With less than two years remaining until the next general election, Britain’s Conservative Party has surged to an historic 22-point opinion-poll lead over the incumbent Labour Party. This turnabout has followed an energetic campaign by the Tory leader, David Cameron, to wrench the party out of its ideological comfort zone and overhaul its public image. Cameron has indeed handled many issues deftly. However, his initial attempt to spark a bidding war over climate alarmism backfired enormously, and it should serve as a warning to other Western political parties that are trying to burnish their green credentials.
From the moment he was elected Conservative leader in 2005, Cameron was eager to woo the upper-class voters who had shunned the party in the post-Thatcher era. He chose to make environmental policy the focus of his stylistic revolution, and he commissioned Zac Goldsmith (a fellow Eton graduate and director of The Ecologist magazine) to chair a “Quality of Life” policy group. Goldsmith, an heir to a billion-dollar fortune and well-known green activist, claimed “an invitation to be radical.”
Goldsmith’s policy group soon unleashed a fury of impractical ideas. It proposed placing prohibitive taxes on landfill and big cars, halting investment in air and road infrastructure, taxing parking at out-of-town malls, and even mandating that car advertisements include emissions statistics. The Conservative MP Tim Yeo, who chairs the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee, declared that domestic plane flights should be taxed out of existence. (Yeo boasted that he now travels to Scotland by train “as a matter of conscience.”)
Without doing much to appeal to suburbanites interested in clean rivers and parks, the new Tory agenda threatened the low-cost flights that had only recently made European travel affordable for millions. It also confirmed the suspicion of many working-class voters that the Conservatives were rich elitists who cared little about job loss.
While many of the Tories’ environmental proposals were harmlessly ridiculous and had no real prospect of enactment, the empty rhetoric proved very costly. The Labour government, refusing to let the Conservative Party claim the mantle of environmental champion, swung left on the issue. The failure of environmental taxes to change behavior was taken as a sign that those taxes should be raised even further. Big increases in annual road taxes were rolled out; drivers of Honda Accords will owe over $500 per year by 2010-11. Taxes on gasoline went up, forcing motorists to pay nearly $9 a gallon. Meanwhile, taxes on plane flights were doubled, despite evidence that such a change may actually increase emissions.
British leaders have long struggled to convince the public that significant resources should be allocated to fight climate change. Yet the burgeoning global warming industry—a motley assortment of activists and NGOs—has relentlessly driven its agenda through bureaucratic and legal channels that are cut off from democratic accountability. Further insulated from political attack by Cameron’s green posturing, the climate change alarmists were able to set the terms of the debate.
While most peer-reviewed cost-benefit analyses of climate change tend to find that the costs of global warming do not merit a radical and immediate shift away from carbon-based fuels, moderate anti-carbon policies have failed to satisfy the demands of climate activists. In response to the inconvenient economics, the Labour government decided to base all its policymaking on a Treasury study by Nicholas Stern. The Stern report used an extremely low discount rate to grossly magnify the future environmental costs of climate change.
Yet, far from rebuking this folly, the Conservative Party’s Quality of Life policy group criticised the Stern report for tolerating too much planetary warming. As the Labour government advocated a 60 percent reduction in British carbon emissions by the year 2050, the Tories shot back with a demand that the nation roll back 80 percent of its emissions by that time. This merely upped the ante. The third-party Liberal Democrats responded with a call for complete decarbonization—a 100 percent reduction in emissions. No matter how hard the Tories tried, they could never “out-green” their rivals on the left.
The popular press were less indulgent of such nonsense, and many media outlets lampooned the proposed climate initiatives. Voters did not like having wealthy politicians lecture them on the demerits of prosperity, and every green policy that the Tories promoted was greeted with derision or worse. When the Tory Quality of Life group’s disastrous report was eventually released in September 2007, the Conservatives were in disarray. They were so far behind in the opinion polls that Prime Minister Gordon Brown even considered calling an early election.
Cameron had no choice but to change tack. The recovery that saw the Tories rise to their present poll lead began with a call to significantly reduce the inheritance tax. This was followed by proposals for comprehensive school choice and welfare reform. The Conservatives also suggested some tough new anti-crime initiatives. The idea that proved most useful in de-stigmatizing the Tory brand was a plan to rebuild poverty-stricken communities in disadvantaged areas.
To be sure, the Conservatives have also benefited from a complete collapse of popular support for the Labour government. Indeed, this has been perhaps the biggest factor in the Tories’ resurgence. The British economy has faltered, and voters have become less tolerant of fiscal extravagance. They are especially angry about an increase in the annual car tax, which was sold as a green measure. In a recent YouGov poll commissioned by the TaxPayers’ Alliance, 63 percent agreed with this statement: “politicians are not serious about the environment and are using the issue as an excuse to raise more revenue from green taxes.” When a recent Mori poll asked voters to name important issues facing Great Britain, only 7 percent cited the environment, while 42 percent named immigration and 35 percent said crime.
None of this is to say that conservatives should neglect the environment. Over the past few months, Cameron has been trumpeting a more holistic environmentalism, arguing that being green is “not just about the stratosphere, it’s about the street corner.” He stresses the need to eliminate graffiti and cut crime in local parks. While there is little public appetite for raising energy taxes or overhauling the British economy to deal with climate change, there is widespread support for boosting investment in green-friendly technologies, and the Tories are well-placed to advance this.
