There’s an interesting story on the BBC website: Arctic muds reveal sea ice record
A new technique to track changes in the extent of Arctic sea ice over the past 1,000 years is being developed by a UK team from the University of Plymouth.
There is little in the way of sea ice records before satellite measurements began in 1979.
Dr Masse said: “Significantly, periods of sea ice cover frequently coincide with dramatic changes to human populations due to famines and illnesses.”
Imagine that – cold periods mean more sea ice, famine and illness.
I can’t wait to see the 1000 year record – should give rather more perspective than a 28 year record.
Yes Paul,
I agree, it will be revealing. I am glad to see that some scientists are working in a positive and ingenious way to find out the naked truth. Better than all the political spin, and argy-bargy. If they come up with a clear result I will accept it, whatever version of climate history it supports.
No you won’t.
I get the feeling you’re right there Luke. But I wonder why this particular piece of science is the one to be anointed with such authority by Davey?
Been away for a few days in the bush, actually doing something for the natural environment, as all good country greenies should. Was that Tweedledum and Tweedledummer squeaking? They must be urban Greenies. Neither would recognize good science if they fell over it, because neither is actually a scientist. Just verbose eco-poseurs.