When I got my first vaccination against Covid-19 back in September 2021, it was already becoming evident that the available vaccines gave limited protect against Covid-19, and there were potential side-effects. My doctor nevertheless recommended I get the AstraZeneca vaccine because he said it would be easier to manage the potential side effects, blood clots. He said that while rare, there would potentially be ongoing issues should I end-up with myocarditis, which was a documented side-effect of being vaccinated with Pfizer.
My preference would have been to not get vaccinated at all, to put more effort into keeping fit and working on increasing my natural immunity. But it was also increasingly evident, that my ability to travel interstate, get on a boat to go scuba diving, and even just to go to my local surf lifesaving club for a glass of wine, were activities that government was about to mandate I be double vaccinated for – or excluded from.
I decided to get vaccinated.
My unvaccinated friends did warn me that soon they/the government would be mandating a third dose, and on and on it would go.
I’ve been listening to the Premier of Queensland, Annastacia Palaszczuk, explain that whether a booster was going to become mandatory or not would depend on advice from the ATAGI (Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation) and that decision would be made by 11th February. Those are my words, but this is more-or-less what she has been saying.
They published a new advice yesterday on 10th February, entitled: ATAGI statement on defining ‘up-to-date’ status for COVID-19 vaccinations.
It explains that the advice is to serve as ‘the basis for policies for the public health management of the COVID-19 pandemic’ and ‘the basis of the due and overdue rules for the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)’.
It is my ‘Immunisation History Statement’ as a green document that I flash from my mobile phone that currently allows me to Scuba dive with my local club, entry to the local surf club, and entry onto an aeroplane should I want to fly to Cairns or interstate. Without having an ‘up-to-date’ immunisation history statement these things would be denied me. Yet I’m told that being vaccinated is not really mandatory.
The specific advice from the ATAGI yesterday includes:
Booster dose is a subsequent dose after an appropriate primary schedule based on choice of vaccine and immunocompromise status. Eligibility is from 3 months after last primary dose. The minimum time frame for a booster dose to be considered valid is 2 months. Although a booster dose at any time after 3 months is safe and effective, people who have not received a booster within 6 months of completing their primary series will be considered overdue.
So, does this mean that I will effectively join the ranks of the unvaccinated, and become a pariah, if I’m not vaccinated within 6 months of my last AstraZeneca injection?
The national broadcaster uncritically reports the new advice:
Australia’s definition of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 is set to change, with people aged over 16 years now only considered ‘up to date’ with their vaccinations if they have had booster shots.
Key Points:
- People will need to get a booster within six months of their primary course to be up to date
- The rule will not apply to international travellers coming to Australia
- Those not eligible for a booster will be considered up to date after their primary vaccine course
The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has recommended moving away from the term ‘fully vaccinated’.
ATAGI’s new advice was endorsed by national cabinet at a meeting on Thursday afternoon, but will not apply to international travellers arriving in Australia.
“A person is ‘up to date’ if they have completed all the doses recommended for their age and individual health needs,” Health Minister Greg Hunt said.
Under the new rules, if it has been longer than six months since someone’s last primary course dose and they are eligible for a booster, they will be considered “overdue”.
Fancy that. New rules. New words. Time to overturn the tables.
All this when the latest advice from the British Medical Journal in an editorial dated 19th January is that we don’t know enough about Covid-19 vaccines.
Today, despite the global rollout of Covid-19 vaccines and treatments, the anonymised participant-level data underlying the trials for these new products remain inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public—and are likely to remain that way for years to come,’ the editorial states. ‘This is morally indefensible for all trials, but especially for those involving major public health interventions.’
The editorial also accuses pharmaceutical companies of ‘reaping vast profits without adequate independent scrutiny of their scientific claims,’ pointing to Pfizer, whose Covid vaccine trial was ‘funded by the company and designed, run, analysed, and authored by Pfizer employees’.
As far as I can tell I’m not eligible for an AstraZeneca booster, that the only booster available to me here in Queensland is Pfizer.
The feature image was taken at Heron Island on 10th November last year, I was only able to visit that coral cay because I was classified as fully vaccinated. My capacity to travel and to participate in community activities is going to be severely curtailed should I choose to not get ‘up-to-date’ and fall ‘overdue’ to this Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine.
