There has been a fair interest at this blog in marine mammals, in particular whales. (If you are a new reader just do a search using the word 'whale' or 'whaling'.) But I actually think dugongs are more beautiful and probably more vulnerable as a … [Read more...] about Steller’s Sea Cow
Congratulations to Dr Jim Peacock
Congratulations to Dr Jim Peacock who was recently appointed to the postion of Chief Scientist for Australia. I have always admired his dogged approach to GM issues. He was waving the flag in a very matter-of-fact way when it was most unfashinable … [Read more...] about Congratulations to Dr Jim Peacock
BOINC and save the planet!
Everyone with a computer can help scientists better understand the universe, or just climate change, according to Phil Done. In the following guest post Phil suggests we all join the The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) … [Read more...] about BOINC and save the planet!
Al Gore, and Another Air Conditioner in the Wall
"How can anyone living through today's bizarre and mutable weather not be concerned about global warming?" wrote David Kirkpatrick in a recent issue of CNN Money. Kirkpatrick then goes on to tell us that he heard the best speech from former US Vice … [Read more...] about Al Gore, and Another Air Conditioner in the Wall
Leatherback Turtles Facing Extinction
Marine ecologist Larry Crowder from Duke University in the US is reported at BBC News Online claiming that leatherback turtles face extinction within 30 years if there are not dramatic changes to fishing practices. According to the International … [Read more...] about Leatherback Turtles Facing Extinction
More Tall Tales from Jared Diamond
I would like to think that Australia's national broadcaster would take-to-task an American who writes a best selling book that is full of factual errors that denigrate Australia. But instead our ABC just keeps giving him more time on radio to tell … [Read more...] about More Tall Tales from Jared Diamond