I gather there are three 'things' now shared by most communities on this earth: keys, money and mobile phones. So with the development of new software that enables mobile phones to track our carbon footprint, well, perhaps we can each soon be … [Read more...] about Mobile Phones to Track Carbon Footprint
Counting Cows In Outback Australia
A Queensland jackeroo ('jackeroo'=cowboy, Australian version!) is overseeing his herd in remote territory when suddenly a brand-new BMW advances out of a dust cloud towards him. The driver, a young man in a designer suit, Gucci shoes, Ray Ban … [Read more...] about Counting Cows In Outback Australia
New Detailed Analysis of Global Temperature Data Does Not Support Significant Role for Carbon Dioxide
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has stated that: Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations, … [Read more...] about New Detailed Analysis of Global Temperature Data Does Not Support Significant Role for Carbon Dioxide
Rajendra Pachauri to Speak in Sydney
Dr Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) and Nobel Prize Winner, will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Science honoris causa and deliver the 2008 Wallace Wurth Memorial Lecture entitled: "Our Vulnerable … [Read more...] about Rajendra Pachauri to Speak in Sydney
Temperature Trends and Carbon Dioxide: A Note from Cohenite
Hi Jennifer, Looking at the temperature trends from 1900-2008, it is not clear that there is a carbon dioxide signal. In a recent post I looked at how base periods can create an artificial upwards temperature … [Read more...] about Temperature Trends and Carbon Dioxide: A Note from Cohenite
Richard Lindzen on the Politicization of Science
Hi Jen, Have you read Richard Lindzen's article about the politicization of science. Did you know Realclimate.org is an astroturf set up by a left-wing PR firm? Al Gore sued Fred Singer to remove a co-author. Numerous heads of climate science … [Read more...] about Richard Lindzen on the Politicization of Science