The recent success of the Conservative Party has owed little to quixotic environmentalism, and almost every Tory attempt to play the green card has been a disaster. The party seems to have learned its lesson, and is now embracing a results-driven conservation policy that defends green spaces and promotes the development of efficient clean-energy technologies. While the climate debate is often dominated by clamorous activists, ordinary voters tend to favor a more pragmatic approach. If the Tories want to maintain their huge lead over Labour, that is the type of approach they should endorse.
Matthew Sinclair is a policy analyst at the London-based TaxPayers’ Alliance. Chris Pope is program manager of the National Research Initiative at the American Enterprise Institute.
Paul Biggs is a member of the Taxpayers’ Alliance West Midlands Council
TPA website: American.com: Matthew Sinclair and Chris Pope: The Strange Death of the Tory Climate Crusade
This would appear to confirm that the cruelest joke one can ever play on the village idiot is to take him seriously.
ermm……. which Tory party and which UK are you talking about? I don’t recognise it.
ermm, ……. which Tory party and which UK are you talking about? I don’t recognise either in your piece.
The problem is, it’s a global village and there are just too many idiots:
“As we speak, cars in Boston and factories in Beijing are melting the ice caps in the Arctic, shrinking the coastlines in the Atlantic, and bringing drought to farms from Kansas to Kenya.”
– Barack Obama from his Berlin speech, July 24, 2008
It seems the Conservative party is still willing to have green taxes. This from a speech a fortnight ago:
“We will be different. We understand that green taxes, properly used, are a key way of encouraging investment in – and take-up of – green technologies. But we also believe that any revenue raised should be offset by tax reductions elsewhere. Higher taxes on the things we want to discourage – like pollution. And lower taxes on the things we want to support – like families.
“That’s why with a Conservative Government every additional penny raised from green taxes will go into a separate pot – a Family Fund which will be used to finance tax relief for families. Green taxes as replacement taxes, not new taxes. That’s what I mean when I say we can go green and strengthen family finances at the same time.”
Will this happen to the Australian taxes?
Cinders – I think you will find that those are empty words rather than an actual mapped out or costed policy.
Recent research seems to indicate that there has been no increase in world temperature for a decade and that the IPCC grossly OVER estimated the effect of CO2 on temperature. viz CO2 is likely to raise temperature by less than ONE degree in a century. The temperature rise over the last century was probably due to the influence of the oceans.
Now the Pacific is cooling and the PDO is cooling mode we should plan for the cold not heat.
Recent research seems to indicate that there has been no increase in world temperature for a decade and that the IPCC grossly OVER estimated the effect of CO2 on temperature. viz CO2 is likely to raise temperature by less than ONE degree in a century. The temperature rise over the last century was probably due to the influence of the oceans.
Now the Pacific is cooling and the PDO is cooling mode we should plan for the cold not heat.
Truth is, these environmental policies have almost zero effect on the popularity of the Conservatives, because everyone knows they are just for show. They are doing well at the moment mostly because the current government is circling the drain.
Paul: This front page Canberra Times article “Sun King casts shadow on solar solution” offers an interesting twist on our new Government’s climate initiatives after years of back peddling by the local conservatives.
“The Rudd Government’s decision to means test the solar panel rebate could destroy Australia’s fledgling solar energy industry, China’s richest man solar billionaire Zhengrong Shi has told a Senate inquiry”.
First the solar panel biz goes offshore then the trades loose on household installations.
AUS readers should note this poll.
“Q: Would you invest in solar technology if it wasn’t means tested?”
Paul is skeptical enough to suggest a politician’s promise might only be empty words, perhaps he should look at the promise from the United States Democratic Party Candidate for President:
“Cap and Trade: Obama supports implementation of a market-based cap-and-trade system to reduce carbon emissions by the amount scientists say is necessary: 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. Obama’s cap-and-trade system will require all pollution credits to be auctioned. A 100 percent auction ensures that all polluters pay for every ton of emissions they release, rather than giving these emission rights away to coal and oil companies. Some of the revenue generated by auctioning allowances will be used to support the development of clean energy, to invest in energy efficiency improvements, and to address transition costs, including helping American workers affected by this economic transition.”
This raises the question where will the rest of the tax go?
“To be sure, the Conservatives have also benefited from a complete collapse of popular support for the Labour government.”
errr … is this a whopping understatement or what? I mean how many words are there in this piece of drivel … just counted them, 1188 and 19 that describe the actual reason for the surge in the Tory vote. That’s about 1.5% of the whole rant. Someone has way to much time on their hands not to mention an imagination that borders on delusional.
Actually, to say that the conservatives are gaining because Labour is unpopular is to state the bleeding obvious.
Could be why the article only wastes only 19 words on it. The gist of the matter is why labour’s policies are so unpopular and what policies the conservatives have adopted to become so popular, Luke.
Perhaps, there is a prescient lesson here applicable the Australian polity?
Yes cinders – I’m very sceptical about politicians. Cameron and Obama – two vacuous politicians seeking power.