"The Commonwealth [of Australia] has failed in an attempt to have a compensation claim by farmers fighting land clearing regulations dismissed. "The group known as the Commonwealth Property Protection Association has filed a claim against the … [Read more...] about Farmers in Court for Carbon Credit Compensation
Low World Grain Supplies: US National Farmers Union
"The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its first projections of world grain supply and demand for the coming crop year: 2007/08. USDA predicts supplies will plunge to a 53-day equivalent-their lowest level in the 47-year period … [Read more...] about Low World Grain Supplies: US National Farmers Union
Minister and Cabinet Fund Secret GM Feeding Study: A Note from Ian Edwards
Hello Jennifer, We had a very lively GMO [genetically modified organism] Reference Group Meeting [in Perth, Western Australia,] this morning and I had the opportunity to lay a few concerns on the line with the Agriculture Minister, Kim Chance, … [Read more...] about Minister and Cabinet Fund Secret GM Feeding Study: A Note from Ian Edwards
Mothers rally against “GM” milk
"Mothers and children will rally outstide the United Dairyfarmers of Victora (UDV) conference in Melbourne on Tuesday to voice their opposition to milk produced from cows fed genetically modified (GM) grain," according to a story in … [Read more...] about Mothers rally against “GM” milk
The Cost of Supplying Melbourne With Irrigation Water: A Note from Rojo
Hi Jennifer, I've just read an article in The Australian regarding a possible sweetner for the Bracks government, namely consideration of a $1.5 billion pipeline to supply Melbourne with water from the Murray river system. I haven't found what the … [Read more...] about The Cost of Supplying Melbourne With Irrigation Water: A Note from Rojo
Japan Really a Winner from Recent IWC Meeting: A Note from Ann Novek
Greenpeace and most anti whaling organisations proclaimed victory for the whales after the annual International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting in Anchorage and a deafening defeat for the pro-whaling nations. This is hardly the truth. Most IWC … [Read more...] about Japan Really a Winner from Recent IWC Meeting: A Note from Ann Novek