Cinders are the black pieces that are left after something such as wood or coal has burned away. People can also burn.
There was a terrible bushfire in southeastern Australia on 6 February 1851. Quoting from the National Museum of Australia:
In the hills west of Geelong, a man helping fight a fire disappeared. His body was later found ‘burnt to a cinder’. Another man who perished was with a group burning stubble to form a firebreak when they were caught out by a wind change. His companions scattered, but he went the wrong way.
Domesticated animals and wildlife suffered terribly. It was estimated that one million sheep and thousands of cattle were lost.
The Melbourne Argus callously noted that ‘pigs and dogs running loose were burned to death – birds were dropping down off the trees before the fire in all directions – oppossums, kangaroos, and all sorts of beasts can be had to-day ready roasted all over the bush.
Caught out by a wind change and subsequently reduced to cinders. I cannot image anyone ever expecting that to happen to them. The world can be so cruel.
There was a newspaper article in The Los Angeles Times, on page 4 on Thursday August 20, 1885, that described how cinders fell all over the city the day before – on August 19, 1885 – and how later, smoke filled the sky in a solid bank entirely shutting out the mountains.
The year 1895 was also a bad year for wildfires in California, apparently the worst on record. The 1930s were a bad decade, and in Australia my Aunty Enid was living in Melbourne in January 1939 and remembers that it was so hot the tar on the roads melted – and the sky was grey from the bushfires.
The official temperature record, held by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, now show temperatures some degrees cooler for that period. There is constant remodelling of these same temperatures, with the natural climate cycles stripped away until historical temperatures for everywhere show gradual warming consistent with how Hollywood has agreed the world should be.
There is a lesson in these fires still burning in southern California.
All that wealth, power and influence did not save Hollywood from this natural disaster. It could have, for sure. It is often, in the end, a question of knowledge, political will and priorities.
Bill Gammage’s book about firestick farming in Australia is entitled ‘The Biggest Estate on Earth’. It explains how Aboriginal Australians used fire to create clever mosaics of different habitat – with extensive grassy patches and pathways, open woodlands and abundant wildlife, it evoked a country estate in England. These are his publicists’ words, with reference to southern, now forest areas including East Gippsland that did not burn so badly in 1939 because the first settlers continued the Aboriginal practice of patchwork burning.
These same overgrown forests burnt to cinders in January 2020.
The forests of East Gippsland were described by the first European settlers to Australia in the early 1800s as ‘park-like’ and ‘clean-bottomed’, which was attributed to burning by Aborigines. Of course, for traditional Australian Aborigines the concept of wilderness is not a cause for fond nostalgia but a land without custodians.
There was once a deep knowledge of wind and country, and a respect for history and elders. For cycles of life.
It is one thing to have an imagination and to dream and, as they do in Hollywood, making a fortune from films about how the world should be. But in the end, it is important to realize that after the rains, will sometimes come the floods, and after that the fires that can destroy you.
For sure they will destroy you, in real life, and also metaphorically, if you dream too big, take one too many chances after conditions have so obviously changed. If you didn’t have a plan for when the sparks would fly, as they surely will one day. It is virtuous. Just know where you are in your life cycle and the life cycle of nature and community.
As families and as nations we are more prone than ever to disaster, because of the excess hubris. It is everywhere nowadays in the West – exported from Hollywood that is now part of a city with so many suburbs in cinders.
In part because of the hubris, including from so many deluded leaders who were intent on changing the world, that they did not understand.
Hubris (/ˈhjuːbrɪs/; from Ancient Greek ὕβρις ‘pride, insolence, outrage’) describes a personality quality of extreme or excessive pride or dangerous overconfidence and complacency, often in combination with (or synonymous with) arrogance.
It is time that as individuals, communities and as nation states we stopped and took some time to reflect on our own limitations and the extraordinary power of nature – and the cycles of life.
Where I am living, on the Tropic of Capricorn on the edge of South Pacific just across from the Keppel Islands at the Great Barrier Reef, we have had big rains and can expect even bigger sea tides – it is that time of year when the dry rivers begin to flow to sea.
Life is good here, but it won’t always be raining.
There are lessons in these fires still burning in southern California, lessons for all of us.

Gambling against nature is not a great idea, especially when politics and money are involved. We would do well to take heed of the Aboriginals. Why aren’t the Greens doing this?
Over 40,000 years wood fuel along walking tracks would have been picked up and carried to the next camp. This gave them an escape route in the bushfire season, but crowning would have had devastating consequences.
A lot of cleared land around rivers might be related to flood plains, not Arcadian design.
Another word to accompany hubris etc and similarly is a lesson in itself: misanthropic.
Antarctic ice cores reveal that severe bushfires are nothing new.
‘Dr Udy said equal or more severe bushfires to the 2019 Black Summer fires — until now thought to be unprecedented — have occurred at least seven times over the past 2,000 years.
