According to a recent survey, India believe there is too much fuss about the environment (79 percent) and they do not believe the world is experiencing global warming (56 percent). Read more here.
‘ “The Kyoto theorists have put the cart before the horse,” says renowned Russian geographer Andrei Kapitsa. “It is global warming that triggers higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, not the other way round.”
Russian researchers made this discovery while studying ice cores recovered from the depth of 3.5 kilometres in Antarctica. Analysis of ancient ice and air bubbles trapped inside revealed the composition of the atmosphere and air temperature going back as far as 400,000 years.’
Let’s leave the flat-earthers (the AGWers) behind and move ahead with science.
AND Prof Garnault – Indian won’t be coming on board so as you have said, Australia shouldn’t bother until the major “polluters” come on board.
Louis Hissinksays
And Rajendra Pachauri has also changed his tune I hear, saying there is no impending climate catastrophe over the horizon.
Patrick Bsays
“According to a recent survey, India believe there is too much fuss about the environment (79 percent) and they do not believe the world is experiencing global warming (56 percent). ”
What an odd sentence. Who is this “India” person who believes. And then India is refered to in the plural. I wouldn’t have thought that a landmass felt strongly about anything.
Taluka Byvalniansays
“According to a recent survey, India believe there is too much fuss about the environment (79 percent) and they do not believe the world is experiencing global warming (56 percent). ”
What an odd sentence. What are the percentages that you quote? I would rate your post 6.7%!
From the same reference.
“The hypothesis of anthropogenic greenhouse gases was born out of computer modelling of climate changes. Russian scientists say climate models are inaccurate since scientific understanding of many natural climate factors is still poor and cannot be properly modelled.”
“The Earth’s atmosphere has built-in regulatory mechanisms that moderate climate changes. When temperatures rise, ocean water evaporation increases, denser clouds stop solar rays and surface temperatures decline,” says Dr. Sorokhtin.
You boofhead Patrick B. Was it too much to read the link? Never had a typo? Eh!
The front page of the Hindu in July (107/08) announced that Russian scientists reject the idea that carbon dioxide may be responsible for global warming.
‘ “The Kyoto theorists have put the cart before the horse,” says renowned Russian geographer Andrei Kapitsa. “It is global warming that triggers higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, not the other way round.”
Russian researchers made this discovery while studying ice cores recovered from the depth of 3.5 kilometres in Antarctica. Analysis of ancient ice and air bubbles trapped inside revealed the composition of the atmosphere and air temperature going back as far as 400,000 years.’
Let’s leave the flat-earthers (the AGWers) behind and move ahead with science.
AND Prof Garnault – Indian won’t be coming on board so as you have said, Australia shouldn’t bother until the major “polluters” come on board.
And Rajendra Pachauri has also changed his tune I hear, saying there is no impending climate catastrophe over the horizon.
“According to a recent survey, India believe there is too much fuss about the environment (79 percent) and they do not believe the world is experiencing global warming (56 percent). ”
What an odd sentence. Who is this “India” person who believes. And then India is refered to in the plural. I wouldn’t have thought that a landmass felt strongly about anything.
“According to a recent survey, India believe there is too much fuss about the environment (79 percent) and they do not believe the world is experiencing global warming (56 percent). ”
What an odd sentence. What are the percentages that you quote? I would rate your post 6.7%!
From the same reference.
“The hypothesis of anthropogenic greenhouse gases was born out of computer modelling of climate changes. Russian scientists say climate models are inaccurate since scientific understanding of many natural climate factors is still poor and cannot be properly modelled.”
“The Earth’s atmosphere has built-in regulatory mechanisms that moderate climate changes. When temperatures rise, ocean water evaporation increases, denser clouds stop solar rays and surface temperatures decline,” says Dr. Sorokhtin.
You boofhead Patrick B. Was it too much to read the link? Never had a typo? Eh!