From The Times of India: Libya joins UN Security Council after leaving US terrorist list UNITED NATIONS: Libya won a seat on the UN Security Council, just over a year after the US removed the north African nation from the list of state sponsors of … [Read more...] about UN Security Council: Libya In; Czech Republic Out
The Science of Climate Change Doesn’t Matter
Local Transport Today (LTT) is a UK local authority magazine for transport professionals. The latest issue has a 3 page interview with two prominent members of the recently re-branded anti-car/anti-roads organisation 'Transport 2000,' funded by the … [Read more...] about The Science of Climate Change Doesn’t Matter
China’s Inconvenient Truth
From today's Times: China’s drive for wealth means end of our low-carbon dreams Hu Jintao wants to make every Chinese twice as rich by 2020. He has done it once – in just five years, income per capita doubled to $2,000 (£983) - and the only … [Read more...] about China’s Inconvenient Truth
Wait-a-while Cricket
Introducing the Spiny-legged Rainforest Katydid (Phricta spinosa), known colloquially as the wait-a-while cricket. It is a cryptic rainforest species with a lichen-like camouflaged colour pattern. It can grow to about 100 mm in body length. It is … [Read more...] about Wait-a-while Cricket
Inconvenient Truths about the UN’s Global Warming Panel: A Note from David Hendersen
Governments across the world are mishandling climate-change issues. Policies to curb ‘greenhouse-gas’ emissions too often take the form of costly specific regulations, rather than a general price-based incentive such as a carbon tax. More … [Read more...] about Inconvenient Truths about the UN’s Global Warming Panel: A Note from David Hendersen
Wollemi Pines Under Threat of Global Warming?
Such is the expressed concern of National Tree Day founder John Dee. However, it is unclear whether the electrified plantation of 120 new seedlings will ensure the survival of the species from the ravages of changing climate. Perhaps some comfort … [Read more...] about Wollemi Pines Under Threat of Global Warming?