IT is perhaps easier to build the Great Wall of China than to convince a global warming devotee to reconsider their mistaken faith. A man with a conviction is a hard man to change. Tell him you disagree and he turns away. Show him facts or figures … [Read more...] about Peer Review Falters at the Altar of Conviction
Menstrual Sanitation – An Environmental Issue
"LIKE many other Western countries, my home country of Australia is reluctant to support development in all its forms," writes Caroline Marohasy in an article just published by New Internationalist. In the article, entitled "Menstrual sanitation is … [Read more...] about Menstrual Sanitation – An Environmental Issue
Coalition’s Soil Carbon Plan Unviable
THERE will soon be a federal election in Australia. One of the issues that should be discussed and debated is ‘climate change’ and how the Australian Labor party, led by Kevin Rudd, versus the Conservative Coalition, led by Tony Abbott, plan to … [Read more...] about Coalition’s Soil Carbon Plan Unviable
The Central England Temperature Index: A Useful Reference
It has been suggested at this blog that it is too risky for mainstream politicians, for example the leader of the Coalition, Tony Abbott, to admit to being sceptical of anthropogenic global warming. It has been suggested journalists at the Australian … [Read more...] about The Central England Temperature Index: A Useful Reference
Dumping the Carbon Tax without Dumping Anything
THE Coalition's attacks on the carbon tax have been more about broken promises than policy, allowing Kevin Rudd to 'dump the tax' without actually dumping anything, writes Chris Berg... "WHEN Julia Gillard promised in 2010 that there would be no … [Read more...] about Dumping the Carbon Tax without Dumping Anything
Murray Darling Basin Authority Rewriting History – Yet Again
IAN Rowan lives on the shores of Lake Alexandrina and he is fed-up with the nonsense from the Murray Darling Basin Authority. In an open letter to the Authority following the recent publication of the ‘2013-2014 Basin Annual Environmental Watering … [Read more...] about Murray Darling Basin Authority Rewriting History – Yet Again