‘The study found they occurred in the summers of 485, 683, 709, 760, 862, 885 and 1108 AD.’ (ABC)
We live adjacent to the Scott River National Park in WA only some 100 meters away in fact. Some 10 years ago the people from Dept of Park Wildlife and Attractions, the responsible authority, and who had a name change last time they stuffed up a fire, advised us that they would be conducting a Hazard Reduction Burn in the Scott River National Park. It had been 1998 or 1999 since it had last been burned. It is my opinion that they came down in a helicopter (their favoured means of lighting fires) took a look and decided that it had been left too, long none of the fire breaks we passable and they would not be able to control a fire even if started in early winter or late summer. So all of a sudden some Honey Possums were discovered and an excuse for not burning was created. The banks of the Scott River which is the boundary to the park are covered with Melaleuca or Paper Barks which when they burn launch massive amounts of embers into the air. The prevailing wind all through summer blows from the South East or towards our settlement. I have written to DEPWA a couple of times but it would appear that the Honey Possums are more important than about 240 homes and several hundred people who live immediately adjacent to the National Park. It would come as no surprise to your readers that the Honey Possums are being studied by some people from a university who do not agree with burning the bush. It is particularly interesting as there are letters on record in the Royal Botanical Society in the UK written by Gorgiana Molloy in the 1830’s, where the author of the letters states “The Aboriginals were always burning the bush” It seems once you get to a government department that you are unable to understand basics like historical records or common sense. In order to meet their obligations to conduct controlled burns they go each year and burn large amounts of bush where there are no people or risks but areas to the North West of the Town of Augusta have not been burned since 1961, I am told . I am not holding my breath for the Hazard reduction burn in Scott River National Park.
The one thing you can be sure of though, when the fire inevitably comes it will be caused by Global Warming and not the departments sheer incompetence or unwillingness to deal with the issues of reducing the amount of flammable material in the park.
A small foot note In 1961, the south west of the state suffered from a series of devastating bush fires that destroyed Dwellingup and totally destroyed the town site of Karridale and 100,000 acres of farms, forest and bushland south of Margaret River.
Unfortunately, Hollywood and its attendant fantasy fixations will survive. They will not ‘Build Back Better’ – they will simply Build Back.
One hundred thousand people perished in the Tokyo Fire of 1923, instigated by an earthquake. Where is the San Andreas Fault?
They say California is 150 years overdue for a massive earthquake.
Disinformation by the BBC and ABC on weather is anchored in hubris.
“Paul Homewood is a retired accountant and climate blogger, who has been writing on climate and energy issues since 2011, according to a report by the UK’s most prominent climate science denial group, the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF).2
Homewood’s blog, “Not A Lot Of People Know That”, has had more than 12 million visitors since launching in 2011. Claiming it is “bringing some sanity to the Climate Change debate”, the site features thousands of posts critiquing mainstream climate science.3
Homewood is best known for his association with the late Telegraph columnist and climate sceptic Christopher Booker, who used his blog posts as a basis for a number of columns on climate science before his death in 2019. Homewood’s observations are also regularly quoted by Spectator and Breitbart columnist James Delingpole.4 5
As well as posting nearly daily articles on his blog, Homewood is a regular contributor to The Conservative Woman, a conservative blog which launched as a “counter-cultural offensive against the forces of Leftism, feminism and modernism” in 2014.6”
There is nothing wrong with being a member of the denialati, do you think the ABC and BBC are biased on the question of climate change?
Anyway, when Donald gets into power he’ll turn the world upside down and the MSM are bound to print what he says. CC is a western invention brought about by millenarianism.
1997 we went to 7 Emus NT, when out in the gulf fishing we noticed a massive fire & thought our camp & everything was gone. When we got back & asked our mates what the hell happened they laughed & said “ Willy ( Shadforth ) the aboriginal elder of the area had been out & said it’s to dry it needs a fire & proceed to walk around dropping matches. We were gob smacked BUT we knew how intelligent he was. It wouldn’t be done today because we don’t learn. Vale Willy.
In the early 60’s is saw a bushfire. So climate change is fake.
Climate change is very real. It is also almost completely natural. I’ve published about this with John Abbot, in GeoResJ, more information here:
And more recently there is a nice paper (quite short) by my friend who is a professor at Sydney University, Ivan Kennedy. Showing how the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide is almost certainly from degassing in the tropical Pacific Ocean, more information here:
(The Seasonal Keeling Oscillation in Atmospheric pCO2 is Caused by Variation in Seawater Surface Temperature. Examines Mar Biol Oceanogr. 6(3). EIMBO. 000638. 2023.)
I am hoping to have another zoom meeting for my community, and with Ivan Kennedy. To be sure to get an invite subscribe here: , specifically tick the box ‘new theory of climate’.
Thanks for caring. :-).
As Jennifer said, climate change is real, but the warming over the past 200 years has come about through natural variability, not a minuscule increase in carbon dioxide.
Karen, its over.
Tassie Blue Gums in the frame for exacerbating the fires.
