post Wes. I can personally relate to some of what you say. Owning a property with high conservation values has brought me into contact with some very unprincipled people. As they say in the plumbing trade – you always find s**t floating on top.
What a load of denialist drivel by rabid anti-Gore hysterics with nothing better to do in their wheel chairs. More rabies shots need to be ordered.
Look at the evolution, speed up, steering winds.
It’s another AGW cyclone fuelled by denialist greed. You all ought to be ashamed of yourselves. The science debate on this issue is over. AGW is a definite influence. has a Google animation – went cat 4 before landfall it seems.
So dudes have you made an aid donation yet or are you too busy writing about Al Gore.
(Lloyds are smart enough to take the wind shear advice as well – unlike dumbo scumbag delusionals)
AC, that white, self righteous froth around the mouth is showing.
Sad as it is, historically these rich, low lying, delta areas have always been the killing fields of hurricanes.
There have probably been 20 worse ones in the area.
Nothing to do with AGW.
You may as well blame the 2004 tsunami on AGW.
Historical evidence makes Gore’s claim all the more reprehensible.
That is quite interesting about SST having a lower anomaly than previous years. A retired Dutch climate scientist told me that a precondition for hurricanes/cyclones/typhoons was elevated SST (~26 degrees Celsius) but no one has yet to work out how a warm sea produces the violent cyclonic effect.
This comment of yours thus suggests that warm SST may not be a precondition for hurricane/cyclone formation.
Excellent post – I would never have thought I would experience a repetition of the Weimar Republic mood in my lifetime, but as Velikovsky pointed decades ago, there seems to be a persistent ~50 year cycle in human history marked by wars and troubles. He wondered what drives this apparent periodicity.
“He wondered what drives this apparent periodicity.”
Too many people with too much free time and too little intelligence, I suspect.
Don’t know that the people in India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Indonesia (to name a few) are so consumed by all this nonsense. Just trying to stay alive probably gives you a different perspective on natural occurences.
Alarmist Creep sounds alarmingly like Lounge Lizard Luke. (Ah! Alliteration’s artful aid…). By the way,what is the human population increase rate in Burma? Doubling every 15 or 20 years? Now let’s see, that’s an increase of between eight and sixteen fold since the British left sixty years ago. Aha! I have it. The British caused the floods. They stopped traditional burning in the Burmese teak forests, so disrupting the evapo-transpiration. This caused a shift in the Indian Ocean Dipole, linked, of course, to ENSO. Simple really. (Slym, M.J. (1876) Memorandum on jungle fires. Indian Forester, Volume II, p.270.)
At first the global warming crowd was bursting forth with glee;
Just like Sir Isaac Newton was beneath his apple tree. They had all of the data straight from the IPCC…
But the problem for the Gore-ists, is they could not see the forests.
It’s either too hot or too cold;
We can’t grow our crops in a fertile way;
At least that’s the news out of Turtle Bay…
The threat of global warming,
Has talking heads performing.
It’s either too cold or too hot;
The greenies are now on the spot.
Next year we’ll all be burning up in searing heat unless Their experts in the ‘sciences’ dream up a better guess.
As long they get grants, their future is gold;
It’s either too hot or too cold!
We’re either on fire or on ice;
It’s either too green or too frosty white.
These scientists can’t seem to get it right…
This constant rearranging,
Has morphed to climate changing.
They tell us they’re sure of one thing;
We’ll never see Fall or the Spring.
We’re either stuck in Summer’s heat or Winter’s icy grip
We’ll surely die from frost-bite or from bad post-nasal drip.
They’re winning as long as the media’s sold;
It’s either too hot or too cold!
They’re either on fire or they’re chilled;
They’re freezing a lot, or too hot to trot.
It’s getting much warmer, unless it’s not…
The truth can only free us;
If not, you’ve got your Prius.
(Orchestral Break)
So remember this, boys:
Al Gore will never fail ya,
From Brussels to Australia.
Don’t worry about India;
It’s just that old El Ninia!
They’ll plant a load of wood mint,
To stint our Carbon footprint.
And those polar bears will cheer up…
If they just keep that old fear up!
We’re either too baked or too raw;
There’s no hope of balm or of thaw.
In any case, they know the cause of all this misery;
This noble Earth would be okay if not for you and me…
This used to be called just plain “weather” of old;
When, it’s either to hot or too cold!
