Reported in the Daily Mail today:
Schools must warn of Gore climate film bias
Schools will have to issue a warning before they show pupils Al Gore’s controversial film about global warming, a judge indicated yesterday.
The move follows a High Court action by a father who accused the Government of ‘brainwashing’ children with propaganda by showing it in the classroom.
Stewart Dimmock said the former U.S. Vice-President’s documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, is unfit for schools because it is politically biased and contains serious scientific inaccuracies and ‘sentimental mush’.
He wants the video banned after it was distributed with four other short films to 3,500 schools in February.
Mr Justice Burton is due to deliver a ruling on the case next week, but yesterday he said he would be saying that Gore’s Oscar-winning film does promote ‘partisan political views’. This means that teachers will have to warn pupils that there are other opinions on global warming and they should not necessarily accept the views of the film.
While the teachers are at it, get them to warn pupils there are other views on evolution and homeopathy as well.
Of course spin is everywhere – we shouldn’t trust Wiki either perhaps:
Monckton caught out asks:
Did Lord Monckton fabricate a claim on his Wikipedia page asks:
Wonder if Marc Morano will alert us to this one?
Cucumber sangers and Earl Grey all round I guess.
A good outcome.
It would be even better if the Judge suggests ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ be shown with the other great polemic … The Great Global Warming Swindle!
Thanks Paul … for keeping us up to date.
Thanks Jen – a partial but welocome victory over climate propaganda presented as fact.
Luke – I wouldn’t worry too much about Monckton – he’s not driving climate science or policy.
As for swivel-eyed ‘Moonbat’ – he’s been caught out telling porkies about John Christy – he writes nothing but drivel about climate science, which he uses, like all watermelons, as a vehicle for a wider agenda.
Jen – are you really serious that you’d want the Swindle shown too as “balance”? If you were consistent you’d suggest the lot be binned. So if you think AIT is crud you’d like to balance it with ultra-crud on steroids. Yes kiddies it’s OK to doctor your data sets.
And so lies bare the denialist agenda – “any old iron” – “means justifys the ends”.
So Monckton is now officially out? I’ll let the others know.
I watched the ABC’s critique of the GGWS. They seemed fixated on the surface temp record, as if the Swindle producers should be obligued to use Hansen’s Giss data, when the crux of the matter is that Hansen has been cooking the books.
Turns out that Swindle’s temperature reconstruction squares with satellite temperature records and solar activity.
only if you leave out the last bit.
Hansen hasn’t been cooking the books.
Here’s the ruling: