The UK Conservative Party’s Boris Johnson, climate realist and member of Benny Peiser’s scholarly electronic network CCNet, has been elected Mayor of London, defeating ‘Red Ken’ Livingstone.
There are a hundred reasons why Boris Johnson should not be Mayor of London. But his dinosaur views on the environment alone are enough to show what a disaster he would be for our city. The man who backed Bush against the Kyoto treaty and who doesn’t believe there’s a risk from passive smoking cannot be trusted with our future – or even, really, with his own. He’s a 19th century man in a 21st century city
–Sian Berry, Green Party, 25 April 2008
Under a climate change denier like Boris Johnson, we would have to fear for our futures, and for the jobs of all the hundreds who work for us. We would also have to fear for the physical security of the city itself, under the assault of unmitigated global warming, were others to follow Johnson’s ‘lead’ on climate change.
–Jeremy Leggett, SolarCentury, 25 April 2008
The prospect of Boris as Mayor of London is just so scary. The prospect of Boris taking over London’s Climate Change Action Plan is even scarier. He may have learnt not to reveal his full contrarian bigotry on climate change, but he really doesn’t get it, and would rapidly scale back or completely get rid off the ambitious targets in the Action Plan. And that would be a massive set back. I just hope all the environmental NGOs can rally the troops in London in a pro-Ken campaign, even if they can’t come out and explicitly endorse him.
–Jonathon Porritt, Sustainable Development Commission, March 2008
Boris Johnson claimed a remarkable victory in the London mayoral contest on Friday night to cap a disastrous series of results for Gordon Brown in his first electoral test as Prime Minister. Mr Johnson’s landmark victory, a result that would have been almost unthinkable six months ago, was the most symbolic blow to Mr Brown’s authority on a day that left the Prime Minister facing the gravest crisis of his leadership.
–Andrew Porter and Robert Winnett, The Daily Telegraph, 3 May 2008
[The defeated] Mr Livingstone made clear he views 1 May as a referendum on his policies to tackle climate change and protect the health of Londoners. Aides claimed it would be the first election in British history to be decided largely on environmental issues.
–The London Evening Standard, 25 March 2008
Londoners now face a stark choice. Boris Johnson is an environmental vandal, whose main contribution to environmental policy was as a cheerleader for George W Bush’s disastrous decision to oppose the Kyoto climate treaty. The election is neck and neck and everyone who cares about the environment needs to vote with the first and second preferences for myself and Sian Berry if we are to stop Boris Johnson wrecking London’s environment.
–Ken Livingstone, 25 April 2008
The hypocrisy of the Europeans over Kyoto is staggering. They attack America in hysterical terms, and yet the 15 EU countries have never come close to meeting their own eight per cent target for cuts in carbon dioxide emissions. They have not even agreed which countries should cut the most. If America were to meet its Kyoto targets now, it would require a cut of 30 per cent in emissions, and how, exactly, is that supposed to work in the current economic downturn? It would exacerbate the recession, and when Bush says no, he is doing what is right not just for America but for the world
–Boris Johnson, The Daily Telegraph, April 2001
The EU is simply a socialist state in all but name.
China is now No 1 CO2 Emitter. The US, according to a source cited bye the World Climate Report, did not increase its CO2 emissions over the same period.
Now let the Lukes, Enders, SJT’s and all the other Peter Garrett clones in to wail 🙂
Hopefully this is a sign that the Londoners are fed up with green tax racket that has been bullied onto the UK citizens by lying politicians.
Yes, it goes to show one can win elections with issues based on science. The Czech President did the same. People are fed up with thieving swindler governments.
Victory for common sense over out-of-control bureaucrats.
As Churchill said, “Is this the end of the beginning”?
“People are fed up with thieving swindler governments.”
Is there another sort? It seems to me that it doesn’t matter who I vote for, a politician always seems to win.
Would that be the Sian Berry of the Green Party who stood against Boris and who polled just 3.5% of the total vote?
What amazes me most is the possibility of the citizens, en masse, not paying their taxes, (assuming that the taxing authorities have no easy access to an individual’s banking account), and no one seems to have considered it as a viable means of registering dissatisfaction.
Australia seems to be based on a voluntary system of taxation. So I wonder what would happen if all businesses decided NOT to forward the BAS payments? Is the ATO then to prosecute all businessess?
I live in London and voted for Boris. My stattus in this city a a white hetrosexual male who has worked non stop from leaving school, never broke any laws and diligently paid his taxes now feels greatly elevated this morning.
