Introducing the Spiny-legged Rainforest Katydid (Phricta spinosa), known colloquially as the wait-a-while cricket. It is a cryptic rainforest species with a lichen-like camouflaged colour pattern. It can grow to about 100 mm in body length. It is … [Read more...] about Wait-a-while Cricket
Inconvenient Truths about the UN’s Global Warming Panel: A Note from David Hendersen
Governments across the world are mishandling climate-change issues. Policies to curb ‘greenhouse-gas’ emissions too often take the form of costly specific regulations, rather than a general price-based incentive such as a carbon tax. More … [Read more...] about Inconvenient Truths about the UN’s Global Warming Panel: A Note from David Hendersen
Wollemi Pines Under Threat of Global Warming?
Such is the expressed concern of National Tree Day founder John Dee. However, it is unclear whether the electrified plantation of 120 new seedlings will ensure the survival of the species from the ravages of changing climate. Perhaps some comfort … [Read more...] about Wollemi Pines Under Threat of Global Warming?
Latest from the Global Warming Rubber Room: UHT instead of ‘Traditional’ Milk
Reported first in The Times: The UHT route to long-life planet It’s enough to put the nation off breakfast. Civil servants have suggested that Britons put long-life milk in tea and pour it on their cornflakes to save the planet from global … [Read more...] about Latest from the Global Warming Rubber Room: UHT instead of ‘Traditional’ Milk
Who’d Buy a Property by the Sea?
It was claimed in 'An Inconvenient Truth' that sea levels could rise by up to 20 feet in the 'near future' due to melting ice sheets. Anyone who believed such a claim wouldn't really be expected to buy a property near San Francisco Bay, would … [Read more...] about Who’d Buy a Property by the Sea?
Using Arctic Mud to Extend Sea Ice Records
There's an interesting story on the BBC website: Arctic muds reveal sea ice record A new technique to track changes in the extent of Arctic sea ice over the past 1,000 years is being developed by a UK team from the University of Plymouth. There is … [Read more...] about Using Arctic Mud to Extend Sea Ice Records