I really like your blog and visit it a lot. Perhaps you and your readers would enjoy a bit of levity at the expense of extremist activists! And of course, I’d appreciate the attention.
Eric Baumholder
Since when did organic farmers become ‘extremist activists’?
I remember hearing jokes of a similar calibre to those in the 1970s, the only difference is back then they were aimed at the Irish, the mentally / physically handicapped and people who did not have white skin.
Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose.
From Gillo’s blog( Gillo works for Greenpeace International):
Coming from an environmental background I cannot but smile looking at the ‘Hippies Smell’ t-shirts. Which of course look better on parfumed blond models than on me.
Don’t know what stories the Englishmen had on the Irish or mentally ill, but even if Sweden and Norway are the best neighbours in the world, we both have them somewhat nasty/funny cheap jokes on each others mental capacity.
And if Swedes are especially annoyed with the Norwegians , we call them ” sälmördare i lusekoftor”, ie sealmurderers in traditional wool sweaters”! This of course angers the Norwegians and Swedes are always reminded how nazi friendly they were during the WWII.
So the stories go, even between friends….