Louis: all we need to know is a storm will spin faster over warm shallow water,
Chris Mooney on the 4th
“What’s most troubling is that Nargis has a very warm Indian Ocean to travel over, as you can see in this data from the Atlantic Oceanic and Meteorological Laboratory:”
As usual, Gore doesn’t know what he is talking about and should keep his mouth shut. No link has been established between global warming and cyclones. The magnitude of the human signal in global warming remains unknown and unproven.
Apparently, natural climate variability is dominating at the moment, with global warming hold hold until at least 2015:
Remember Kerry Emanuel’s new ‘reconsidering his position’ paper:
“A new technique for deriving hurricane climatologies from global data, applied to climate
models, indicates that global warming should reduce the global frequency of hurricanes, though their intensity may increase in some locations.”
‘May increase in some locations’ not definite, not proven.
Remember folks, by paying Al Gore $100,000 per presentation, or giving business to his green comapanies, you are helping to save the planet.
“It seems rather uncivilized to use a holocaust of 15,000 hapless human beings as an ideological hammer even before their bodies have gone cold.
Yet, that is exactly what Albert Gore has done. It offers insight into the soul of not only the man himself, but the transcendental nature of the belief system for which he is the foremost spokesperson.”
If warming is global, and it increases the frequency and severity of weather events, then it does. Forget Gore. What would you people do without him, I wonder?
Priceless, Louis! Love to hear it to music.
“he sooner the AGW true believers dump Gore from their bandwaggon the better it will be for their cred.”
Weird thing, he never has been on my bandwagon, and I’ve never seen AIT. You’re the ones with the obsession with Gore.
During the last 30 years the alarmists have claimed coral bleaching in the Coral Sea due to AGW but there have been few cyclones during that time due to SST cooling.
When there were lots of cyclones 30 and more years ago when the CS was even warmer, why wasn’t there coral bleaching then?
You posted a comment but is it a question or a statement?
SJT, when Gore promotes your argument it is reasonable to lump you all together.
I’m pleased you reject him as an embarrassment.
You may even yet replace him with polite scepticism.
Of course there’s a link been established. Emmanuel isn’t the only game in town and misquoting his current work doesn’t help. We can also put store in Greg Holland. The other geriatric hurricane researchers need to get with the program and out of the Atlantic.
Tropical cyclones have been elsewhere other than the Coral Sea due to changes in circulation and El Nino frequency caused by AGW. Come on guys wise up.
Gore is spot on – and the way you guys are biting confirms it. How many denialists have Nobel prizes?
A nobel political prize – quite different to the one the King Of Sweden gives to scientists.
So it would be an honour not to be awarded the Nobel political prize.
‘Alarmist Creep’, and ‘Alarmist Commie Creep’ are ‘Luke,’ in case no one noticed.
Warming vultures descend on Burma
Andrew Bolt
Wednesday, May 07, 2008 at 09:36am
The world has not warmed in a decade. Moreover, there is little evidence that tropical cyclones have got worse. And any link between hurricanes and warming is highly disputed. Yet Al Gore is already feeding on Burma’s dead:
Using tragedy to advance an agenda has been a strategy for many global warming activists, and it was just a matter of time before someone found a way to tie the recent Myanmar cyclone to global warming.
Former Vice President Al Gore in an interview on NPR’s May 6 “Fresh Air” broadcast did just that…
“And as we’re talking today, Terry, the death count in Myanmar from the cyclone that hit there yesterday has been rising from 15,000 to way on up there to much higher numbers now being speculated,” Gore said. “And last year a catastrophic storm from last fall hit Bangladesh. The year before, the strongest cyclone in more than 50 years hit China – and we’re seeing consequences that scientists have long predicted might be associated with continued global warming.”
Of course, a British judge has already rapped Gore for linking hurricanes to global warming. And the leading proponent of the warming=hurricanes claim has backed off.
The judge only said it was “insufficient”. Obviously would have liked to agree. Bolty can’t talk – fits Nexy’s denialist selection criterion of “making ….. up”.
Bolt is the real vulture – fancy printing stuff like “Al Gore is already feeding on Burma’s dead”. I mean really – how sick is that? So instead of discussing the relief effort or the regime in Burma – it’s trivialised to another celebrity story. Must be a lean news week.
