Australian economist Alan Moran considers the advantages of taxing versus trading to reduce carbon emissions and concludes the best policy for Australia is to do nothing till 2020, then catch up by 2050, given the Treasury’s estimate at 3 percent of GDP. Read more here.
‘To tax or to trade carbon’ is like the old no-win question ‘Have you stopped beating your wife’.
Carbon dioxide is NOT GUILTY of the charge of global warming. The Al Gore acolytes who promote the nonsense of reducing carbon dioxide emissions must be driven by another agenda, one which is not in this country’s interests.
When I saw a video clip of Al Gore boasting that he had 250 operatives in Australia before the last Federal Election working to influence that election by supporting the political party that promised to sign the Kyoto Agreement, I was appalled. But I was also appalled that the mainstream media did not report this, and still treat ‘man-made’ climate change as gospel.
The following extract is well worth reading in full:
From the New Zealand Centre for Political Research.
This essay should be studied carefully by all Editors, Journalists and Politicians.
CARBON DIOXIDE: The importance of Carbon Dioxide to your health
By Robert Chouinard
First, do you know that carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere is
Þ only slightly more than 1/3rd of 1/10th of 1 percent?
Þ just recovering from the lowest level in the history of the earth?
Þ the source of carbon for all life forms, on land or in the sea?
Þ only slightly above the suffocation level for green plants?
Þ a fraction of the level for which evolution designed plants?
Þ so low as to cause some people breathing problems?
Þ increased by 130 times and more when administered to sick patients?
Þ considered, thanks to Al Gore, a pollutant by the U.S. Supreme Court?
Þ now a commodity to be traded on Al Gore’s Carbon Exchange? (See lawsuit against Al Gore for fraud)
Please can you tell me how to contact Robert Chouinard?