In National Parks, Reserves, and on private property in south-western Australia, grasstrees are under termite attack, rotting, breaking off, and toppling over, due to vast accumulation of thatch. The grasstree in this photograph, with heavy thatch … [Read more...] about Fire, Folly & Dead Canaries
Stop Global Warming, Stop Burning-Off in the NT
Maybe I have been a bit harsh with my title for this post? Then again, I am, after all, at heart, a global warming skeptic. And now the NT government is proposing aboriginals stop burning-off to reduce C02 emmissions. "Government figures show the … [Read more...] about Stop Global Warming, Stop Burning-Off in the NT
Cane Toads Threaten WA?
I received the following email from someone looking for advice: "I rarely get involved in environmental causes but I think this one is worth it because the opportunity seems to be now or never. The consequences of cane toads don't seem to be life … [Read more...] about Cane Toads Threaten WA?
Taralga’s Potential Windmills
Some residents of Taralga don't like windmills and have sent me the following poster picture Download file (180 kb). It came with the following text: "Place on notice boards, dart boards, toilet doors......the mind boggles. Let's just get the … [Read more...] about Taralga’s Potential Windmills
On Pious Hope & Queensland’s Rangelands
The following note on rangeland management is from a reader of this blog who lives in western Queensland. The note was followed by the the comment that, "a major problem of rangeland management is that politicians and bureaucrats have undying faith … [Read more...] about On Pious Hope & Queensland’s Rangelands
GM Ban Challenged
It is not every day that I agree with the Hon Warren Truss MP but today's media release from him is a beauty: Australian Agriculture Minister Warren Truss today called on State and Territory governments to end their moratoria on the cultivation of … [Read more...] about GM Ban Challenged