Hi Jennifer
When you put the article about 650 scientists a while back I found I could not access it. I also noticed in the blog others who stated they could not access it either. I also found no US Senate page was accessible. After trying various things and knowing I could access it from work I asked my ISP if they were blocking it. After several days it was determined no they weren’t but on tracing the request it was getting to the senate but there it was being blocked.
On finding this I put a polite request to the Senate’s webmaster giving all the detail I had. On not receiving a reply that gave any information I started tonight to check my computer’s configuration more rigorously only to find I can access it without any problems. So if you know anyone else who had problems with this you can suggest they give it another try.
Mike O’Ceirin
If Global Warming causes Extreme Weather, at what global temperature did it not happen?
This is a link to;
U. S. Senate Minority Report:
More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over
Man-Made Global Warming Claims
Scientists Continue to Debunk “Consensus” in 2008
The above link works for me. If it is blocked for you or other issues exist you can access the .pdf at my site: http://penoflight.com/climatebuzz/Files/SenateReport.pdf
Lee looks like you did not read my note. Yes I can now load that pdf as well as others from the site. I had it already by another means. The issue was I could not get to anything on the site from my home computer. There were others who commented they could not either.
I am willing to explain in more detail what I did and found out to access them.