I've just discovered CarbonTradeWatch.org, a website critical of carbon trading. There are some thoughtful comments at the site including: "Many environmental NGOs have negotiated themselves into a corner, which allows little space for effective … [Read more...] about The Carbon Neutral Myth: A New Book & Website
Climate & Climate Change
Canberra Stormed: A Note from Gavin
Hi Jennifer, I’m writing a note about a bizarre end of summer storm event that hit drought affected Canberra late Tuesday evening. To some extent the whole thing went right over my head but I recall hastily pulling out internet and power connections … [Read more...] about Canberra Stormed: A Note from Gavin
An Inconvenient Oscar
The documentary ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, in which former Vice President Al Gore explains the current “climate crisis” and how Australia must sign the Kyoto Protocol to stop global warming, last night won an Oscar Award for best documentary film. The … [Read more...] about An Inconvenient Oscar
The Language of Climate Change: A Note from Luke Walker
Last night Australia's "premier television current affairs program" Four Corners showed a documentary purportedly about the "campaign to deny the science of global warming". A regular reader and commentator at this blog, Luke Walker, emailed me … [Read more...] about The Language of Climate Change: A Note from Luke Walker
Less Carbon, Less Kenyan Produce for Tesco
Flying airplanes generates a lot of greenhouse gas emissions. So, according to the global warming doomsayers we should endeavor to fly less. Indeed according to a recent article at Grist.org the Bishop of London has proclaimed that it is a sin to … [Read more...] about Less Carbon, Less Kenyan Produce for Tesco
Tribunal Rules against Global Warming Hysteria
The Queensland Conservation Council and Mackay Conservation Group objected to the expansion of a coal mine in central Queensland, in particular they claimed that there would be an adverse environmental impact unless conditions were imposed such that … [Read more...] about Tribunal Rules against Global Warming Hysteria