By frankly acknowledging mistakes and encouraging her colleagues to treat skeptics with respect, Judith Curry hopes to bring about a meeting of the minds. Read more here.
Judith Curry says: “If only 1 percent of it or 10 percent of what the skeptics say is right, that is time well spent because we have just been too encumbered by groupthink.”
From what we know of the IPCC/Climategate CRU, probably only 1 percent of it or 10 percent of what they say is right.
Judith Curry says: “If only 1 percent of it or 10 percent of what the skeptics say is right, that is time well spent because we have just been too encumbered by groupthink.”
From what we know of the IPCC/Climategate CRU, probably only 1 percent of it or 10 percent of what they say is right.