BASED on 933,022 votes cast in 48 categories over seven days of voting winners of The 2008 Weblog Awards have now been announced.
Veteran political blogger, columnist and author, Andrew Sullivan, won the best blog beating the Huffington Post and others. Mr Sullivan’s blogs is hosted by the Atlantic magazine.
Climate change sceptic, Anthony Watts, won best Science blog. Mr Watts, and his team, focus on climate change issues and have a project auditing US weather stations which makes for great visuals and amazing reading.
I would also like to particularly congratulate Lubos Motl for winning best European blog and Tim Blair for winning best Australian blog.
Strobist won both the best online community and also best photograph blog.
This blog, , was a finalist in the best online community section and we did well coming in second in our section.
Much thanks to everyone who voted.
Just shows to go Jen, a sign of sanity. The web is inhabited by generally sceptical people.
And don’t forget, Miley Cyrus was most the popular artist of 2008.
Who says such polls aren’t an accurate reflection of quality?
And don’t forget, George Bush was way down in the polls but history will remember him in a better light.
The Democrats won the American polls and their Sub-Prime policy has pulled down the world’s economy.
It was a fix, Jen. You have, hands down, the best blog in your voting category.
Three of my favorite blogs won, and another was a runner-up. I’m pumped.
You’ll lick em next year Jen.
Enjoy your cake…
“Climate change sceptic, Anthony Watts, won best Science blog. ”
I think this is a great example of Socratic irony.
NT: ““Climate change sceptic, Anthony Watts, won best Science blog. ”
I think this is a great example of Socratic irony.”
More a case of sour grapes on your part NT. But then your lot never do tolerate the grubby masses, the same way that capitalism is despised – mass production for mass consumption.
Actually Anthony Watts does do excellent science in his blog – the initial starting point in collection the raw data as the first link the the chain.
Congratulations Jen for making it into the finals.
Nexus 6
“Who says such polls aren’t an accurate reflection of quality?”
Indeed – look at the rubbish that got elected in November 2008 in Australia. Quantity- buckets of, quality – depends on whether herbivorous droppings are allowed in the quality category.
And Tim Blair making it best Oz bog – what happened to the progressive blogs? Progressed down to their normal position in the blog pecking order, next to the toilet paper.
Congratulations on you good performance Jen do you get a silver medal or something for coming in second?
Louis IO see you’ve had a facelift I’m not sure it’s an improvement.
Maybe Jen’s downfall is having such regular dopes as Louis.
It is an appropriate image for a Gadfly however.
Maureen: “Maybe Jen’s downfall is having such regular dopes as Louis.”
Nutter, denialist, to which now dope can now be added. I wonder when I’ll get branded as a tobacco scientist.
Not a gadfly. A lightning bug. That’s what you are.
Louis: I wonder when I’ll get branded as a tobacco scientist.
When you find a potential crystal nicotine mine.
Ask U.S. Democrats to find more votes for the recount, as in the Minnesota Senate race, and you’ll surely win.
James: Lightning bug? That’s an electrically universal moniker. 🙂
Jan, No prizes – just some recognition for the blog. And thanks.
fair enough Jen