I notice that Pfizer made 51 billion dollars from their vaccine last year.I think Al Capp would have said”what’s good for general bull moose is good for theUSA”
Viruses do not kill. They propagate rapidly, destroying individual cells, we are told. That is how they operate? So, how do they ‘kill’?
People die because of their body’s reaction to intruder damage. The immune system kills the host, not the parasite.
We do not treat the virus. The body eliminates the virus, but sadly, for too many, it also eliminates the patient.
Why do women live longer than men?
We know that to continue living we need vital minerals, ‘vitamins’. Fat in our body, more in a woman than a man, stores fat soluble vitamins.
Lactones are esters. They are the organic chemistry equivalent of a salt. Ivermectin is one lactone. Ascorbic acid will form a lactone when ingested. These esters enable energetic electromagnetic activity, without drastic consequences to the body. They are a buffer. Buffer solutions.
Don’t get me started on AIDS! The immune system attacks itself….. no virus causes that.
I wish everyone would stop calling them vaccines.
Pfizer and Moderna patent them as gene therapy and not vaccines.
You spoke of your doubts on the narrative, so welcome, you’re now officially an anti vaxxer!
WHO said about a month ago that they were changing the description “fully vaccinated” to “up to date”. The Lockstep continues. Israel has already said last year that their Greenpass will expire six months after the last jab. Over 2 weeks ago Andrews started babbling about shot 5. Jump now Jen, there’s a war on.
This just came in, but it mirrors many others in recent times:
If I have had Covid, or Sars, diagnosed or not – aren’t I already immune – vaccinated or not?
Why are international arrivals regarded as ‘fully vaccinated’ after two doses – aren’t they putting me at risk?
I have not been vaccinated – and have no desire to indulge their constant ignorant and insulting fallacy-charged indoctrinations! Vaccination is NOT mandatory and freedom of movement between States is part of their ‘sacrosanct’ Constitution!
Then, there is the blithe “expert” attitude to “Mix ‘n Match vaccines”.
Check the (now probably memory-holed / “edited”) OFFICIAL Jab instructions / “guidelines” / “merely suggestions”:
The publicly available CMI (Consumer Medical Information) sheets for both the Pfizer and AZ inoculations, both clearly state that each of them have not been tested in combination with any other “vaccine” or medicine, let alone the combination being properly trialed with a control group. More like “CONTROLLED group. This may still all be on the TGA website, but everyone should be given a copy to read and understand BEFORE agreeing to get the jab, as part of the “informed consent” process.
Also the CMI for the provisionally approved Pfizer inoculation states only that a third dose “may be taken AFTER 6 months”, so, whence all the “expert advice” being relied on when the government is trying to coerce people into taking it after 3 months.
Therefore, taking a Pfizer “booster” after an AZ 2 dose course is pure experimentation, but you will never be told that by your doctor, as they have all been compromised by the blatant threat they have received from AHPRA to follow the government narrative or be investigated and de registered. ALL doctors, having taken the metaphorical “Kings shilling”, now have a conflict (convergence??) of interest and your health is not their primary interest.
Also. when I trotted down to the local pharmacy to get Jab 3, I was interested to know what was being shoved into my old and slightly shabby body.
“Pfizer”” was the answer from the young Jabberette.
Given the above scientific info that came to light when I decided to look, a few weeks later, I suspect I should accelerate “getting my affairs in order”.
I’m beginning to suspect that this will NOT end well for many people. Nor has it been intended to.
It looks like LOTS of us just waltzed into the shower blocks with our eyes wide open, but sans “informed consent”.
Each of us has to navigate their own way through this. I have already suffered one acquired brain injury from incorrect meds prescribed. And I have a heart murmur. Health is #1 priority, everything else is secondary. The only product I would consider is Vaxine brand Covax-19, yet to fully pass TGA and conduct AU trial… if I actually ‘needed’ a (real) vaccine for some reason.
My fully resourced immune system works perfectly. Self destroyed Alpha (June 17-27th 2020), then another 4 self defeated active exposures while I had time off due to back injury. These exposures all came from one person (my spouse, living separate dwellings). He was contagious as soon as he got his first jab, while non symptomatic, while symptomatic, while -ve for RAT… for a period of six weeks. I got one exposure each week which I destroyed within a 4 day timeframe each time (one day incubation. Two days slight temperature. One day temperature lowers to normal. Gone). Became very predictable.
