EACH year On Line Opinion and Club Troppo collaborate to publish a Best Blogs feature in January, which features the best blog pieces from the previous year selected from reader nominations. This year they are doing it again.
What was the best blog piece that you read in 2008? Was it at www.jennifermarohasy.com/blog?
Cast your vote here: http://polling.nationalforum.com.au/index.php?sid=54429&lang=en
Graham Young and team will consider the votes, weigh them up with his expert panel, and get the right to republish as many of them as he can in On Line Opinion over the January period.
The best blog posts of 2007 are here: http://onlineopinion.com.au/feature.asp?year=2008&month=1
Photograph taken looking into Lake Weyba, south east Queensland, December 25, 2008, by Jennifer Marohasy.
Merry Christmas.
Hi Jen, thanks for the plug. I actually don’t have any nominations from your blog yet. So I was wondering whether you and your readers might want to put some suggestions in this thread, and perhaps debate them. Don’t have to be from your blog either, just as long as they are from the Australian blogosphere.
What about this one from me?
“Campaigning for National Parks is Against Australian’s Bush Ethos”
I rather like this one from Motty:
“Good News on High Fuel and Food Prices”
I don’t think I nominated a post for last year, but in 2006, I nominated ‘Deja Vu on the ABC’ by Roger Underwood. He is another good one by Roger:
“The History of a Weather Station in Western Australia”
Then there are the series of posts by Cohenite, which you can read here, which is the best?
Thanks jennifer, and a merry xmas to you and your readers. I think the recent David Evan’s post on the THS is the best simply because it brought out all the sophistry and bloviations of the AGW supporters; it’s been a real Catch-22 job; which is, the THS is real if it’s there but its not if its not because it can’t be distinguished from non-AGW causes; then there was the water argument; the THS is predicted because the slight warming from CO2 causes more SH and +ve feedback. Even though Spencer and braswell have shown water is not a +ve feedback and NOAA shows SH and RH are falling at the crucial CEL level.
There is another good post here which featured a great comment by ‘Thinking Man’ on the illusion of alternative energy and the deceit and lies about nuclear;
The comment is at 8.03 pm on the 27/11/08.
As one of the judges of what is and what isn’t a ” Best Blog” this could be a bit problematic, but I think Ian’s post is the best for our purposes. OLO has a general audience and they’re looking for a piece that doesn’t assume that they know too much. The biofuel post fits the bill. The one that Cohenite links to also looked interesting until I saw it was a reprint of an article, and therefore, not strictly speaking a blog post.
Jen, have you got another one that you like of your own?
Hi Jen,
Just scanned through your oeuvre for 2008. Here are a few suggestions:
http://jennifermarohasy.com/blog/2008/10/how-to-save-the-red-gum-forests-a-note-to-mr-kelvin-thomson-mp/ – this one demonstratres that some blogs at least are part of the political debate.
http://jennifermarohasy.com/blog/2008/06/the-eerie-parallel-universe-of-blogging/ – this is a defence of blogging against an The Australian columnist – bound to strike a chord with our audience
http://jennifermarohasy.com/blog/2008/06/stop-complaining-about-the-lower-murray-and-open-the-barrages/ The first time I saw the suggestion that we should open the barrages. Rubbished by John Quiggin and then taken up by Penny Wong. I’d go with this one so far, but let me get to the end.
http://jennifermarohasy.com/blog/2008/02/why-i-am-a-dynamist/. Don’t like the term Dynamist – you and Postrel are welcome to it, but an example of chewing over some philosophical questions.
Which one do you like, or have I over-looked your nomination?
Definately take Motty’s and then you choose which of mine you like best.
I liked this one.
It came at a time when the newspaper had switched gears from “sea level rise” to “ocean acidification”, and I was struggling to find something on the net to refute their claims.