“Having said that, once blue gums start burning, if there’s sufficient fuel, the winds are in the right direction, and the temperatures are very hot, they can really carry a fire,” Dr Moore said. (ABC)
And that is why we have firebreaks around Blue Gum plantations. Leaving Australian bush un-burned is just asking for problems and authorities around Australia do this on a regular basis, then wonder why they have uncontrollable fires. The Australian bush needs to be burned about every seven years if you are going to stop catastrophic fires.
It must be exhausting picking up the piles of dead birds beneath the wind turbines.
Jen, ask Ivan how he feels about this work…
Rapid rise in atmospheric CO2 marked the end of the Late Palaeozoic Ice Age.
Nat. Geosci. (2025).
“It remains to be seen whether a future Large Igneous Province event will similarly end the currentLate Cenozoic Ice Age, or whether the emergence of an evolutionarily extremely successful organism (that is, humans) may lead to a geological-scale climate transition.”
“Further, quantifying the relationship between GMST and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations can refine our understanding of Earth’s climate sensitivity and improve future predictions under anthropogenic warming.
PhanDA GMST exhibits a strong relationship with atmospheric CO2 concentrations (Fig. 4), demonstrating that CO2 has been the dominant forcing controlling global climate variations across the Phanerozoic.”
Karen it is not exhausting the foxes do a good job of cleaning up the birds, but it is exceedingly frustrating to see birds swatted out of the sky by devices built by people who are purporting to save the planet. Especially when we could be generating this power with Nuclear and achieving the results wanted by you lefties, but you wont consider that because you are too Ideologically driven to examine the facts.
PS the Ice Core Data from both the Northern and Southern poles which has been verified by many different sources shows that CO2 increases after the temperature and not as a cause of the increase in temperature.
Its difficult to know what caused the warmth 294 million years ago, but er are confident CO2 always follows temperature.
A little closer to our time and place.
According to Michael Mann, increases in CO2 follow increases in temperature by up to about 1,000 years during interglacial periods.
Faulty power line is a culprit.
‘Very strong video and photographic evidence indicated the Los Angeles Eaton fire, which resulted in the most deaths was due to a faulty power line. Clearly, this transmission line was not de-energized even with the forecast of severe Santa Ana winds.’ (wuwt)
Something unprecedented appears to be happening with North American weather.
‘What is unusual is that these bursts of cold are coming without an aid from the polar vortex.
‘Over the last several years, many of these cold bursts we have seen have been in large part due to a disturbance in the polar vortex, or the jet stream that circles the North Pole. When the polar vortex gets disrupted, it often brings very cold air south, sometimes into North America, for extended periods of time.’ (Weatherzone)
I’ve seen it referred to as a whiplash effect, quickly alternating heavy rain then extreme heat.
‘A group of climate scientists, led by Swain, published a study on Thursday in the journal Nature Reviews that found what they call “hydroclimate whiplash” — fast swings between alarmingly wet and seriously dry weather — is expanding globally.’ (PBS)
Interesting, worth a closer look.
How can they get away with it. Cherry Picked data no long term data in the article.
To quote “Dec 2019 to Dec 2020 Dry to Wet impacts Flooding Wildfire”.
Now which Australian would have thought that could happen.
What were those words they used to teach at school from” My country” which Dorothea Mackellar wrote between 1904 and 1908
I love a sunburnt country, A land of sweeping plains, Of ragged mountain ranges, Of drought and flooding rains, I love her far horizons, I love her jewel sea, Her beauty and her terror – The wide brown land for me.
Perhaps these esteemed scientists should have studied history and not climate science. Clearly they need some experience at the scientific method.
On the evidence available the whiplash effect is caused by blocking high pressure. Its a universal problem.
BoM has this high pressure in the Bight falling south east, unusually cool along the eastern seaboard for this time of year. Next week they will be roasting.
Arctic blast caused by anomalous blocking.
‘A high-pressure area in the North Pacific allows a low-pressure area to expand over Canada and into the northern and central United States.
‘The large pressure difference between both systems drives a very strong northerly flow, also known as the “cross-polar flow” or sometimes the “Polar Express”. The terms are not an exaggeration, as such a flow can really bring down the coldest air from the polar regions into Canada and the United States.’ (Severe Weather)
Check out Windy they are much more reliable than BoM.
They call it a marine heatwave and its about to give birth to El Nino.,-12.36,1060/loc=-88.545,-32.030
Thanks Brian, Windy looks cool.
Earth hasn’t been this cold in 485 million years.
A profound essay. Thank you. We are in an age with both the wit to monetize dreams and the hubris to miss reality. Hubris that rewrites history is doomed to find out that physics is a set of laws, not mere suggestions. While wit proves to not be wisdom.
