Joe Biden is Barack Obama’s running mate and perhaps the next vice president of the USA. Popular website Grist has examined his environmental record and found it to be very ‘green’. The Senator:
1. was a cosponsor of the Boxer-Sanders Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act, which advocated a cap-and trade-system for greenhouse-gase emmissions and an 80 percent reduction below 1990 levels by 2050;
2. has called for increasing ethanol and biodiesel production in the US; and
3. has called for 20 percent of US electricity to be from renewable sources.
According to Grist during his 35 years in the Senate he has voted “fairly consistently with environmentalists”.
Bidens a bit of an annoying jerk. Its a shame that he’s a greenie.
But he has his virtues. He’s a very creative man. He’s an ideas man and he has a certain spark that is lacking in just about all other VP candidates. Despite being pro-UN he is a firm hand on foreign policy. As a candidate himself he mostly just talked about the war. And in quite creative ways. He’s pretty nimble on his feet. He is very supportive of the troops and would be so whether he was withdrawing them or keeping them there.
All in all a good if annoying candidate. But its no time to make a Marxist President. Still we couldn’t have really hoped for a better VP candidate except for Lieberman perhaps. He does have the qualifications for the job so conspiculously lacking in Obama. It would be helpful if he made the decisions and Obama communicated them with his awesome rhetorical skills.
I know that in the opinion of that great font of all knowledge and wisdom, Luke, who’s every post is an intelectual insight, I am a moron but I still can not figure out why when increasing CO2 accelerates plant growth and improves farm productivity that it is “green” to reduce CO2 emisions. It has been proven that at 200 ppm CO2 all plant growth shuts down but the ice core data tells us that the world existed during the glacial periods for up to 10 000 years at an average of 180 ppm with no extinction of plants or animals and as we all know the IPCC can not possible be wrong. I am sorry I am such a moron but this just does not make any sense, just like Luke’s blogs, I guess I will have to go back to kindergarten and become Luke’s classmate.
As I recall the CO2 levels derived from ice cores are questionable and may underestimate the levels. There are high pressure physics and chemistry issues going on in those little bubbles which may even get completely “squashed” at high enough pressures. (I don’t understand the details – Jaworowski (SP?) discusses it)
Also, Georg Beck 2007 study shows some rather interesting variations in CO2 levels since about 1810 with a couple rises above the current 380 PPM that occurred in the 1820’s, 1850’s and 1940’s. See:
“Bidens a bit of an annoying jerk. Its a shame that he’s a greenie.”
With any luck, it may not be a concern.,25197,24239871-26397,00.html
“John McCain draws level with Barack Obama
IT’S a dead heat in the race for the White House.
Reporting the first national poll conducted after Barack Obama publicly named Joe Biden as his running mate, CNN showed yesterday the battle for the presidency between the Illinois senator and John McCain is tied.”
Obama still doesn’t seem to be getting the ‘bounce’ in the opinions polls that the MSM have been predicting.
Im sure Joe will be able to find someones green speach to call his own.
Im sure Joe will be able to find someones green speech to call his own.
Biden is an airhead, his absence of gravitas exceeds that of O, no doubt a reason for his selection.
I’ve looked thru the top four tickets and can say: Rudd ain’t any worse than these losers, quit yer gripen.
Whoever wins will wish he didn’t.
Ron Paul in 2012!
Here is a piece where Joe tells 5 lies in about 30 seconds. All of them easily verifiable as lies. He’ll fit right in as a warmer.
Here is some information about Joe’s love of plagarism.
According to Famous Plagarists:
Joe Biden’s history of plagiarism and “stressless scholarship” gave plenty of ammo to his enemies, one of them choosing to circulate a so-called “attack video” to demonstrate Biden’s outright plagiarism of a British politician’s speech. But this appropriation from Neal Kinnock was not the first occurrence of unacknowledged lifting by the senator from Delaware. In 1965 Biden plagiarized while writing a paper as a student at the Syracuse University Law School in a legal methods course which he failed because of that copied paper.
A true liberal lion (lyin 😉
Resolution to oppose ratification of Kyoto
U.S. Senate
Measure Number: S.Res. 98 – July 25, 1997
“A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the conditions for the United States becoming a signatory to any international agreement on greenhouse gas emissions under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.”
Vote Counts:
YEAs 95
NAYs 0
Not Voting 5
Biden (D-DE), Yea