I saw this one man from Adelaide University at Milang and I asked him about these barrages and he said that if they let the sea in the caravan park would have been flooded. He mentioned something about the Surveyor General’s Office telling the Premier that hundreds of acres of land would be inundated if the sea were allowed back in. I suppose it has risen since they put the dam things in which was in 1948… They are all slashing their paddocks early this year. In fact it gets earlier and earlier and I have been here for 20 years… One more thing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu0kCa61VSo
If they open the barrages and let the sea RUSH in, surely they would have to maintain shark watching up the river.
There is an old native story about watching their totem, the shark in the river and as it swam up the river, one said to the other: Lookit him Tailem Bend!
Ex Water Minister Penny Wong said, of the barrages: The remind me of the dykes in Holland.
I have also read about sharks in the Murray; dolphins and seals as well.
An aboriginal elder on a recent TV doco stated that mulloway used to be caught at Morgan.
In the 1800s over 70 seals were counted at Gundagai and one was shot , stuffed and mounted in the hotel at Conargo.
As Jennifer has previously pointed out, Charles Sturt named the entry to Lake Alexandrina as the Murray Mouth.
PLEASE RESTORE TO NATURAL STATE SA ( we want a seal at Conargo lol )