I am informed the ‘jabbed’ immune system lowers it’s functionality for 90 days. I am informed that the body will naturally attempt to expel what it classes to be a toxin. Thus the contagiousness. Via skin, body fluids, excretion etc. So the jabbed are set up for increased chance of exposure, and contagiousness. There was zero contagiousness in my social circle until the injected products made an entrance.
I place a higher value upon my innate ability to identify and destroy EVERY part of each evolving virus. That’s important to me. The injected’s limitation is to identify only ONE particular part of ONE particular variant. That’s inadequate to me. Who IS actually up-to-date? I am. Not the jabbed. The jabbed have to wait around for each updated product to be manufactured. Whereas my natural immunity is ‘on call’ available on demand 24/7/365. I’m an impatient person. I demand immediate results. No waiting around for updated products for me. That’s lame.
Jabbed receiving products at a minimum every six months… 1.5 months of being contagious, then another 1.5 months of lowered immune response, then 3 months limbo… then REPEAT. It’s no bl**dy wonder that jabbinated get VAIDs.
Every booster reduces the duration of infection by about half. 3rd injection is 8-10 weeks. A 4th injection will be 4-5 weeks. So 6 months is worthless.
The WHO stated, also, that a pandemic cannot be managed by injections that are continuously required. But having said that, they are not needed. These injections are nothing more than a prophylactic with very, very low absolute reduction of infection. Please see here for a short explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DH50MiJwxjY
In December, Canada was “talking” about the definition of being fully injected (I cannot use the v word). This never happened . This will also not happen now given what the Canadian Trucker Convoy is teaching us. Not that I can’t go back anyways, but they would make me quarantine for 2 weeks even though they cannot prove I am a danger to anyone.
This is a long fight yet to come.
I see Prince Charles has just tested positive to the Virus AGAIN. I thought you were supposed to be immune after recovering from an infection. Looks like nothing is going to give us immunity, as the jab most certainly isn’t.
Fortunately I just received my mail from India. 100, 12mg Ivermectin tablets, & another dozen Zilverdo KIT, the kit given to all covid close contact people in the Indian province of Uttar Pradesh, which stopped the virus dead in the 240 million inhabitants. Looks like the Uttar Pradesh government is one of the few in the world who wanted to protect it’s citizens.
I feel much safer for me & my family now.
Covid is about control and not a virus. Climate change controls the governments and funds the NWO through CO2 taxes. Covid controls the individual via “keeping eveybody safe you selfish diseased bastard”. Next is Klaus Schwabs great reset. The fix in in.
There is currently about 10,000 + people gathered in Canberra for the sole purpose of getting the federal government to stop all mandates in relation to the cov-id sham. The PM said he’s got nothing to do with it, so don’t demonstrate on my patch. Go see those state leaders, they are the culprits! I notice in a post that this weeks National Cabinet which the PM leads, has announced the euphemistic direction re the 3rd jab which Jennifer outlines, which basically says if you don’t get your 3rd jab, you will be sent to purgatory with those who, in their wisdom, have chosen to not be injected. The clever wording of the Health Minister leaves everyone threatened, but not sure, so confusion reigns again for the umpteenth time. Me thinks, the PM has a problem: his government has purchased so many injections he has to offload them somehow. Who does he sell to? Those pesky State Premiers, who carry out the dirty work for the feds, i.e. hey people get vax-xed or else!! I wonder what the Federal Government will do with the millions of people who will congregate at Parliament House this week, as I see more cars, buses, are on the way there to swell the ranks of the already 100’s of 1000’s. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see Australia go the way of the many countries which have declared the corona virus is not a health threat, i.e no longer a ‘pandemic”, and have dropped all mandates, and credited their people with the intelligence to know what to do when they get cold, flu and viral type symptoms, and can go about life without fear or favour.
In respect of being “up-to-date” with vaccines, citizens are treated worse than travellers – nice.
“I thought you were supposed to be immune after recovering from an infection”
Immunity does not prevent re-infection. Prince Charles may have been diagnosed as having COVID in his system, but the difference is in how the body responds. This is also why case numbers (which are counted as any positive test) on their own are practically useless – they need to be lined up with how the persons body has responded to the infection