"PERHAPS the major environmental news of the week was a friendly interview of Phil Jones, the former head of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU), by BBC’s Roger Harabin. After the interview, a question and answer statement, with some corrections, was … [Read more...] about Warming Since 1995 Not Significant: Phil Jones
Pachauri Must Resign – UN IPCC is ‘sub-prime science’ – Why is Gore Silent? – Banks withdraw from carbon trading – Withdraw UN IPCC Nobel: Marc Morano
Flashback 2008: Scientist: 'Global warming' is sub-prime science, sub-prime economics, and sub-prime politics, and it could well go down with the sub-prime … [Read more...] about Pachauri Must Resign – UN IPCC is ‘sub-prime science’ – Why is Gore Silent? – Banks withdraw from carbon trading – Withdraw UN IPCC Nobel: Marc Morano
Glacial Melt Farce
"LET me get this right... The fraudster who runs the IPCC global warming scam and makes millions from that office Employs the bloke who gave the scientific evidence for glacier melt in the Himalayas totally removing them from the face of … [Read more...] about Glacial Melt Farce
Climategate Analysis: SPPI
The Science and Public Policy Institute has published an analysis of the leaked climategate emails. This 149-page document takes the emails in chronological order and shows, with comments on each message, how science was perverted. In the … [Read more...] about Climategate Analysis: SPPI
Climategate Hits the US: Kenneth Haapala
FOR MUCH of the Northern Hemisphere, the cold is abating. As climate scientists long realized, a short period does not create a trend. Even global warming advocates, who insisted that the 1998 El Nino warming was a trend, are now claiming that the … [Read more...] about Climategate Hits the US: Kenneth Haapala
News from Kenneth Haapala
For an interview with Fred Singer in Copenhagen please see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmNQoQ2Tr18&feature=rec-LGOUT-exp_fresh+div-1r-5-HM According to the New York Times the real success of Copenhagen was Western nations pledging to fund … [Read more...] about News from Kenneth Haapala