Nascent green industry’s balance sheets are beginning to bleed red… for the giant wind farm project to be economically viable we will have to wait for fossil-fuel prices to rise again. Read more here.
Reader Interactions
Closer to home our very own hot air corp. hits a snag.
‘But the strangest thing about this deal is that EnvironMission already appears to own the global rights to SolarMission’s “development technology”.’
Strange indeed! We have to buy this coy to get the rights, but we already own the rights. No wonder they have David Galbally QC on board to cross all the T’s and dot all the i’s.
Perhaps they could sell their dealings to the Bold and the Beautiful.
Closer to home our very own hot air corp. hits a snag.
‘But the strangest thing about this deal is that EnvironMission already appears to own the global rights to SolarMission’s “development technology”.’
Strange indeed! We have to buy this coy to get the rights, but we already own the rights. No wonder they have David Galbally QC on board to cross all the T’s and dot all the i’s.
Perhaps they could sell their dealings to the Bold and the Beautiful.