Study finds global warming affecting bird migration
Climate change may not be noticeable to all humans yet, but the behaviour of birds suggests the seasons have already changed.
A researcher at the weather bureau has found that some spring migrating birds are arriving many days earlier than they used to.
Short-term targets key to tackling climate change: report
A new report says a 30 per cent reduction in greenhouse emissions by 2020 is an achievable target for Australia.
Turnbull hints at ratifying new climate change agreement
Federal Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull has signalled Australia may ratify the next international climate change deal that comes into effect when the Kyoto Protocol expires.
World energy revolution needed for climate: U.S.
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Monday the world needs a revolution on energy that transcends oil, gas and coal to prevent problems from climate change.
“Ultimately, we must develop and bring to market new energy technologies that transcend the current system of fossil fuels, carbon emissions and economic activity. Put simply, the world needs a technological revolution,” Rice told delegates at a special U.N. conference on climate change.
On early seasons and bird migration, our best indicator in S E Australia has to be the so called “Summerbird” or Black Faced Cuckoo Shrike as it definitely re appears at the head of the fire season. It’s been around the ACT for weeks, quite early considering.
A google on recent sightings is interesting. See a typical list here –
*crickets chirping*