The coming months are going to be very interesting I have seen the assembley results yet. AGW suddenly delayed, James Hansen attending anti bush meetings and now Boris getting some clout in London: It just gets better and better.
Great to see a true representative of the people win the Mayoral elections.
People must have had a gutfull of the leftwing nuts and assorted backsides of the world running their London council.
Lies and liars may be tolerated for a while on this climate change fantasy but when people are expected to pay through the nose for decades for a zero return I’m sure they will always respond in this way.
Anyhow it’s great to see the fantasists and liars bite the dust, bad luck flukey.
More blog rabies. If Boris baby is who you all want – no problemo.
“If Boris baby is who you all want – no problemo.”
Oh sure.
Interesting to read the Alarmist Age this morning. According to them, Boris’ win is all part of the general backlash “as the British economy suffers fallout from the US subprime mortgage crisis.” Not a single mention of Environmentalist (i.e. big-E, religious) issues.
In fact, there has been no coverage in the Alarmist Age that the creaking, rat-infested ‘SS Climate Science’ struck an iceberg and sank with loss of all those aboard – or that none of them will be missed.
If David Irving is looking for work, there is an opportunity for him in advising the Alarmist Age and the ABC as they go about reinventing history.
You really are a tedious ranter aren’t you. You realise that just progagandising like you do doesn’t convince anyone except your banjo twanging mates that you’re right and reinforces the opposition’s need to kick you into the stone age at the first opportunity. Welcome to your more polarised, more hateful society. Issue resolution zilch.
“and reinforces the opposition’s need to kick you into the stone age at the first opportunity”
If you take the time to read your own words, maybe you can understand what the rest of us are really campaigning against — it’s the fear of waking up one morning and finding fruitcakes like you and Ender running the show.
Unfortunately, self-righteous egomaniacs like the two of you won’t be happy until you have EVERYONE back in the stone age.
I have commented in recent threads here, that the ballot box will be the final arbiter in this “global warming” nonsense. That people may feel good about ‘earth hour’ and similar fantasies but once they start to be hurt by it in the hip pocket…They will reject it.
Apparently that is what has happened in London!
Watch out Kevin…You may be hit for seven.
Well scumbo – here’s my issue – I’m not telling you what to do at all. What worries me is the insidious venomous divisiveness that pervades all your rhetoric. You’re not part of the solution just more of the same old problem.
And yes indeed I agree with Sid (finally) – the ballot box will be the final arbiter – AGW will be voted down – the vast majority aren’t going to cop any reduction in living standards or carbon taxes. It ain’t gonna happen or if it does it won’t last. AGW is too complex for the public to grasp.
Rudd probably already senses this – and you’ll note he’s hastening slowly.
However none of this will make more iota difference to the atmosphere’s final decision.
“AGW is too complex for the public to grasp.”
Oh – so now we’re all too stupid to grasp the concept that more CO2 = hotter climate = we’re all doomed. Talk about the height of arrogance.
Did you ever consider the possibility that maybe the public is too smart to be taken in by simplistic garbage like this?
No frothing ranter I don’t.
I did a survey – and nobody knew about the PDO and AMO or MOC.
victory for common sense!!
Well done Boris, remember how badly the green party have done. Common sense prevails, agreed Carlo
The world’s first election about environmental issues – and the Green got 3.5%!!
We must be approaching a “tipping point”.
“The world’s first election about environmental issues – and the Green got 3.5%!!”
..or, to put this in perspective, probably less than the ‘donkey vote’!
“Well scumbo …. What worries me is the insidious venomous divisiveness that pervades all your rhetoric.”
ROFL. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Look at the quote from above.
“He may have learnt not to reveal his full contrarian bigotry on climate change,”
Disagree with these people and they accuse you of BIGOTRY – OVER CLIMATE CHANGE FOR CHRIST SAKE.
And you are worried about our devisiveness? You are using the same of tactics of insult, intimidation, guilt, and accustaions about standing in the way of progress. If you could think of a way to play the race card over climate, you would do it in a heartbeat. And you have the audacity to say that we are devisive.
Now for the purge, Boris. All those years of Livingstone cronyism distorting the administration will need some serious blood letting. There can be no enduring long term relationship with parasites so aim well and cut deep.
The only problem is that all the bureaucratic pond life will suddenly see Australia and KRudd as some sort of promised land for displaced leftist slime mould. I suppose there is always Pyong Yang.
hmmm – another serving of “insidious venomous divisiveness”