Lord Nigel Lawson, former Chancellor of the Exchequer, prominent commentator on the Stern Report, and key member of the 2006 UK House of Lords Economics Committee Report into the Economics of Climate Change will speak on:
‘The Politics and Economics of Climate Change’
Monday, November 26, 2007
12:00:00 PM – 2:00:00 PM
Four Seasons Hotel, 199 George Street, Sydney
$235 per person, table of 10 books available at $2,100
– contact Andy Poon at the IPA on 03 9600 4744.
I may be able to get you (and/or your partner) a ticket at half price, if you contact me in the next two days!
Email jennifermarohasy@jennifermarohasy.com
PS I will be there. 🙂
I am pretty sure it was Nigel Lawson who recently said that Kyoto had no real function apart from the political aspect.
Exactly right Nigel, it was about getting the politics sorted out upfront so that a mechanism was in place to go to stage two, the real work.
Jen – don’t do it – you can buy a hardback beautifully bound copy of the IPCC WG1 report from Cambrige Press for that coin or support Mottsa’s property revolution movement.
I’ve read the NZ reviews and was disturbed. It’s genetic denialism. The anti-4AR – “The Genetic Basis”. Eeeeekkkk ! We have no answer to that.
P.S. I heard a rumour that CSIRO and BoM are booking a table. Could be trouble. Pure Aussie climate science meets anti-matter UK denialism on steroids. Could go thermo-nuke in mutual armageddon. Surely cuddled up at home with a nice copy of WG1 is much safer.
If only WG1 was objective and truthful – it isn’t.
Yesterday’s temperature was about the same as today. There is no warming at this time.
Assuming you can agree that the HADcrut3 time series dara are of some value then the average annual temp anomoly (see definition on the website) has been almost constant since 2001. Like yesterday and today “there is no warming at this time.”
Over the same period the Mauna Loa CO2 concentration figures show an increase from around 377ppm to 385 ppm.
No correlation at this time either.
And before some get their knickers in a knot about cherry picking – remember Karoly on the ABC hatchet job on Durkin – he picked his data from 1996 to 2007.
Besides I stand by my claim – for the years and data series indicated- no warming , no correlation are facts.
Now whether this is significasnt or not – go ask David Karoly
Well SJT, there is not much warming around in a lot of places at present.
News reports this week include.-
1. ‘Earliest severe winter weather in decades across Europe.’
2. ‘Lowest November temperatures in Buenos Aires in 90 years.’
3. ‘Some record November snowfalls across the north east of the United States.’
Karoly on the ABC hatchet job on Durkin did remind one of a ‘Jack in the Box’. Jumping up and down, interjecting when others spoke against AGW.
Well Lawrie 2007 looks like it may be 2nd warmest – the temperature has wiggled around before and will wiggle around again. If the global temperature heads south to 1970 levels or flat lines for another decade then you can start to raise hell. The reality is that the temperatures are record warmish and staying that way.
You say no correlation – yes indeed – not statistically significant. Diviners of every wiggle are bound to be disappointed. Keep watching and hoping it will cool !
Are the warmers hoping for more warming? CO2 didn’t bring us to 1970 levels – solar did.
“Are the warmers hoping for more warming? ”
I see that kind of accusation made repeatedly. It’s abusive.
Luke I would agree that a decade (almost)of data is not what I would be forming my opinions on BUT the Darling Alarmer of the ABC (Karoly) started it. Well maybe Bob Carter did but Karoly followed suit.
AND he could not be wrong as he is a lead of one of the IPCC working groups or the like.
But importantly Luke your claim re 2007 is based on what? (A genuine enquiry I really would like your source please.)
BTW I do have Karoly’s data as he was good enough to let me have it in response to my query of him after the ABC’s jerkin’ Durkin show.
Gee Sid, smells like more frequent extreme weather events to me.
36 in Melb yesterday SJT, so I disagree, definitely warming…
Lawrie – Tamino – here – http://tamino.wordpress.com/2007/11/10/temperature-2007/ AN opinion !
Sid is totally disingenous as always – colder extremes have declined. I did an extensive post on the issue.
Posting cherry picked weather reports is just propagandising. Sid never publishes the warm ones just the coldies as he reckons there is a conspircacy not to report coldies nd overreport warmies (strange as he is reporting existing reports again – errr ???)
Sid when pressed won’t give you any TREND information on extremes though which IS THE issue.
I did a guest post here last year on cold trends under AGW.
What would you expect under AGW ?? Instant warm everywhere. No more variability.? Think again.
I note your original post was abridged by Jennifer. Any chance you would be willing to e-mail the complete paper to me please.
Thanks also for the other link, definitely worth some study.
Lawrie – Am sending draft via Paul Biggs. Was a cached version so not sure what version etc. All I have.
Luke – many thanks for your courtesy and of course your paper.
Thanks also to Paul .
Ok – received Luke – What do I do with it now?
Ah! Ok – forwarded to Lawrie.