WARNING – The photograph below may cause some distress.
Picture # 1.
If you’re a ( sports ) fisherman , please never leave your fishing gear behind you in the nature. There happens lots of accidents with left behind fishing gear.
Reader Interactions
Most sports fishermen use dissolving hooks, like Mustad
Horrible photo, no gain for anyone
Ann Noveksays
Fishing Line and Hook Injuries
Before the introduction of nylon monofilament fishing line, anglers would use catgut which was biodegradeable so if it was discarded it would only remain as a hazard until it disintegrated.
Monofilament line, does not degrade , and coupled with any hooks or weights still attached , is particularly dangerous to most water birds, especially swans.
The line may have been left entangled in a tree or waterside vegetation and may still even have the bait attached to the hook. Birds, especially swans , will be attracted to the bait and will often swallow it and the hook , and the line , and any weights attached.
Once in the oesophagus the hook easily becomes snagged in the soft oesopohagus walls and being barbed is not easily removed.
Rog, the pics are meant to be horrible as to disencourage people to leave fishing lines and hooks in the environment.
These type of injuries are,unfortunately,all too common around coastal areas near Melb.
Ann, I think the photo needs more explaination. Where was the bird found, how did it happen, what is the solution?
Ann Noveksays
Hi Jennifer,
First of all I want to apologise to readers that the pictures needed a warning for sensitive content. It was meant that the pics should be much smaller and in that way not so frightening.
I have proposed Jennifer to delete the posts!
The swan on the pic was found on a beach near Stockholm. It was the third time it was affected by a hook/ line injury. All birds in the rehab centre are marked.
It was entangeled in left behind lines and a hook.
She was eutanized.
As for solutions, it is impossible to ban sports fishing. Maybe Rog can provide more information on
Mustad hooks. Maybe a bigger information campaign is as well needed to the public.
Most sports fishermen use dissolving hooks, like Mustad
Horrible photo, no gain for anyone
Fishing Line and Hook Injuries
Before the introduction of nylon monofilament fishing line, anglers would use catgut which was biodegradeable so if it was discarded it would only remain as a hazard until it disintegrated.
Monofilament line, does not degrade , and coupled with any hooks or weights still attached , is particularly dangerous to most water birds, especially swans.
The line may have been left entangled in a tree or waterside vegetation and may still even have the bait attached to the hook. Birds, especially swans , will be attracted to the bait and will often swallow it and the hook , and the line , and any weights attached.
Once in the oesophagus the hook easily becomes snagged in the soft oesopohagus walls and being barbed is not easily removed.
Rog, the pics are meant to be horrible as to disencourage people to leave fishing lines and hooks in the environment.
These type of injuries are,unfortunately,all too common around coastal areas near Melb.
Ann, I think the photo needs more explaination. Where was the bird found, how did it happen, what is the solution?
Hi Jennifer,
First of all I want to apologise to readers that the pictures needed a warning for sensitive content. It was meant that the pics should be much smaller and in that way not so frightening.
I have proposed Jennifer to delete the posts!
The swan on the pic was found on a beach near Stockholm. It was the third time it was affected by a hook/ line injury. All birds in the rehab centre are marked.
It was entangeled in left behind lines and a hook.
She was eutanized.
As for solutions, it is impossible to ban sports fishing. Maybe Rog can provide more information on
Mustad hooks. Maybe a bigger information campaign is as well needed to the public.