Jennifer says that Climate change is real but when and where does climate change start and is not an aspect of cyclical weather? Around 1000-1100 AD Greenland was green and Vikings were growing crops. There was a church in which a Viking is recorded having a wedding. After about 1400 AD cold and ice forced the Vikings to go back to Iceland. Some 20 years ago the church reappeared. Was the medieval warm period and the little ice age with the coldest around 1815 cyclical weather? Go back further to about 20,000 BC there was ice over most of Canada and down into USA. There was ice in Europe, definitely in Scotland and over Norway and Sweden. I believe much of the South of NZ was covered in ice with many glaciers. There is evidence of glaciers in Tasmania. Then the ice melted and the sea rose something like 160 m. Bass Strait was formed and Tasmania with its Aborigine people isolated from the mainland. That surely was a climate change. From evidence I have seen of a) sea levels, b) rainfall (I have 131 years record at my place on Sunshine Coast) temperatures e) agricultural growth f) tree growth, I suggest there has been no climate change around the world for the last 140 years. There is evidence of weather, drought, bushfires, and floods going back to first settlement and the explorers. In Australia one could say that there have only been weather changes in Australia for the last 230 years.
Jennifer you cant say that you know the truth upsets all the Woke Ideologues.
Brian Combley, you can’t say that you have any fundamental understanding, of science, data or analysis
Karen, I see you’re here to make some new friends….. How’s that working out for ya?
Can either of you explain why earthly temperature has jumped to dizzying heights?
Keep in mind that climate scientists (sic) have no answer.
Why does it remain on this new platform in a La Nina year?
Karen On the contrary I have more than a fundamental understanding of Science I can read data and subject it to scrutiny arrive at conclusions based on that data I was processing data graphing it and presenting it to Scientist back when I was a kid and I am not driven by bigotry and ideology. Unlike some people. More importantly I learned very early in my career when you don’t understand something to go and find somebody who does. A couple of examples would be Will Happer and Richard Lindzen or maybe somebody like Roy Spencer. Now please go back and put your head in the sand where it belongs.
As to temperatures at dizzying heights have you not heard of the Medieval Warm Period when it was warm enough to grow grapes in the middle of the United Kingdom. The Science shows that it has been warming since the early 1700’s long before your sacred CO2 started to increase. The long term trend is still the same a slow warming which will benefit mankind.
Karen, there has been talk that Donald will introduce a red team/blue team exercise to see what is really happening with climate.
Hey Karen since you are so good at personal attacks on people and comments that contain no substance or facts why don’t you list your qualifications in Climate Science. Having stayed in a government department long enough to get promotions on Seniority does not in my opinion make you qualified for anything other than keeping a chair warm.
I am all in favor of the Red Team Blue team approach lets see how Al Gore and Michael Man stack up against Richard Lindzen and Will Happer or Greg Wrightstone who has already decimated Gore in his book on climate change. As has been said by many commentators “The Facts don’t care about YOUR FEELINGS”
For the record Karen
Will Happer pushed the first Trump administration to organize the Red Team Blue team effort, but he said it was ultimately scuttled by political appointees who were worried it would affect Trump’s electoral chances. But Trump, he said, promised him that it would be revived in his second term.
Brian the LIA came to an end in the Southern Hemisphere around late 19th century. The huge icebergs in the Southern Ocean are testament to that, as the planet fought to regain equilibrium.
‘ … it has been warming since the early 1700’s’
The Thames was still freezing solid in the early 18th century, so I have my doubts. A century later is a more appropriate date, considering the Dalton Minimum and a rather large volcanic eruption, the Northern Hemisphere began to emerge from the LIA around 1820.
Any relationship with the industrial revolution is purely coincidental.
There are many facts that confirm otherwise for example George Vancouver’s Log for the period when he was charting the West Coast of North America clearly states that the glaciers were down to the sea.
I would suggest you have a look at this URL.
There are some really good graphics which cant be displayed here. They are also on the Glacier Bay web site but very well hidden as they don’t follow the approved narrative.
The facts are as follows:
Glacier Bay was first surveyed in detail in 1792–1794 by a team from the HMS Discovery, captained by George Vancouver. The same Vancouver was with Captain Cook when he visited Australia. The town of Vancouver Canada was named after him.
In 1794 when Vancouver visited, Glacier Bay was filled with one massive glacier.
Enter Glacier Bay today and you travel along shorelines which were completely covered by ice just 200 years ago. Explorer Capt George Vancouver found Icy Strait choked with ice in 1794, and Glacier Bay was a barely indented glacier. That glacier was more than 4,000 feet thick, up to 20 miles or more wide, and extended more than 100 miles to the St Elias Range of mountains.
By 1879 naturalist John Muir found that the ice had retreated 48 miles or 75 kilometers up the bay. By 1916 the Grand Pacific Glacier headed Tarr Inlet 65 miles or 100 kilometers, miles from Glacier Bay’s mouth.
The remarkably accurate chart, the survey produced by Vancouver shows a mere indentation in the shoreline, ‘terminated by solid compact mountains of ice’, where Glacier Bay is today. The great glacier that filled the bay was by then in rapid retreat and was the source of the floating ice pack that so hindered Whidbey, one of the cartographers mentioned in Vancouver’s log. Any visitor who came by at the glacial maximum a few decades earlier, would have found the glacier’s tongue extending out into Icy Strait almost to Lemesurier Island. Sediment Surveys have confirmed this fact.
