I’ve never seen a Potoroo – apparently members of the genus look like rats and can hop like kangaroos.
The Gilbert’s Potoroo is Australia’s most endangered marsupial and it’s not climate change but rather syphilis that may result in its extinction. At least that’s what an ABC Online article suggests, but when you read a bit further there is reason for optimism because there is a syphilis-free population on Bald Island.
Read more here: http://www.abc.net.au/science/news/stories/2007/2089599.htm
Thanks to both Libby and Woody for the link.
And here’s a link to the Gilbert’s Potoroo’s Action Group website: http://www.potoroo.org/
And which sicko departmental puppy is responsible for that one crossing the species barrier? Or did they get it off a toilet seat?
The U.N. appointed a special commission which determined that the spread of syphilis to the Potoroos was caused by President Bush. A consensus report will be forthcoming.
There is a new captive animal facility set up on the NSW south coast called Potoroo Palace. They house long-nosed potoroos and other native species. Potoroos, like quokkas, can become incredibly tame, and I believe in South Australia it is legal to keep them as pets (long-nosed, not Gilbert’s). I think the Gilbert’s needs a good PR agent.
I suspect there may be a secret international network of Gilberts, linked by the world wide web, who may have something to do with this. Hint, George is only a nickname, his real name is Gilbert W Bush.
Ian, your reserved and deep seated toilet humour reminded me of an Irish priest I met in Africa. He told the story of a priest ( another?) who confessed to his Bishop of catching a disease we dare not say the name from a toilet seat.He was admonished that such a defence was reserved for Bishops and above. What is yours, Ian.
I believe the officially approved presidential defence, Bazza, is;
“read my lips, I did not have sexual relations with that Potoroo, Miss Gilbert”.
My grandfather got syphilis in WWI. My mother has told me stories of how much pain he was in and how hard it was for her mother and siblings. It is an awful affliction and yet so many soldiers suffered similar ordeals.
That would explain a few things, Travis.
But back on topic, how did the Potoroos get the clap?
You are obviously suggesting that my digger grandfather’s suffering from a venereal disease and the subsequent hardship my mother and her siblings endured has something to do with what I have become Ian. To rely on such lowlife tactics shows what a true fuckwit you really are. The only contributor here who has been on topic has been Libby. Your contributions, as always, are personal attacks (this time involving someone’s family suffering) and ‘toilet-humour’. You are a true waste of life.
The only clear fact is Mott’s sexual peversion
Gosh, Travis, you can dish it out, as you have done on numerous occasions on this blog, but appear to have a glass jaw.
And whether you accept it as fact or not, on the balance of probability, your Grandfathers syphilis has had a bearing on what you have become. I have no idea what form this may have taken and no particular desire to find out.
You may care to read up on how King Henry 8th’s syphilis had a bearing on his wives and daughter’s (Elizabeth I) incapacity to produce an heir and the resulting impact on British history for more than a century. It was Harry’s syphilis that spawned the Church of England, triggered the Spanish Armada, the conquest of Scotland and led to the rise of Cromwell.
But if you feel the need to wallow in self pity or pained indignation then, by all means, be my guest.
Well there is no accounting for you being a fuckwit Ian. It’s just something inherent in you and no fault of your ancestors.
No Ian, I do not ‘feel the need to wallow in self pity or pained indignation’. I just feel sorry for you. Attacking someone’s family (which I have not done, despite your accusation) and their suffering (which you seem to correlate with me feeling sorry for ‘myself’), for the effect at getting back at a blog contributor is low, but obviously not beyond your amazing ability to invert yourself.
My Grandfather survived the Flanders gig too, Travis, but he didn’t get Syphilis. Was he just lucky? I think not.
You see, every day of his long life he rose early to bring tea and toast in bed to the love of his life. And he inspired three generations of “one woman dogs”. It was we who were lucky.
My Grandfather survived the Flanders gig too, Travis, but he didn’t get Syphilis. Was he just lucky? I think not.
You see, every day of his long life he rose early to bring tea and toast in bed to his childhood sweatheart. And he inspired three generations of “one woman dogs”. It was we who were lucky.
Wow, are you really implying that my grandfather was unfaithful to my grandmother? Surely not! Not even YOU could be that stupid. I suggest you clarify your statement, if you have the balls. I look forward to your reply – for once.
Travis, I don’t know if Syphilis has any impact on intellect in subsequent generations but looking back over this thread it has become quite clear to me that most people, when faced with the kind of quip that has set you off, would simply say “up yours” and move on.
But for some reason apparent only to yourself, you have chosen to indulge in a fit of pique instead. I have absolutely zero interest in either yourself or your squalid family history. You have had much more of my time than you could ever deserve.
Yep, that would be right Mott. Throw rocks and then run away. Now you are claiming my family history is ‘squalid’. You have chosen to try and insult me by making derogatory insinuations about my family. It is clear to see and will be archived for future reference.
If you see my comment 20 November 7:04 you would see I basically told you to fuck off, but instead of leaving it or apologising, it was you who decided to continue and take it even further. ‘Most people’ Ian, would not stoop so low and make any such ‘quip’ in the first place, let alone continue the attack and then claim too much of their time has been taken. I really have to wonder about your level of intellect.
It reminds me of a guy who didn’t get on with a certain fellow and decided to mock his child, who had a disability on account of a car accident. Years later, the bully’s own kid ‘mysteriously’ suffered a similar injury. Sadly the idiot didn’t learn anything from ‘Karma’ but his family suffered tremendously. Tsk tsk.
There, there, now Travis. Just wipe the spittle off your screen and go and have a good lie down. Maybe a Vallium holiday would do the trick?
ELOL!!! It’s amazing how the bully can’t help himself despite proclaiming idignantly I have taken up too much of his precious time! Insights into such human behaviour really are fascinating. I wonder what it is in your psyche that makes you want to lash out at other’s and then at their families? No valium holiday for you Ian, a green dream would be far more effective, failing that, a well-planned ‘accident’.
Dark, gothic oaths, family honour, and curses down the generations. God Dammn, this blog has just about everything, eh?
Not to mention a gutless fuckwit who makes comments but doesn’t back them up when cornered and can’t help but keep typing away despite having soooo much of his time taken up. Poor little Snotty school boy just HAS to keep pickin’ up them stones. Perhaps he should be moved to Gaza.
Hang on
“And he inspired three generations of “one woman dogs”. It was we who were lucky….
But what ever happened to the Nordic norties in the Mediterranean?
At least the dog bit was accurate.
Wholesome family adventures and home-spun philosophy from unca Ian.
I was wondering if we would hear from the village idiot.
>I was wondering if we would hear from the village idiot.
Seems to be an echo in here…