KEVIN Rudd is about to bank his leadership on a variation of Pascal’s wager, appropriate during the Pope’s visit but reflecting a new and risky calculus in Australian politics. His independent expert Ross Garnaut has done the same, as he explained … [Read more...] about Krudd’s Karbon Krunch and Pascal’s Wager
Australian Government Releases Green Paper on Emissions Trading Scheme
The Australian Government today released proposals for a new plan to tackle climate change by reducing carbon pollution. The associated media release entitled, GREEN PAPER ON CARBON POLLUTION REDUCTION SCHEME RELEASED' states that: "Releasing the … [Read more...] about Australian Government Releases Green Paper on Emissions Trading Scheme
Three Peer Reviewed Research Findings Ignored by the IPCC and CCSP
Roger Pielke Sr has highlighted three research findings that are in the peer reviewed literature, but have been completely ignored by the IPCC and CCSP climate assessment communities, nor have they been refuted in the literature. These are just … [Read more...] about Three Peer Reviewed Research Findings Ignored by the IPCC and CCSP
Global Warming: Recent Evidence for Reduced Climate Sensitivity
Dr. Roy Spencer from The University of Alabama at Huntsville will be presenting a special seminar at CU Boulder in the CIRES Auditorium on Thursday, July 17th, based on the Journal of Climate paper (in press): Spencer, R.W., and W.D. Braswell, 2008: … [Read more...] about Global Warming: Recent Evidence for Reduced Climate Sensitivity
Some More Things ‘Caused’ by ‘Global Warming’
A top Democrat told high school students gathered at the U.S. Capitol Thursday that climate change caused Hurricane Katrina and the conflict in Darfur, which led to the “black hawk down” battle between U.S. troops and Somali rebels. Rep. Edward … [Read more...] about Some More Things ‘Caused’ by ‘Global Warming’
Close Encounter of the Cassowary Kind
Breakfast at Cooper Creek Wilderness took a dramatic turn this morning with the unexpected arrival of a distressed cassowary chick. Not more than a month old, its separation from its family unit was cause for great concern. It ran about whistling … [Read more...] about Close Encounter of the Cassowary Kind