Britain faces the prospect of power shortages and soaring prices this winter after the National Grid warned of a shortfall in electricity-generating capacity yesterday. The alert coincides with a surge in gas prices, which are now 40% higher than in continental Europe, and the confirmation that a vital import plant in South Wales will not be operational this winter.
The Guardian: Rising fear of energy crisis this winter
A big rise in heating costs has europeans turning down the central heating – boosting the sales of warmer clothing.
All of a sudden they are all talking about wool!
I understand Australia has lots of natural gas and that it is sold to eastern customers for five cents a litre.
I also understand that years ago the NG price was tied to petrol prices.
We have seen an obscene price rise of NG in Australia with little or no justification.
eg some years ago I paid $13 for bottled gas, now it is $28 for 100 lbs, if you shop around. There need be an inquiry into this as now Australia has huge reserves. Retro. fitting of gas to cars is so uneconomical as to be humorous. Last I checked $2000 to retro fit, with a three year write down on the expenditure. With gas prices of 40 cents a litre. No recovery of the expenditure when reselling a three year old car and then a loss of economy in the order of 5klm per litre. What a joke we are enduring. Am I the only one to see this JOKE?