You and Chris Mooney are either idiots or just plain liars. The link you provided proves nothing. Again, here’s a more appropriate link:
It clearly shows SSTs in the area are BELOW NORM. So what are you saying, global COOLING causes nasty hurricanes?
Yes, like Katrina this was a terrible tragedy! The underlying cause? A nasty storm followed a path through a densely populated area ill prepared for such a storm. There are only 2 ways to avoid or minimize such death tolls: either avoid dense populations in such areas (unlikely) or ensure that suitable natural and manmade defenses are in place.
Greg: “Can we perhaps leave the blame for now and concentrate on the tens of thousands of victims? It is somewhat vulgar ….”
Assuming that you meant that comment directed at Paul, why not mention that Al Gore is vulgar to try to hype his global warming scam using this tragedy? After all, he started it.
“It clearly shows SSTs in the area are BELOW NORM”
Mark, the critical bit was in the shallows. Have a good look at local SST or other images.
Also consider a few comments from storm chasers blogs
There will be a lot more discussion regarding how this storm developed and I’m sure it’s winding up was enhanced by SST around the bay coastline.
“A Statistical Cyclone Intensity Prediction (SCIP) model for the Bay of Bengal
S D Kotal1, S K Roy Bhowmik1, P K Kundu2 and Ananda Kumar Das1
1India Meteorological Department, New Delhi 110 003, India.
2Department of Mathematics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700 032, India.
Abstract: A statistical model for predicting the intensity of tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal has been proposed. The model is developed applying multiple linear regression technique. The model parameters are determined from the database of 62 cyclones that developed over the Bay of Bengal during the period 1981–2000. The parameters selected as predictors are: initial storm intensity, intensity changes during past 12 hours, storm motion speed, initial storm latitude position, vertical wind shear averaged along the storm track, vorticity at 850 hPa, Divergence at 200 hPa and sea surface temperature (SST). When the model is tested with the dependent samples of 62 cyclones, the forecast skill of the model for forecasts up to 72 hours is found to be reasonably good. The average absolute errors (AAE) are less than 10 knots for forecasts up to 36 hours and maximum forecast error of order 14 knots occurs at 60 hours and 72 hours. When the model is tested with the independent samples of 15 cyclones (during 2000 to 2007), the AAE is found to be less than 13 knots (ranging from 5.1 to 12.5 knots) for forecast up to 72 hours. The model is found to be superior to the empirical model proposed by Roy Bhowmik et al (2007) for the Bay of Bengal”
How predictable was it given these circumstances? Let’s hear it from the cooling mob.
However it is interesting to note the warmer inshore anomalies and the contrast across the bay of Bengal
Mark – but why cherrypick pick one day’s anomaly – you could have picked days leading up to the genesis point e.g.
Cloud confounds the daily issue ! And regardless of any anomalies – the Bay was quite warm in absolute terms, low wind shear, and good outflow.
It is interesting to review the meteorology of the event
Day six since that cyclone and tidal wave hit. Unfolding events now give Greg’s original post a hideous poignancy:
“Can we perhaps leave the blame for now and concentrate on the tens of thousands of victims?”.
Aid stock piling on Burma’s borders. The ruling military Junta blocking aid and relief personel from entering. The antics of opportunistic climate agenda pushers are trivial compared to the enormity of bureacratic agenda pushers piling disaster upon a catastrophy.
Paul Biggs noted that, “‘Alarmist Creep’, and ‘Alarmist Commie Creep’ are ‘Luke,’ in case no one noticed.”
I had noticed the remarkable similarity of language use and the inverse relationship between the number of ‘Luke’ posts and the ‘Alarmist’ ones.
Presumably the use of different pseudonyms might be intended to give the impression of additional intellectual support for his arguments. If so, it would not be the first time for alarmist manipulation of evidence to bolster their position.
“‘Alarmist Creep’, and ‘Alarmist Commie Creep’ are ‘Luke,’ in case no one noticed.”
Doing that gets people BANNED in most forums automatically.
Why is he getting away with it here?
I speak as an Administrator of a forum.I would have banned him the minute I saw him using name proxies.I consider it deplorable.
There are more I can say.But not here or scums would try it.
What a bunch of whining hypocritical toads. You never whinged when Denialist Scum started it did you. No problem when Motty did it.