All of this ‘Global Warming’ occurred before the beginning of the Industrial Revolution so that pretty much destroys the CO2 caused Global Warming Narrative.
I accept 1794 because it illustrates the effect of low solar activity, Dalton Minimum 1790-1830.
Of course the Mt Tambora eruption in 1815 would have sent temperatures down for a couple of years, but after that it was full steam ahead.
The MWP was one degree warmer than now, but they have magically disappeared it.
This is more realistic.
Brian, you tell us about how you, “can read data and subject it to scrutiny arrive at conclusions based on that data I was processing data graphing it and presenting it to Scientist back when I was a kid”.
Unprecedented freezing weather in US.
‘Blizzard Warning was issued for the Lake Charles area by the National Weather Service serving New Orleans/Baton Rouge. That’s something you don’t see every day.
‘Meanwhile, in Kansas City, the temperature has dipped to -9°F this morning. This breaks the old daily record low of -6°F set in 1935.’ (wuwt)
‘La Niña event in the Pacific has reached its strongest cooling, playing an important role in creating the current “Polar Express” weather pattern over North America. But while the La Niña impact will likely reach into Spring, we are starting to see early signs that an El Niño event could emerge later in the year.’ (Severe Weather)
Donald has started proceedings to pull out of Paris, but in the Antipodes the uni party has no intention of quitting.
Karen Since all you do is throw insults and question peoples ability to reach fact based conclusions, I repeat my question of you “What are your qualifications “? That is apart from staying in a government department long enough to gain seniority and hence promotions, what was your skill set what have you achieved or what qualifies you to question me”.
One does not have to go to a University to be educated in fact often on the job training is more valuable. One of the best programmers I ever employed to work for me, was a lad who like me, dropped out of high school and had learned to program on a Commodore 64, whilst I initially learned on a machine called an Educ-8 which you had to build yourself, designed by Jamison Rowe from Electronics Australia in 1974. This young man I speak of specialised in a language called ” C ” which today as “C +++” remains one of the more powerful programming languages used.
To answer your question my very early days in the computer industry, some 50 years ago, one of my roles was to run a McDonald Douglas computer that analyzed seismic data for Geo companies and to then plot that data on 1 meter square flat bed plotter. One of the lessons the Geologist’s learned very early in the piece, was not to tell the operators what they were looking for in the data, because the operators would tweak the modeling software to give them what they wanted. The same way that climate models are tweaked today to show warming that does not exist in the data or the real world that they are supposed to be modeling. Hence not one of the models has been able to model past data accurately so to anybody who understands modeling data on a computer, it means the model does not work. Anybody that is except, the IPCC, Karen Klemp, Global Warming Zealots and Bigots.
In the 26 years since I sold my business and intellectual property then retired, I have read many books and papers on climate science by such learned people as Jennifer Marohasy & John Abbot, Richard Lindzen, Will Happer, Willy Soon, Michael Shellenberger and even the discredited Al Gore etc. Will and Richard would be the most experienced people in their field alive today. The fact that President Trump consults with Will Happer and he has given him a commitment to do a Red Team Blue team excise on Climate Change / Global Warming, would to any sensible person indicate that these people know what they are talking about. Funny Al Gore was not consulted as his book was so full of false predictions and outright lies that nobody believes him anymore, much like Michael Mann and his infamous Hockey Stick graph that is still pushed by the IPCC even though Ross McKitrick a Environmental and Applied Microeconomics Professor, totally demolished both his methodology and data reliability, yet it remains on the IPCC web site.
So in short I do have a bit of an idea and understanding of the false claims of Global Warming and the Climate Change dogma. And I am able to extract and analyze data on a computer. If you recall we started this chain of conversation based on some data I had analyzed and that is that the “Warmest day on record for the Leeuwin Lighthouse in WA” was in February 1932 and I managed to extract that data from the totally ‘Homogenized’ or false data provided by the BoM. I would suggest that you take the time to read Jennifer’s and Johns most recent publication “Climate Change the Facts”, you may in fact learn a thing or two. There is a really good chapter, No 12 actually by Will Happer that would be of benefit to you also, and as he is a recognized expert in the field that will explain to you that you are wrong about Global Warming and CO2 being the cause.
It remains to be seen if you are a thinking person or simply a bigot. Get back to me when you have read the book and we will see.
Thanks for the Holocene one may I know the source as I would like to forward it on to some grandchildren.
‘The fact that President Trump consults with Will Happer and he has given him a commitment to do a Red Team Blue team excise on Climate Change …’
That is old news, Will came and went, do you have a link?
Brian, perhaps you will learn something by reading this peer-reviewed scientific paper.
‘Ocean heating is causing mass coral bleaching …’
Hmmm … I disagree with that statement.
