Mr. Gerhardt Pearson (Balkanu Cape York Development Corporation CEO), Professsor Tim Flannery (2007 Australian of the Year) and Ms. Tania Major (2007 Young Australian of the Year) introduced the Cape York Conservation Agenda at a public seminar … [Read more...] about Kin and Country – The Cape York Indigenous Conservation Agenda
The disposal of our heritage
Douglas Shire Council (DSC) has authorised the public release of its Blue Hole Reserve draft Management Plan, which aims to create a reserve for community purposes at a site of global environmental and cultural heritage significance, at the centre of … [Read more...] about The disposal of our heritage
The Guillemot and the Mirror
This is a guillemot (Uri aalge). A seabird found along the Scandinavian coast. This fellow is suffering from a leg injury and recoverying at a small animal rehabilitation centre north of Stockholm in Sweden. According to Ann Novek, who sent in … [Read more...] about The Guillemot and the Mirror
Sweden’s Smallest Owl
Hi Jennifer, We run a small animal rehab centre north of Stockhom in Sweden. Due to some problems with rooms, activity has slowed downed a bit. Usually we have about 1200 patients each year - all species of birds and small mammals (mostly … [Read more...] about Sweden’s Smallest Owl
A Few Thoughts
I apologise for not posting very much over the last week. I have been somewhat preoccupied with my trip to Indonesia. I am leaving next Thursday for 10 days. I am not sure whether I will have good internet access while I am away. I will be … [Read more...] about A Few Thoughts
Another Pedia
It's not on the net, but it's in the hard copy of today's The Australian(pg 36), an article entitled 'Wikipedia references a source of anxiety' detailing how "male, crude and given to the concerns of the rich middle class" is the internet, but, not … [Read more...] about Another Pedia