'INDEPENDENT MP Tony Windsor has raised three interim findings from his House of Representatives Murray Darling Basin inquiry, highlighting the potentially detrimental impacts of the “Swiss cheese effect” of water buy backs on irrigation districts. … [Read more...] about Interim Findings from Water Inquiry
Exotic Disease Threatens Australian Eucalyptus
Exotic diseases represent a significant threat to Australia’s unique fauna and flora. Dramatic declines in frog numbers in the 1970s were initially blamed on habitat destruction associated with logging. It was not until twenty years later that … [Read more...] about Exotic Disease Threatens Australian Eucalyptus
Questions over Snowy Hydro Water Management
It is the ultimate in hypocrisy for the Commonwealth government to be insisting farmers give back water under a new planning scheme to save the environment, while continuing to pocket millions from water wasted by Snowy Hydro for derivative trading … [Read more...] about Questions over Snowy Hydro Water Management
Formal Request to audit BOM and CSIRO Climate Data
A team of skeptical scientists, citizens, and an Australian Senator have lodged a formal request with the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) to have the BOM and CSIRO audited. The BOM claim their adjustments are “neutral” yet Ken Stewart … [Read more...] about Formal Request to audit BOM and CSIRO Climate Data
Bronwyn Herbert Investigates Snowy Hydro
Before the recent flooding, there was much lamenting about how there is never enough water in the Murray Darling Basin for both irrigated agriculture and also the environment. Yet in all this discussion no consideration has been given to the more … [Read more...] about Bronwyn Herbert Investigates Snowy Hydro
The Cost of Reducing Carbon Emissions
'MORE than $5.5 billion has been spent by federal governments during the past decade on climate change programs that are delivering only small reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. 'An analysis of government schemes designed to cut emissions by … [Read more...] about The Cost of Reducing Carbon Emissions