Karen Sorry don’t you mean PAL reviewed. Why don’t you tell us your skill set and why you are so clever at insulting people. Did it take a University education to develop this skill of hurling insults at people or did you learn it in the public service. When you read chapter eleven of Jennifer’s book by Will Happer I will consider you well enough educated to even consider what you have to say as relevant. In the mean time go find somebody else to insult.
We must not lose sight of the fact that the most productive country for Aboriginals was the higher rainfall country which was mostly rainforest, however they couldn’t live or hunt in it and by continued burning, it became open eucalypt which suited them perfectly.
The parts that they couldn’t burn remained unoccupied, although regularly visited on a daily basis for fruit gathering etc.
‘The 2023-2024 global marine heatwave was extreme in triggering coral bleaching and high mortality.’
Interesting argument, marine heatwaves are a different angle to consider.
‘Global average sea surface temperatures reached new highs, and marine heatwaves covered a record area. By October 2023, 37 per cent of the global ocean was experiencing marine heat wave conditions. We are seeing the signal of climate change very clearly and very profoundly in the global ocean system.’ (CSIRO)
On second thoughts I will take the time to rebut this document. It so happens I have some experience in this subject also. The first time I dived on the Great Barrier Reef was in 1976 and I have returned many times the last time I visited, I was there for 10 weeks sailing a 40 yacht along the reef and visited and dived at many locations on the outer reef, such as Bait Reef, the Whitsundays etc. I have actually seen some places which were bleached, but I can tell you I had to seek out a local to tell me where to go to find them. Beaching is a natural phenomenon and I have also seen it on Cocos Island but I have not seen it off the coast of Java where the water is much warmer than it is on the Barrier Reef. I have also dived at Shark Bay Ningaloo and Exmouth and if Global Warming causes bleaching how come it has not totally wiped out the reefs on the equator. Some of the best Coral in the world is off the coast of Java. Now my knowledge comes from lived experience not from some scientist who is probably just trying to virtue signal and ensure his funding and tenure is continued. Had you have read items by Peter Ridd, a man who has spent his whole professional life as a scientist on the Great Barrier Reef and Jennifer Marohasy the person who runs this site and many others, this theory of Global Warming causing Coral Bleaching has been so thoroughly debunked that I am surprised that even you are stupid enough too raise it here.
All you have achieved with this post is to clearly show to the people using Jennifer’s site, how absolutely ignorant of the facts you are. One of the problems in this world is that bigots do not care about the facts it is only THEIR beliefs that matter.
Marine heatwaves caused by blocking high pressure.
‘The frequency of marine heatwaves globally has doubled since 1982. Many parts of the ocean are predicted to reach a near-permanent marine heatwave state by the late 21st Century.’ (Marine Conservation)
Blocking supposedly comes about because of meandering jet streams.
‘Amplified Rossby waves can be seen in a “wavy” jet stream. This tends to slow the east-to-west progression of weather systems, making conditions more persistent and, potentially, allowing blocks to form.’ (Carbon Brief)
“A new paper has come out about the GBR – and it is a catastrophe. What a surprise!
“This study is a classic example. The paper is quick to point out that One Tree Island Reef has lost a lot of coral in the last year – but they did not show this graph of the coral cover for the region around One Tree, or mention the fact that the region was at record high coral cover, and has now fallen to average levels.
“So, falling to average is now a catastrophe. Did they forget to mention this, or is their behaviour worse? And when these reefs had record equalling high amounts of coral in 2022-24 – did these ‘scientists’ say it was a good thing. No. Record high was still bad!
“The fact is that GBR reefs are highly variable – boom and bust – they always have been. It is not real science to focus on the downswings and make out it is a disaster. My lawn dies off every dry season – and it is not a disaster either, unless it stops bouncing back. And the GBR shows it always comes good in its millennia of bust (and boom).’ (Dr Peter Ridd)
The Earth,(and its attendant weather systems) spins from West to East,(Axial spin.)
These weather systems move from West to East and towards the Poles.
The wind direction within these weather systems is dictated by the rotation of the High or Low Pressure Cells within these systems.
The Solar-induced Orbital Dry Cycles,(responsible for raised surface temperatures on Earth,) move from East to West, due to the causal ‘retrograde activity in the Sun.
TW– Part 1
TW– Part 2
TW – Part 3
TW – Part 4
Extract from ‘Tomorrow’s Weather’ – thirty years on….(The complete work in the links above.)
The Temperature/Precipitation Paradox;
As the expelled Solar Particles interact with and remove/convert Water Vapor Albedo in the Earth’s upper atmosphere – there is a resultant increase in temperature via the commensurate increase in Solar Energy reaching the Earth’s surface. This increase in temperature over the various land masses under the orbiting Dry Cycle Canopy, results in increased evaporation but reduced precipitation,(due to the reduced Water Vapor Albedo) over these areas, with the likely consequence of developing Drought conditions over these affected land masses.
