The ABC host introduced his regular “Give Me a Break” segment: “You’ve heard the reports. The globe is warming. And it’s our fault. And the consequences will be terrible. But you should know there is another side to this story. And scientists who’ve tried to tell it are often threatened. Which makes me say, ‘Give Me a Break.'”
Read the rest of the NewsBusters report:
ABC’s Stossel Takes on Gore Movie, Talks to Dissenting Scientists
Seems a bit like a mini version of TGGWS.
Thanks to Marc Morano for sending the link.
A mini version of the TGGWS? Is it that bad. I thought they would have lifted the level of debate and only made as many errors as Gore made.
The Tasmanian government is tackling climate change and there may be someone out there that wants to help.
If so this job might be good for you!
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Climate Change Office Director (001359)
Applications Close:– Friday, 9 November 2007.
Salary:– $121,034–$133,137 per annum.
Senior Executive, Level 3.
Location:– Hobart.
Duties:– Within a broad strategic framework, lead the implementation of the Government’s Climate Change Strategy. Provide informed authoritative advice to the Premier, Ministers and the Government in the development of whole-of-government policy on climate change. Work with business and industry to identify economic opportunities and drive innovation. Build capacity across Government to recognise and respond to the policy and planning challenges of climate change.
Desirable Requirements:– Relevant tertiary qualifications or demonstration of an equivalent level of skills.
Applications to Department of Premier and Cabinet, GPO Box 123 Hobart Tasmania 7001, phone , email
& they reckon there’s no gravy train
Sure, he’s not paid to advocate.