Global average for 2008 should come in close to 14.3C, but cooler temperature is not evidence that global warming is slowing, say climate scientists. Read more here.
Reader Interactions
Louis Hissinksays
What more proof does one need to have to conclude that AGW is pseudoscience? It does not matter what the weather or climate does, all of it is proof that anthropogenic emission of CO2 causes climate change.
It’s just another point on the graph, Louis. AGW is about long term trend over decades and it will be decades before you are proven correct or incorrect.
A lower point on the graph is no more disproof of AGW than you would concede that AGW is true if a point goes up again.
It’s like the DOW – fluctuations up and down are not at all indicative of long term trends, as all our financial advisors and superannuation consultants keep reminding us.
Louis Hissinksays
AGW is an unfalsifiable proposition – hence it isn’t science. Which part of this statement don’t you understand?
As for the economic forecasting – that is as reliable as climate forecasting – the same methodology underpins econometrics as climate prediction – both are non linear chaotic systems which cannot be intrinsically modeled.
There are sound electric-universe physical theory that better explains the observed cooling than the nonsense put by the climate hysterians.
I thought there was not such things as a global average temperature.
wes georgesays
Slim is right.
The fact that temperatures aren’t rising don’t disprove the AGW apocalypse hypothesis, except in its more robust incarnation. However, the fact that temperatures aren’t rising do NOT prove the AGW hypothesis is useful in making forecasts either.
Likewise, the fact that there is no evidence that space aliens are controlling the Earth’s climate doesn’t disprove the claim that they are, nevertheless, it doesn’t make the space alien control hypothesis any more attractive either.
Therefore, since Slim agrees there’s no strong evidence for or against the AGW apocalypse hypothesis, why has Slim (in past posts) demanded immediate and drastic socio-economic policy mandates on the basis of an unproven assumption?
Or that the debate is over? Or that the science is settled?
Has no-one noticed the obvious?
Not only is 2008 the coolest year of the decade, it’s also the coolest year of the century and coolest year of the millenium. Surely that proves Global Warming is over?
Gordon Robertsonsays
SJT “Not only is 2008 the coolest year of the decade, it’s also the coolest year of the century and coolest year of the millenium. Surely that proves Global Warming is over”?
There’s hope for you yet my lad…you’ve been on the wrong side all along. Welcome aboard, matey!!
wes georgesays
I’m impressed. Once sarcasm was one of those mist-shrouded cognitive pinnacles beyond the meager reach of your commentary.
What more proof does one need to have to conclude that AGW is pseudoscience? It does not matter what the weather or climate does, all of it is proof that anthropogenic emission of CO2 causes climate change.
It’s just another point on the graph, Louis. AGW is about long term trend over decades and it will be decades before you are proven correct or incorrect.
A lower point on the graph is no more disproof of AGW than you would concede that AGW is true if a point goes up again.
It’s like the DOW – fluctuations up and down are not at all indicative of long term trends, as all our financial advisors and superannuation consultants keep reminding us.
AGW is an unfalsifiable proposition – hence it isn’t science. Which part of this statement don’t you understand?
As for the economic forecasting – that is as reliable as climate forecasting – the same methodology underpins econometrics as climate prediction – both are non linear chaotic systems which cannot be intrinsically modeled.
There are sound electric-universe physical theory that better explains the observed cooling than the nonsense put by the climate hysterians.
I thought there was not such things as a global average temperature.
Slim is right.
The fact that temperatures aren’t rising don’t disprove the AGW apocalypse hypothesis, except in its more robust incarnation. However, the fact that temperatures aren’t rising do NOT prove the AGW hypothesis is useful in making forecasts either.
Likewise, the fact that there is no evidence that space aliens are controlling the Earth’s climate doesn’t disprove the claim that they are, nevertheless, it doesn’t make the space alien control hypothesis any more attractive either.
Therefore, since Slim agrees there’s no strong evidence for or against the AGW apocalypse hypothesis, why has Slim (in past posts) demanded immediate and drastic socio-economic policy mandates on the basis of an unproven assumption?
Or that the debate is over? Or that the science is settled?
Has no-one noticed the obvious?
Not only is 2008 the coolest year of the decade, it’s also the coolest year of the century and coolest year of the millenium. Surely that proves Global Warming is over?
SJT “Not only is 2008 the coolest year of the decade, it’s also the coolest year of the century and coolest year of the millenium. Surely that proves Global Warming is over”?
There’s hope for you yet my lad…you’ve been on the wrong side all along. Welcome aboard, matey!!
I’m impressed. Once sarcasm was one of those mist-shrouded cognitive pinnacles beyond the meager reach of your commentary.
No longer.
Perhaps we should shout you a round, old boy!