However, the associated increase in temperature over various substantial water-bodies (Oceans/Seas/Lakes,) under the Dry Cycle Canopy, results in increased evaporation and precipitation tendencies over these areas as well. These resultant storm-prone regions, are especially significant near the Dry Cycle vanguard, which is moving East to West at half a degree of Longitude per Day/Night Interval – and confronts the prevailing weather patterns moving West to East (and towards the Poles,) due to the Earth’s Axial Spin. These ‘conflicting’ forces however, do not prevent the overall reduction in precipitation over land and water, that the Solar-induced Orbital Dry Cycle brings.
The Oceans certainly represent key factors in the transfer of temperature and precipitation around the globe – including the mechanisms of heat transfer and convection – though the primary instigator of Temperature and Precipitation control at the Earth’s surface, is the immutable Dry Cycle Frequencies over time, that result in expulsion of charged particles from the Sun, which in turn leads to the alteration/conversion of Water Vapor Albedo,(Reflectivity) in the upper atmosphere – and subsequent Temperature rises under the resultant Orbital Dry Cycle Canopy.
It should be noted that other sources of Albedo,(such as Sea and Land Ice, Ocean reflectivity, wind-blown dust and Volcanism,) also affect Temperature and Precipitation – and remain important factors in the overall ‘cooling’ of the climate.
(see ‘The influence of ‘Albedo’ on the ‘Dry’ Cycles’, p 129).
Not exactly unprecedented.
‘Deputy Fire Chief Justin Busch said the majority of their firefighters are from Florida and the rare weather experience has changed the way they respond.
“The first time that I’ve ever seen snow here in Florida last time was 1989. I was a kid. I barely remember it but unprecedented for us and really changed how we have to respond during this snowfall,” Busch said.
I must be a little older than the Fire Chief as I remember back in 1978 when “Experts including those from NOA and NASA and our own BoM told us that we were headed into another Ice Age”
This short clip should be compulsory watching for all High School students, It is by Dr Spock oops, Sorry Lenard Nimoy I would recommend folks watch it.
I wonder how much University Funding was poured into researching this coming ice age.
Not sure if its connected to global cooling, but we can all agree that CO2 is not involved.
‘This was all happening because the polar jet stream is stuck over the Gulf Coast, being forced thousands of miles south of its normal location by a displaced Polar Vortex.
‘That Polar Vortex, normally far north in Canada, is positioned in the northern U.S. — forced south by very warm air over the Arctic Ocean. It’s all connected.’ (wowktv)
^… “What is known is that the warmer air in the Arctic influences the further south displacement of the Polar Vortex and the warmer Gulf produced heavier snowfall rates than it otherwise would have.”
We are looking at a stretched Polar Vortex.
‘This pattern looks to continue through January but could it all change in February? Also still watching the battle between high latitude blocking and a strong PV, which has been at a stalemate all winter long. Models are predicting near record strong PV will it finally gain the upper hand?’ (Judah Cohen)
Keep in mind that Arctic Amplification is only a theory and vulnerable to criticism.
Such as this by Jim Steele.
‘Claims by alarmists attributing rising CO2 to any loss of Arctic sea ice and so-called “Arctic amplification” is not supported by the evidence.
‘The US National Snow and Ice Data Center shows the loss of insulating Arctic sea ice and resulting warming is primarily restricted to the regions where warm Atlantic currents normally enter the Arctic.
‘Furthermore, the 1990s shift in wind directions caused by the natural Arctic Oscillation, drove out much of the Arctic’s thick multi-year sea ice which resulted in thinner sea ice which allowed more heat to ventilate and warm the Arctic.’ (wuwt)
A sign seen somewhere in the past. “In God we trust” everybody else send the data.
The Solar-induced Orbital Dry Cycle Hierarchies, (and the associated temperature rise under their ‘canopies’) affect both hemispheres simultaneously, due to their Longitudinal ‘travel’ of 15 degrees East to West per 30 Day/Night Interval Month.
They work on the mechanics of the Earth/Solar Orbital Calendar, which maintains the Earth Solar Year as 360 degrees of Solar Longitude Orbit.
Yes, There are always 360 Day/Night Intervals in One Earth/Solar Year. 12 X 30 Day/Night Intervals (Months)
‘See ‘Tomorrow’s Weather’ – thirty years on….’
Will Happer has a few words to say.
Storm Eowyn up for debate.
“To relegate the status of the Fraserburgh gust, a long-standing national record, from ‘possibly incorrect’ to ‘probably incorrect’ requires additional supporting evidence. Fortunately, such supporting evidence has recently come to light.”
A momentary power outage.
‘If the Fraserburgh record is deemed invalid as a result, the Scottish and UK national low-level wind speed record reverts to the gust of 118kn recorded at Kirkwall on 7 February 1969, although it is possible that a closer examination of that record may show similar grounds for concern.’
Executive Orders
‘Trump’s EO destroys Biden’s plan of wind farms up and down the East Coast, and it may discourage those planning to construct these facilities or request offshore wind leases from doing so, because delays increase costs.
