Finding humor in life does require a sense of maturity. You can’t always go around being offended or never taking a moment to laugh.
Great – thanks I find the little kiddies like to wear them and emulate Al after I show them AIT. We also do the Nobel Prize ceremony where the whole class wearing masks gets the Nobel Prize. Kids love it.
Al Goresays
Let all my minons rejoice in me.
What better night in the year to praise doom and show the world how truly evil the non converted are and how noice we are.
I note they are playing my psalm on the radio from time to time, so brethren and sistren loyal alcholytes all, lets make it a number 1 hit, get onto DJs world wide.( Good Gore on the Rise)
I will put all royalties into my brand new Swiss Style enviro account, for world doom protection, no dont donate there, as it hasn’t got a name only a number. Trust me.
As for masks I’m sure the little tackers and sprogs wouyld be quite happy to donate this years pocket money for a chance to look like me.
That’s right my Gore mask is only two hundred dollars per child, batteries not included, think of the fun they will have, scaring school teachers into showing my Action Movie, An inconvenient truth.
and always remember
That will be $180,000 USD because I am green and love green backs.
Vote Gore by consensus, world’s best scientist.
Nobel Laureate,
(it’s just a shame my old environment mate, Yasser wasn’t there for the award ceremony. He taught me all I need to know about the converting people to peaceful environmental outcomes.)
Gaia’s pax and all that Jazz babies.
Gotta rush my old science mate Oprah has a new doom theory.
Here is a new video on old stuff :
I’ll just go with what the science is saying, thanks.
When it comes to their religion, the faithful do not take kindly to mockery.
>the faithful do not take kindly to mockery.
So I guess then the unfaithful like to mock. And I thought you guys believed in what you wrote…
There should be a lore
against impersonating Algore
Forget the candy, forget UNICEF (I do). The Halloween trick-or-treaters should tell people that they are collecting money to buy carbon credits from Al Gore.
Or should I say ‘Alloween?
Luke and SJT should play make-believe, like they do with global warming, and wear this mask while writing comments.
It is comforting to see the level of maturity exhibited nowadays on this weblog – it reaffirms my initial opinions.
Finding humor in life does require a sense of maturity. You can’t always go around being offended or never taking a moment to laugh.
Great – thanks I find the little kiddies like to wear them and emulate Al after I show them AIT. We also do the Nobel Prize ceremony where the whole class wearing masks gets the Nobel Prize. Kids love it.
Let all my minons rejoice in me.
What better night in the year to praise doom and show the world how truly evil the non converted are and how noice we are.
I note they are playing my psalm on the radio from time to time, so brethren and sistren loyal alcholytes all, lets make it a number 1 hit, get onto DJs world wide.( Good Gore on the Rise)
I will put all royalties into my brand new Swiss Style enviro account, for world doom protection, no dont donate there, as it hasn’t got a name only a number. Trust me.
As for masks I’m sure the little tackers and sprogs wouyld be quite happy to donate this years pocket money for a chance to look like me.
That’s right my Gore mask is only two hundred dollars per child, batteries not included, think of the fun they will have, scaring school teachers into showing my Action Movie, An inconvenient truth.
and always remember
That will be $180,000 USD because I am green and love green backs.
Vote Gore by consensus, world’s best scientist.
Nobel Laureate,
(it’s just a shame my old environment mate, Yasser wasn’t there for the award ceremony. He taught me all I need to know about the converting people to peaceful environmental outcomes.)
Gaia’s pax and all that Jazz babies.
Gotta rush my old science mate Oprah has a new doom theory.
Here is a new video on old stuff :
I’ll just go with what the science is saying, thanks.
When it comes to their religion, the faithful do not take kindly to mockery.
>the faithful do not take kindly to mockery.
So I guess then the unfaithful like to mock. And I thought you guys believed in what you wrote…
There should be a lore
against impersonating Algore
Forget the candy, forget UNICEF (I do). The Halloween trick-or-treaters should tell people that they are collecting money to buy carbon credits from Al Gore.
meanwhile back in the real world…