In the whaling countries, Norway, Japan and Iceland, whaling and whale watching exists side by side. In Norway the whale watching industry is focused on sperm whales and killer whales and whale watching doesn’t happen near minke whale hunting … [Read more...] about Can Whaling and Whale Watching Coexist? A Note from Ann Novek
New Report Backs GM Crops: Media Release from Peter McGauran
Australian farmers and consumers can find the information they need to make informed decisions about GM canola in a new report released today by the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Peter McGauran. Mr McGauran said that GM Canola – … [Read more...] about New Report Backs GM Crops: Media Release from Peter McGauran
Australia’s climate sceptic MPs
CANBERRA, Australia: Four Australian governing party lawmakers rejected on Monday the idea that humans are causing global warming, the conclusion reached by their colleagues on a parliamentary committee. Read more here: Coalition MPs dispute … [Read more...] about Australia’s climate sceptic MPs
Let the Poor have Water, not Ideology: A New Paper from Alex Nash
This year’s World Water Week will see activists gather in Stockholm to discuss ways of getting clean water to the 1 billion people around the world who are currently without it. But, if water activists remain blinkered by ideology and continue to … [Read more...] about Let the Poor have Water, not Ideology: A New Paper from Alex Nash
Newsweek Editor Debunks Newsweek Story on Global Warming Deniers
Last week the magazine Newsweek published a cover story on global warming suggesting global warming "deniers" were well funded, influential and unscrupulous. This week the magazine has essentially debunked its own story. Contributing Editor Robert … [Read more...] about Newsweek Editor Debunks Newsweek Story on Global Warming Deniers
UK mathematician alleges IPCC Urban Heat Island fraud
The allegations by British mathematician Douglas J Keenan concern the following 2 papers co-authored by Wei-Chyung Wang, a professor at the University at Albany, State University of New York: Jones P.D., Groisman P.Y., Coughlan M., Plummer N., Wang … [Read more...] about UK mathematician alleges IPCC Urban Heat Island fraud