‘This order may do for offshore wind what Biden’s actions did to the already approved Keystone XL pipeline: scuttle further development.’ (wuwt)
Tokyo’s December temperature hasn’t warmed in decades. The author is planning to look at the other months in due course.
Are we all happy the Trump is doing away with winds farms? I asked elsewhere why there aren’t piles of dead birds under the turbines? I was told that the foxes take the corpses away. Conservatives just keep making stuff up.
“Tokyo’s annual mean air temperature increased by four degrees Celsius since 1900, showing the progress of global warming.”'s%20annual%20mean%20air%20temperature,the%20progress%20of%20global%20warming.
Nobody is making stuff up and I’m not a Conservative.
On the Tokyo temps, a cherry pick, Gosselin recognises the challenge.
‘Granted that’s just the month of December, but we hope to soon present the annual data for these two interesting locations.’
New paper suggests megafauna exterminated by humans, not climate change.
They are wrong of course, a geomagnetic excursion 42,000 years ago drove megafauna to extinction.
Karen, are you feeling a bit grumpy today?
Yes, I am very happy that Trump is doing away with winds farms. They are a virtually useless form of intermittent power. They destabilize the power grid and they do kill birds, even though you choose to close your eyes to that fact.
As Warren Buffet once said… “on wind energy, we get a tax credit. That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t make sense without the tax credit.”
“Additionally, as energy costs rise, so too do opportunities for possible high returns. This makes the energy and utilities sector a stable and attractive investment choice, particularly for Buffett, who, in 2023, allocated $3.9 billion toward wind and solar power initiatives.”
This is good news.
What caused the MPT?
‘Such temperature reconstructions show that the Earth has oscillated in and out of ice ages (or glacials) over the last 3 million years. These ice age cycles had a period of 41,000 years until 1 million years ago, when they shifted to a period of around 100,000 years.
‘Although both periods correspond to a cycle of the Earth’s orbit around the sun (eccentricity and obliquity), scientists don’t understand why the shift, known as the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT), occurred.’ (Weatherzone)
European winters still kill more people than summers, but there is grant money to be had flying kites.
European winters will kill even more as climate slows the Gulf Stream.
Karen of course Warren Buffet is likely to invest in an area where there are massive government subsidies being paid out to prop up an otherwise uneconomic and unreliable industry. It is little short of criminal that Taxpayer Funds are stolen from hard working people to prop up an industry that if it what we are being told was true and that is that “it is the cheapest power available”, Warren Buffet would be investing in it without the need for subsidies and hidden offsets that occur to prop up Windmills and Solar panels.
Warren has proven time and time again when it comes to money he knows how to accumulate it.
Maybe you could list off the countries that have managed to make this Green Dream work for compassion to say France who has made Nuclear Energy work and make a product, electricity, that it exports to the rest of Europe 24 /7 not just when the wind is blowing or the sun shining.
Who do you think is going to pay the 12 Billion that it is going to cost for Snowy 2.0, do you thing it will be the Government, the Taxpayer or the Consumer. “Oh just a moment they are all the same people”. Us. The really sad thing is Snowy 2.0 will not produce a single Kilowatt of Power it will only exist for the purpose of propping up the weakness of Green Energy and that it is Totally and Utterly Unreliable.
It will be supplemented by many Gas powered plants that will only be allowed to run when there is no power available from the Wind or Sun, but the costs of those plants will have to be recovered when the plant is running which will only be 35% or so of the time. None of these costs are properly allocated by Government to Wind or Solar because they know it would destroy the Green Dream. And yes Karen I can do basic mathematics which it would appear that Minister Chris Bowen can’t.
If you want proof of the Stupidity of Government just look to the Desalination Plants sitting idle, brought about by people like you who believed in this Man Made Climate Change Narrative. The companies that have these contracts to run these Desalination plants must look back as Warren Buffet will, and think “What Fools these people are”.
Remember in 2007, Chief Climate Commissioner Tim Flannery telling us “The dams will never fill again”.
Or to quote one of the greatest living Climatologist.
“What historians will definitely wonder about in future centuries is how deeply flawed logic, obscured by shrewd and unrelenting propaganda, actually enabled a coalition of powerful special interests to convince nearly everyone in the world that C02 from human industry was a dangerous, planet-destroying toxin.
It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world – that CO2, the life of plants, was considered for a time to be a deadly poison.”
What is it with these Alarmists always quote something that is designed to Alarm make it something that is nearly impossible to verify and never provide any data to support their hypothesis. More along the lines of the Bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef. Well done Karen. I won’t hold my breath for the Gulf Stream to slow down. But then the last time that probably happened was about 12000 years ago and surprise surprise it warmed up again and there was nobody burning fossil fuels so what caused the warming, It was called the Younger Dryas.
Me Thinks it is also called Climate Change, and it has nothing to do with CO2 which the records show always rises AFTER the temperature rises.
Pretty basic science the gas comes out of solution in the liquid as the temperature rises.