THE [Australian] minerals industry has demanded [the Prime Minister] Kevin Rudd overhaul his proposed emissions trading system or risk smashing Australian jobs and the nation’s industrial competitiveness. Read more here.
Reader Interactions
Lawrie Ayressays
The problem with the legislation is that we the people havn’t been told what it will cost. If treasury projections are as accurate as Manns Hockey Stick then we are in for a lot of pain for no gain. Treasury didn’t forecast the economic collapse so I doubt their ability to forecast the impact of an ETS. Wong has said that she won’t be asking China and India to commit to targets only to propose a plan for the future. One can only assume that more Australian jobs will be exported along with what remains of our manufacturing. Agriculture will be paying higher prices for inputs and based on past experience there will be no commensurate farm gate price rises so farmers are going to quit. If the middle class were made aware of the $4000 it will cost them each year they would tell Kevin Canute to take another trip. Anywhere.
I’m really surprised that the Minerals Industry isn’t refuting the erronious claims made by the Warmers. I’m also surprised that Turnbull and co have fallen for the AGW scam.
The problem with the legislation is that we the people havn’t been told what it will cost. If treasury projections are as accurate as Manns Hockey Stick then we are in for a lot of pain for no gain. Treasury didn’t forecast the economic collapse so I doubt their ability to forecast the impact of an ETS. Wong has said that she won’t be asking China and India to commit to targets only to propose a plan for the future. One can only assume that more Australian jobs will be exported along with what remains of our manufacturing. Agriculture will be paying higher prices for inputs and based on past experience there will be no commensurate farm gate price rises so farmers are going to quit. If the middle class were made aware of the $4000 it will cost them each year they would tell Kevin Canute to take another trip. Anywhere.
I’m really surprised that the Minerals Industry isn’t refuting the erronious claims made by the Warmers. I’m also surprised that Turnbull and co have fallen for the AGW scam.