Europe has clashed with the US Obama administration over climate change in a potentially damaging split that comes ahead of crucial political negotiations on a new global deal to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. US negotiators have told European counterparts that the Obama administration intends to sweep away almost all of the Kyoto architecture and replace it with a system of its own design. Read more here (The Guardian) and here (German Press). via Benny Peiser.
Kyoto, like all AGW inspired policy demands, did absolutely nothing to reduce CO2 emissions or to manage the climate at all.
Copenhagen will be no different.
The effect of this effort will be to rearrange toy deck chairs on a pretend ship.
Unfortunately, the price of this artless theater of the absurd will be all too real.
The Obamistas appear to be telling the Europeans: Do it our way or not at all. The international wrangling could delay the whole sordid climate treaty process by a few years. And by that time, it should be obvious to anyone with more than half a brain that we’re in a cooling phase. I love it! Please pass the popcorn. A cup of hot cocoa would be nice too.
Great! Good for the Obamaman, seeing as how we’re most likely going to be heading into a mini ice age next if the Sun doesn’t soon come out of its current super extended sun spot cyclical minimum. The Europeons can all head to the Riviera to get warm, and the polar bears will be loving it. But all the pop science global warming alarmists in the U.S. won’t be. They’re going to wish they hadn’t given their long johns away to Good Will.