In any case my email that Paul sees is the same. So it’s pretty obvious to him isn’t it. The tone is the same. There is no attempt to sock puppetry.
And I had (Luke) after AC for some time. But maybe you can’t read.
Given I use multiple computers I hadn’t changed all ID saves.
Are you guys that sour and bereft of any humour. In any case from hereon pls refer to me as “Lucy”. I’ve decided to become a girl.
And are you that thick that it wasn’t obvious.
BTW any science comment – of course not. Just the usual denialist attempts to silence dissent. Time for an Al Gore or Hansen rant isn’t it guys? Surely.
You hypocrites.
You’re pathetic! What’s your point?! Looking at your own info:
– So what if there were warmer areas at the north end of the Bay of Bengal – that was nowhere near the storm track!
– What’s with the Feb. 5th data? Your own wikipravda reference states a late April genesis date. Besides, even the Feb. data shows no warming anomaly in the track area.
Stop wasting our time!
My friends say that too.
That’s better back on topic now. The daily SST info is worth diddly squat. Clouds! Warm seas set up gradients – significant in this case – and other weather phenomena – ridging and troughs noted in the most excellent (as usual) Wiki-better-and-more uptodate-than-Britannica article. Look at the track. Get real Mark – it’s pretty basic !!
Oh look
Moves about a bit hey….
Yea – got the transcribed dates wrong way around
0205 should have been 0502
and the energy would be removed causing cooling along the track e.g
Bet you’re now sorry you went to daily data eh? 🙂
“What a bunch of whining hypocritical toads. You never whinged when Denialist Scum started it did you. No problem when Motty did it.”
Look fella.I was commenting on what Paul wrote.
That was all.
It is interesting that by your rant.That Paul was correct.
You could have used the same name with ANY computer.You have no valid excuse.
Buy hey your new name is more appropriate.Now I can call you a creep and there is nothing you can do about it.It certaintly will not be considered namecalling since that IS your name!
Sunset is Tommy Come Lately hey
You forgot bull in your moniker.
Anyway – LOL and after that unfortunate diversion. Let’s look at the imputed cloudiness from rainfall intensity obscuring any SST measurements.
“SJT, when Gore promotes your argument it is reasonable to lump you all together.
I’m pleased you reject him as an embarrassment.
You may even yet replace him with polite scepticism.”
No, Gore is Gore, and he is in the same position as me, a layman trying to interpret the science. But he doesn’t speak for me, I leave that to the scientists.
I don’t reject him, either, since he is just what he is, an interested layman. As that court case demonstrated, he made a few mistakes, but the summary concluded he was mostly correct, out of about a hundred claims he makes, only nine are open to dispute.
I don’t accept what Gore says just because he is Gore, and I haven’t seen his film because there are better sources of information out there.
Sheesh, you people are missing the lesson for this entirely.
The real lesson that should be taken from each of these cyclone disasters is that the unconstrained and careless conversion of natural ecosystems to economic uses (such as in this case the clearance of mangroves for shrimp and fish farming) eliminates or compromises the ecological services that they provide, and this can have very unpleasant consequences.
In this case the storm buffer that the mangroves previously provided was not valued appropriately because it was something that everyone got for free, and the potential or likely negative consequences were some theoretical future threat. On the other hand the profit to be made by clearing the mangroves could be pocketed by individuals, and declining natural capital could (in the short term) be ignored by those making the profits.
Many of these profiteers (the currupt dictatorship and army) did not have to worry about potential negative consequences because they are insulated from them by their wealth and privilege.
The local farmers were probably willing to ignore future consequences because they were focussed on the immediate benefits to themselves and their families, and preferred not to recognize the inconvenient truth about the longer term implications of their mangrove clearance practices.
You can imagine the junta, their cronies and their think-tanks treating with disdain the locals with environmental concerns- “your alarmist propaganda is a western plot to undermine the Burmese economy”, “you are people hating doom-sayers who want to rob the people of their prosperity”, “you have no proof that the mangroves are really declining or that they are important anyway”, “your predictions are just theories”, “the system is too complex for you to be able to create useful models predicting what might happen”, “the changes to tidal amplitudes that you are reporting are just part of a natural cycle, “compared to the king tide of 1998 the trend in tidal amplitude is negative”, “it’s caused by the sun”, blah blah blah.