The ABC host introduced his regular "Give Me a Break" segment: "You've heard the reports. The globe is warming. And it's our fault. And the consequences will be terrible. But you should know there is another side to this story. And scientists who've … [Read more...] about ABC’s “20/20” – Stossel: “Give Me a Break”
Is Motoring the New Smoking?
All advertising for new cars will have to carry cigarette-style “health warnings” about their environmental impact, under a European plan to force manufacturers to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Companies that produce the most polluting cars will … [Read more...] about Is Motoring the New Smoking?
Singer to Debate Global Warming with Keller: Calls AIT ‘Bunk’ and ‘Sloppy’
In the great, never-cooling debate over the causes and consequences of global warming, it's always clear whose side Fred Singer is on: not Al Gore's. Singer, who was born in Vienna in 1924, was a pioneer in the development of rocket and satellite … [Read more...] about Singer to Debate Global Warming with Keller: Calls AIT ‘Bunk’ and ‘Sloppy’
Election 07 in Australia and The Environment
I can’t work out whether ‘the environment’ is more or less important as an issue in Australia this federal election. Both the Coalition and ALP have agreed to allow a pulp mill to be built in Tasmania, both are hell bent on buying back water … [Read more...] about Election 07 in Australia and The Environment
Kansas Rejects Coal-Fired Power Plant due to CO2 Emissions
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment yesterday became the first government agency in the United States to cite carbon dioxide emissions as the reason for rejecting an air permit for a proposed coal-fired electricity generating plant, … [Read more...] about Kansas Rejects Coal-Fired Power Plant due to CO2 Emissions
Australia and Kyoto
MONDAY'S tax cut announcement by the Coalition means the election campaign is off to a good start. Economic policy has been moved to the top of the political agenda, as it should be. At the end of the first Kyoto commitment period in 2012, New … [Read more...] about Australia and Kyoto